Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Pharo 4.0 has been released in April 2015.

  • Moose 5.1 has been released in June 2015.

  • The Synectique company, a spin-off of the RMod group with two members actively participating, got selected on the i-Lab 2015 contest (category: Creation and Development). 364 projects were submitted in this category and 54 got selected (<15%). This will allow the young company to expand its activities by hiring young developers and a sales person.

  • Papers published at PLDI and OOPSLA, two important conferences of our field.


  • The paper : First Analysis of String APIs: the Case of Pharo [36] got a price at IWST 15 International Workshop On Smalltalk Technologies.

  • A paper of Martin Dias [25] was a candidate for best paper (part of the best 5) at SANER


  • Markiyan Rizun got the third price at ESUG 2015 for his Rewrite tool.