STARS - 2015
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Serious Games Interfaces Using an RGB-D Camera : Results and Perspectives

Participants : Baptiste Fosty, François Brémond.

Keywords: RGB-D camera analysis, walking speed, serious games, startup project

Within the context of the development of serious games for people suffering from Alzheimer disease (Az@Game project), we have developed algorithms to interact with the virtual environment through simple gesture recognition and walking speed computation. We have shown in previous work that the walking speed measured by our system is accurate enough within this context and reproducible. A paper has been submitted in Gait and Posture journal (now in reviewing process).

Concerning the gesture recognition algorithm, it consists in recognizing three basic gestures (right arm left on the side, left arm left on the side, right or left arm left on top). We performed a small experimentation to test the robustness of the system in detecting these gestures where participants (10 in total) had to perform 10 times each gesture while walking at 2.5km/h on the treadmill (see Figure 23 ). The results are shown in Table 13 .

Figure 23. Display of gesture recognition and speed computation. Distance is red when right arm is left, speed is red when left arm is left, both are red when one arm is on top. Yellow dots correspond to feet and arm detection.
Table 13. Gesture recognition results.
Right Left Top TOTAL
Recall 97.0 95.0 100.0 97.3
Precision 100.0 97.9 94.3 97.3
F-Score 98.5 96.4 97.1 97.3

Following that, we decided to study whether this system would be useful in rehabilitation. Some experts of this domain in a rehabilitation center (Centre Hélio Marin in Vallauris, France) have been interviewed and they were very enthusiasts about using this type of system to get objective gait parameters. To go further on the market opportunity and evaluate the feasability of a technology transfer, we studied the concurrent products and contacted more than thirty other rehabilitation centers to have a deeper understanding of the needs and validate our idea. This investigation lead to the proposition of a startup project(BOMOTECH) to Inria which has been accepted and funded for the next 7 months, during what the goal is to get closer from a marketable tool.