Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Statistical methods: One of our main activities consists of identifying and characterizing developmental patterns in plant phenotyping data. Phenotyping data are very diverse ranging from the tissular to the whole plant scale but are often highly structured in space, time and scale. We intend to analyse such data using state-of-the-art methods at the crossroad between statistical modelling, machine learning and pattern recognition. This generates regularly new methodological results as illustrated this year by [17] and [22] .

  • Scientific Workflows: Analyzing biological data may involve very complex and interlinked steps where several tools are combined together. Scientific workflow systems have reached a level of maturity that makes them able to support the design and execution of such in-silico experiments, and thus making them increasingly popular in the bioinformatics community. However, in some emerging application domains such as system biology, developmental biology or ecology, the need for data analysis is combined with the need to model complex multi-scale biological systems, possibly involving multiple simulation steps. This requires the scientific workflow to deal with retro-action to understand and predict the relationships between structure and function of these complex systems. In collaboration with the Zenith EPI, we have proposed a conceptualisation of OpenAlea workflows [34] by introducing the concept of higher-order dataflows as a means to uniformly combine classical data analysis with modeling and simulation, in the context of plant phenotyping.

  • Mechanical model of meristem development: The growth of plant tissues results from the growth of cells that are inflated by turgor pressure. In recent years, different bio-physical processes by which genes regulate locally the rate and the directions of cell growth have been identified. At tissue level, the growth of each region is mechanically constrained by the existence of neighboring regions. This creates stresses within the plant tissues, possibly with differential directional intensities, which in turn, can be sensed locally at the level of each individual cell by genes. Shapes thus results from the complex interplay between genes and growth, mediated by mechanics. In the recent years, we have been developing a model of growth of plant tissues that is able to represent this overall feedback mechanism [13] . This model is the first 3D approach of multicellular plant tissue development based on a tensorial representation of mechanical properties and stresses in cell walls. Its implementation relies on a coupling between OpenAlea and Sofa, two main sofware platforms for modeling in biology developed at Inria.