Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Laure Gonnord: Architecture des ordinateurs (TD+TP=40h), L2, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard: Spring 2015.
Maroua Maleej: Algorithmique et Programmation Fonctionnelle et Récursive (TP=28h), L1, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard: Fall 2015.
Christophe Alias: Introduction à la compilation (CM+TD=24h), L3, INSA Centre-Val-de-Loire: Spring 2015.
Christophe Alias: Concours E3A—épreuve informatique MPSI (correcteur): Spring 2015.
Laure Gonnord, Program Analysis and Verification (CM 24h), M1, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. With David Monniaux.
Laure Gonnord, Compilation (TP 28h), M1, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
Laure Gonnord, Introduction aux systèmes et réseaux (CM/TP 52h), M2 Pro, Université Lyon 1.
Laure Gonnord, Compilation (TD/TP 24h), M1, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard.
Laure Gonnord, Complexité (TD 15h), M1, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard.
Laure Gonnord, Temps Réel (TP 24h), M1, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard.
Christophe Alias, Optimisation d'applications embarquées (CM+TD=18h), M1, INSA Centre-Val-de-Loire.
Christophe Alias, Advanced Compilers: Loop Transformations and High-Level Synthesis (CM 8h), M2, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
Christophe Alias, Compilation (CM 16h), M1, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon.
Tomofumi Yuki and Christophe Alias, Advanced Compilers: Loop Transformations and High-Level Synthesis, 24h, M2, ENS Lyon.
Laure Gonnord organized in Jan. 2015 a research school entitled “Static analyses in the state-of-the-art compilers” (invited speaker: Fernando Pereira). See
Tomofumi Yuki has given a one-day lecture at the École Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation 2015. See .
PhD in progress: Guillaume Iooss, “Semantic tiling”, started in September 2011, joint PhD ENS-Lyon/Colorado State University, advisors: Christophe Alias and Alain Darte (ENS-Lyon) / Sanjay Rajopadhye (Colorado State University).
PhD in progress: Alexandre Isoard, “Streaming-related code optimizations”, started in September 2012, advisor: Alain Darte.
PhD in progress: Maroua Maleej, “Low cost static analyses for compilers”, started in October 2014, advisors : Laure Gonnord and Alain Darte, then Laure Gonnord and Frédéric Vivien (Roma team).
Paul Feautrier was a member of the defense committee of the PhD of Alexis Foulhié (Grenoble, Oct. 2015), entitled “Revisiting the abstract domain of polyhedra: constraints-only representation and formal proof”, and was a reviewer for the HDR thesis of Corinne Ancourt (UPMC, May 2015), entitled “Sûreté: de l'analyse à l'instrumentation et à la synthese de code”.
Laure Gonnord was a member of the doctoral committee for the evaluation of the first year of the PhD of F. Maurica, Université de la Réunion, in Dec. 2015.
Alain Darte was the reviewer of the PhD of Gergö Barany (Technische Universität Wien, Austria, March 2015), entitled “Integrated Code Motion and Register Allocation”.