Creation of the Project-Team: 2007 July 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Alessandro Lazaric [Inria, Researcher]

Rémi Munos [Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR]

Daniil Ryabko [Inria, Researcher, HdR]

Michal Valko [Inria, Researcher]

Faculty Members

Philippe Preux [Team leader, Univ. Lille III, Professor, HdR]

Christos Dimitrakakis [Univ. Lille III, Associate Professor, since Oct 2015, HdR]

Romaric Gaudel [Univ. Lille III, Associate Professor]

Jérémie Mary [Univ. Lille III, Associate Professor]

Olivier Pietquin [Univ. Lille I, Professor, HdR]

Bilal Piot [Univ. Lille I, Associate Professor]


Florian Strub [Inria, from Mar 2015]

PhD Students

Marc Abeille [Univ. Lille I]

Merwan Barlier [Orange Labs, granted by CIFRE]

Alexandre Berard [Univ. Lille I]

Daniele Calandriello [Inria]

Ronan Fruit [Inria, from Dec 2015]

Pratik Gajane [Orange Labs, granted by CIFRE]

Hadrien Glaude [Thales, until Jul 2015, granted by CIFRE]

Jean-Bastien Grill [Univ. Lille I, granted by ENS Paris]

Frédéric Guillou [Inria]

Adrien Hoarau [Inria, until Oct 2015, granted by DGA]

Tomáš Kocák [Inria]

Vincenzo Musco [Univ. Lille I and III]

Julien Perolat [Univ. Lille I]

Amir Sani [Inria, until Mar 2015]

Marta Soare [Inria, until Sep 2015, co-funded by Région Nord Pas de Calais]

Post-Doctoral Fellow

Gergely Neu [Inria, until Aug 2015, granted by OSEO Innovation]

Visiting Scientist

Cricia Zilda Felicio Paixao [, from Sep 2015]

Administrative Assistants

Natacha Oudoire [Inria]

Amelie Supervielle [Inria]


Mastane Achab [École Polytechnique, granted by Univ. Lille I, Intern, from Mar 2015 until Jul 2015]

Antonin Carette [Univ. Lille I, Intern, from Jun 2015 until Aug 2015]

Akram Er-Raqabi [École Polytechnique, granted by Univ. Lille I, Intern, from May 2015 until Nov 2015]

Romain Philippon [Univ. Lille I, Intern, from Mar 2015 until Jul 2015]

Pierre Chainais [Ecole Centrale de Lille, Associate Professor, HdR]

Pierre-Victor Chaumier [Inria, until Jun 2015]

Emilie Kaufmann [CNRS, since Oct 2015]