Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

Art/Science collaborations

Art paper and art show at SIGGRAPH ASIA (Kobe): Tools for digital anamorphoses: using raycasting techniques for creation anamorphoses

Anamorphoses have been know for centuries, as distorted images needing to be seen in a mirror from a special point of view in order to see the non-distorted image. During Renaissance, they have been associated to mathematical techniques for drawing such pictures efficiently, on specific mirror shapes (in the case of cylindrical or conical mirrors). We can expect in the next years a strong interest in such type of images, because of the emergence of various contexts and physical supports for image visualisation (soft or de-formable screens, lightmapping, projection of images on dynamic objects, etc...). Solving the numerical problem of anamorphosis in the general case belongs to the same class of problems as when the trend is to control image deformation as long as image is seen projected on, or reflected by, a non-planar surface, which can be of arbitrary shape. In this work, we show how raycasting technique, well-known in the computer graphics community , can be used to provide an efficient general framework for such rendering. We describe an effective procedure for building general anamorphoses. A generalisation of the method leads to the conception of three-dimensional anamorphic sculptures, usable for 3D printing anamorphic objects. We exhibit , through several artworks, tangible and virtual examples.


Presented at VISAP (IEEE InfoViz artTrack): "A main levée" Art Installation

Developed in collaboration with MINT, the "A main levée" art installation by Pauline de Chalendar was presented at VISAP, IEEE Infoviz ArtTrack, in August 2016. This immersive installation allows for free hand drawing using a virtual-reality headset. From this artwork (also presented at Panorama 2015 exposition),

Industrial collaboration: Hap2u

A license agreement has been signed with Hap2u, a new start-up which aims at designing new interaction devices, based on our patent on tactile rendering. Hap2u will industrialise commercial products, based on our patents. The beginning of the commercial activity might start in 2016.

MAuVE project

MAuve is a 4 Meuros project (2016-2020), which subject is ICT-based tools for mediation and access to knowledge. L. Grisoni is leading this project, along with S. Bartholeyns (historian, Lille 3) and S. Chaumier (sociologist, Univ. Artois).