Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Aleksey Buzmakov was nominated at the 13th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA, Nerja Málaga, Spain, June 23-26 2015) as the “best promising researcher in Formal Concept Analysis” and won the best student paper award [53] .
Two (very) young researchers have made a stay in the team, Artuur Leeuwenberg in Spring 2014 and Alibek Sailanbayev in Spring 2015. Both young researchers have done a very good work which was rewarded by two conference publications, [66] and [46] . The Orpailleur team is particularly proud of the very good results of these young researchers.
Three PhD students, namely Alam Mehwish, Aleksey Buzmakov and Victor Codocedo, have joined their efforts in their last year of thesis preparation for working on a common topic, the completion of web of data. This very good and very uncommon research work was rewarded by a publication in the very highly selective IJCAI 2015 Conference [1] .
The paper “Miguel Couceiro, Lucien Haddad, Karsten Schölzel, Tamas Waldhauser. Relation graphs and partial clones on a 2-element set. 44th IEEE International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic (ISMVL 2014), IEEE Computer Society, 161-166.” was awarded the “Outstanding Contributed Paper Award” at the conference ISMVL 2015 (IEEE Computer Society).
The Taaable system won 3 of the 5 prizes of the 8th “Computer Cooking Contest”, which was held during the International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, in Bad Homburg, Germany ( ): the prize of the best cocktail system according to the jury, based on the technical/scientific paper reviews and on the comparison of the results of the systems on a same set of queries, the prizes of the public for the cocktail and sandwich systems, based on the vote after tasting.
Best Paper Award:
[53]Revisiting Pattern Structure Projections, in: International Conference in Formal Concept Analysis - ICFCA 2015, Nerja, Spain, J. Baixeries, C. Sacarea, M. Ojeda-Aciego (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, June 2015, vol. 9113, pp. 200–215. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-19545-2_13 ]