Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
BIBM 2015: IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine [D. Lavenier]
HPiC 2015: EEE International Conference on High Performance Computing [D. Lavenier]
PBC 2015: Workshop on Parallel Computational Biology [D. Lavenier]
RECOMB-SEQ 2015: RECOMB Satellite Workshop on Massively Parallel Sequencing [D. Lavenier]
WABI 2015: Workshop on Algorithms for Bioinformatics [D. Lavenier]
BIOKDD 2015: Biological Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining [D. Lavenier]
Member of the editorial boards
Reviewer - Reviewing activities
IEEE Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems [D. Lavenier]
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics [A. Mucherino]
International Transactions in Operational Research [A. Mucherino]
Invited talks
P. Peterlongo, Reference-free NGS data analysis, Litis, Rouen, March 2015.
A. Mucherino, Distance Geometry and Discretization Orders, University of Aveiro, Portugal, May 2015.
P. Peterlongo, Mapping reads on de Bruijn graphs, Bordeaux, Labri team, May 2015.
A. Mucherino, The several applications of the Distance Geometry, University of Florianopolis, Brazil, June 2015.
C. Lemaitre, Reference-free detection of genomic variants: from SNPs to inversions, "ABS4NGS", Institut Curie, Paris, France, June 2015.
P. Peterlongo, de Bruijn Graph usage and limitations, Workshop on the future of algorithmic computational biology, Bertinoro, Italy, June 2015.
D. Lavenier, Genomic Data Processing, "Journée Thématique GDR SoC-SiP", France, Nov. 2015.
P. Peterlongo, Prédiction de variants sans (ou avec) génome de référence, MIA team, Toulouse, Nov. 2015.
D. Lavenier, Hybrid assembly based on long reads, "Journée Scientifique Génomique et Bio-Informatique", France, on Dec. 2015.
Scientific expertise
Expert for the MEI (International Expertise Mission), French Research Ministry [D. Lavenier]
Member of the Scientific Council of BioGenOuest [D. Lavenier]
Member of the Scientific Council of the Computational Biology Institute of Montpellier [D. Lavenier]
Research and teaching administration
Responsible of the 3rd Year Computer Science BSc at ISTIC [R. Andonov]
Member of the local Inria Rennes CDT (Technologic Transfer Commission) [D. Lavenier]
Member of the steering committee of the INRA BIPAA Platform (BioInformatics Platform for Agro-ecosystems Arthropods) [D. Lavenier]
Member of the steering committee of The GenOuest Platform (Bioinformatics Platform of BioGenOuest) [D. Lavenier]
Representative of the environmental axis of UMR IRISA [C. Lemaitre]
Inria center referee of Scientific mediation [P. Peterlongo]
Member of the redaction committee Ouest Inria [P. Peterlongo]
Bordeaux University Engineer recruitment committee [C. Lemaitre]
INRA Engineer recruitment committee, STLO, Rennes [F. Legeai]
Assistant Professor recruitment committee, University of Brest [D. Lavenier]
Professor recruitment committee, Polytech Montpellier [D. Lavenier]
Scientific Responsible for International Relationships at ISTIC [A. Mucherino]
Member of "Commission Affaires Internationales" at University of Rennes 1 [A. Mucherino]
Member of the ISA Phd grant attribution jury [P. Peterlongo]