Section: Research Program


Participants : Benedikt Bollig, Thomas Chatain, Paul Gastin, Stefan Haar, Serge Haddad.


Systems and services exhibit non-trivial interaction between specialized and heterogeneous components. This interplay is challenging for several reasons. On one hand, a coordinated interplay of several components is required, though each has only a limited, partial view of the system's configuration. We refer to this problem as distributed synthesis or distributed control. An aggravating factor is that the structure of a component might be semi-transparent, which requires a form of grey box management.

Interaction, one of the main characteristics of systems under consideration, often involves an environment that is not under the control of cooperating services. To achieve a common goal, the services need to agree upon a strategy that allows them to react appropriately regardless of the interactions with the environment. Clearly, the notions of opponents and strategies fall within game theory, which is naturally one of our main tools in exploring interaction. We will apply to our problems techniques and results developed in the domains of distributed games and of games with partial information. We will consider also new problems on games that arise from our applications.

Distributed Control

Participants : Benedikt Bollig, Thomas Chatain, Paul Gastin, Stefan Haar.

Program synthesis, as introduced by Church  [59] aims at deriving directly an implementation from a specification, allowing the implementation to be correct by design. When the implementation is already at hand but choices remain to be resolved at run time then the problem becomes controller synthesis. Both program and controller synthesis have been extensively studied for sequential systems. In a distributed setting, we need to synthesize a distributed program or distributed controllers that interact locally with the system components. The main difficulty comes from the fact that the local controllers/programs have only a partial view of the entire system. This is also an old problem largely considered undecidable in most settings  [76] , [71] , [74] , [65] , [67] .

Actually, the main undecidability sources come from the fact that this problem was addressed in a synchronous setting using global runs viewed as sequences. In a truly distributed system where interactions are asynchronous we have recently obtained encouraging decidability results  [66] , [56] . This is a clear witness where concurrency may be exploited to obtain positive results. It is essential to specify expected properties directly in terms of causality revealed by partial order models of executions (MSCs or Mazurkiewicz traces). We intend to develop this line of research with the ambitious aim to obtain decidability for all natural systems and specifications. More precisely, we will identify natural hypotheses both on the architecture of our distributed system and on the specifications under which the distributed program/controller synthesis problem is decidable. This should open the way to important applications, e.g., for distributed control of embedded systems.

Adaptation and Grey box management

Participants : Stefan Haar, Serge Haddad.

Contrary to mainframe systems or monolithic applications of the past, we are experiencing and using an increasing number of services that are performed not by one provider but rather by the interaction and cooperation of many specialized components. As these components come from different providers, one can no longer assume all of their internal technologies to be known (as it is the case with proprietary technology). Thus, in order to compose e.g. orchestrated services over the web, to determine violations of specifications or contracts, to adapt existing services to new situations etc, one needs to analyze the interaction behavior of boxes that are known only through their public interfaces. For their semi-transparent-semi-opaque nature, we shall refer to them as grey boxes. While the concrete nature of these boxes can range from vehicles in a highway section to hotel reservation systems, the tasks of grey box management have universal features allowing for generalized approaches with formal methods. Two central issues emerge:

  • Abstraction: From the designer point of view, there is a need for a trade-off between transparency (no abstraction) in order to integrate the box in different contexts and opacity (full abstraction) for security reasons.

  • Adaptation: Since a grey box gives a partial view about the behavior of the component, even if it is not immediately useable in some context, the design of an adaptator is possible. Thus the goal is the synthesis of such an adaptator from a formal specification of the component and the environment.

Our work on direct modeling and handling of "grey boxes" via modal models (see [61] ) was halted when Dorsaf El-Hog stopped her PhD work to leave academia, and has not resumed for lack of staff. However, it should be noted that semi-transparent system management in a larger sense remains an active field for the team, witness in particular our work on diagnosis and testing.