Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
General chair, scientific chair
Manuel Serrano was the General chair of the 11th ACM Dynamic Language Symposium (DLS'15), co-located with Splash 2015 ( ). Manuel Serrano was the General chair of 13th Trends In Functional Programming Symposium. ( ).
Member of the organizing committees
Nataliia Bielova was a publication chair of International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software and Systems (ESSoS 2015). Ilaria Castellani co-organised the workshop TRENDS 2015, affiliated with the CONCUR 2015 conference which took place in Madrid at the beginning of September.
Scientific events selection
Member of the conference program committees
Ilaria Castellani served on the programme committee member of the conferences CONCUR 2015, TGC 2015, TTCS 2015 and ICTAC 2015.
Tamara Rezk served on the programme committee member of the conferences ESSOS 2015, CSF 2015, POST 2015, PLAS 2015.
Manuel Serrano served on the program committee of the 20th ACM ICFP'15.