2015 Project-Team Activity Report
Time, Events and Architectures
Research centre:
Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique
Computer Science and Digital Science:
- 1.2. - Networks
- 1.2.7. - Cyber-physical systems
- 1.2.8. - Network security
- 1.5. - Complex systems
- 1.5.1. - Systems of systems
- 1.5.2. - Communicating systems
- 2.1. - Programming Languages
- 2.1.1. - Semantics of programming languages
- 2.1.10. - Domain-specific languages
- 2.1.6. - Concurrent programming
- 2.1.8. - Synchronous languages
- 2.2. - Compilation
- 2.2.1. - Static analysis
- 2.2.3. - Run-time systems
- 2.3. - Embedded and cyber-physical systems
- 2.3.1. - Embedded systems
- 2.3.2. - Cyber-physical systems
- 2.3.3. - Real-time systems
- 2.4. - Reliability, certification
- 2.4.1. - Analysis
- 2.4.2. - Verification
- 2.4.3. - Proofs
- 2.5. - Software engineering
- 4.4. - Security of equipment and software
- 4.5. - Formal methods for security
- 4.7. - Access control
- 5.7.2. - Music
- 6.1.1. - Continuous Modeling (PDE, ODE)
- 6.1.3. - Discrete Modeling (multi-agent, people centered)
- 6.2.1. - Numerical analysis of PDE and ODE
- 6.2.5. - Numerical Linear Algebra
- 6.2.6. - Optimization
- 7.4. - Logic in Computer Science
- 7.6. - Computer Algebra
Other Research Topics and Application Domains:
- 5.1. - Factory of the future
- 5.2. - Design and manufacturing
- 6.1.1. - Software engineering
- 6.4. - Internet of things
- 6.6. - Embedded systems
- 9.2.1. - Music, sound
- 9.4.1. - Computer science