Section: Research Program
Research Axes
In order to keep young researchers in an environment close to their background, we have structured the team along the three research axes related to the three main scientific domains spanned by Socrate. However, we insist that a major objective of the Socrate team is to motivate the collaborative research between these axes, this point is specifically detailed in Section 3.5 . The first one is entitled “Flexible Radio Front-End” and will study new radio front-end research challenges brought up by the arrival of mimo technologies, and reconfigurable front-ends. The second one, entitled “Agile Radio Resource Sharing”, will study how to couple the self-adaptive and distributed signal processing algorithms to cope with the multi-scale dynamics found in cognitive radio systems. The last research axis, entitled “Software Radio Programming Models” is dedicated to embedded software issues related to programming the physical protocols layer on these software radio machines. Figure 3 illustrates the three regions of a transceiver corresponding to the three Socrate axes.