Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: R. Gaudel, 2015/2016 Spring: programmation R pour statistiques et sociologie quantitative, 28h eqTD, L1, université Lille 3, France
Licence: R. Gaudel, 2015/2016 Fall: préparation au C2i niveau 1, 24h eqTD, L1-3, université Lille 3, France
Licence: R. Gaudel, 2015/2016 Fall: travail collaboratif et à distance dans un monde numérique, 13h eqTD, L1-3 (enseignement à distance), université Lille 3, France
Master: M. Valko, 2014/2015 Spring: Graphs in Machine Learning, 27h eqTD, M2, ENS Cachan
Master: M. Valko, 2015/2016 Fall: Graphs in Machine Learning, 27h eqTD, M2, ENS Cachan
Master : A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 25h eqTD, M2, ENS Cachan, France
Master : A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 25h eqTD, M2, Ecole Centrale Lille, France
Summer school : A. Lazaric, Reinforcement Learning, 8h eqTD, Toulouse, France
Master: J. Mary, 2015/2016 Fall: Machine learning with R, 20h eqTD, M2, Ecole Centrale de Lille.
modeling and simulation of the dynamics of behavior, Master 1 in Psychology & master in Cognitive Science, Université de Lille 3
Formal neural networks, Master 1 in Cognitive Science, Université de Lille 3
Supervised Learning, Licence 3 MIASHS, Université de Lille 3
Advanced Data Mining, master 2 MIASHS, Université de Lille 3
Unsupervised learning, master 1 MIASHS, Université de Lille 3
Supervision of PhD:
PhD: Amir Sani, Université de Lille 1, defended May 2015, Munos, Lazaric
PhD: Marta Soare, Université de Lille 1, defended Dec 2015, Munos, Lazaric
PhD in progress: Marc Abeille, since Sept. 2014, Munos, Lazaric
PhD in progress: Alexandre Bérard, since Oct. 2014, Pietquin
PhD in progress: Daniele Calandriello, since Oct. 2014, Preux, Lazaric, Valko
PhD in progress: Ronan Fruit, since Dec. 2015, Ryabko, Lazaric
PhD in progress: Jean-Bastien Grill, since Oct. 2014, Munos, Valko
PhD in progress: Frédéric Guillou, since Oct. 2013, Preux, Mary, Gaudel
PhD in progress: Vincenzo Musco, since Nov. 2013, Preux, Monperrus
PhD in progress: Florian Strub, since Jan. 2016, Pietquin, Mary
PhD in progress: Romain Warlop, since Sep. 2015, Preux, Mary, Lazaric
Management of diplomas:
Ph. Preux is the head of the master in computer science “machine learning and data science”, Université de Lille 3.
J. Mary is the head of the “Web analyst” track in master MIASHS, Université de Lille 3.
Ph. Preux has been member of the PhD juries:
Ph. Preux has been member of the HdR juries:
A. Lazaric has been member of the PhD juries:
O. Pietquin has been member of the PhD juries: