
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1R. David, S. Pillement, O. Sentieys.

    Energy-Efficient Reconfigurable Processsors, in: Low Power Electronics Design, C. Piguet (editor), Computer Engineering, Vol 1, CRC Press, August 2004, chap. 20.
  • 2S. Derrien, S. Rajopadhye, P. Quinton, T. Risset.

    High-Level Synthesis of Loops Using the Polyhedral Model: The MMAlpha Software, in: High-Level Synthesis From Algorithm to Digital Circuit, P. Coussy, A. Morawiec (editors), Springer Netherlands, 2008, pp. 215-230.

  • 3C. Guy, B. Combemale, S. Derrien, J. Steel, J.-M. Jézéquel.

    On Model Subtyping, in: 8th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, July 2012.

  • 4C. Huriaux, A. Courtay, O. Sentieys.

    Design Flow and Run-Time Management for Compressed FPGA Configurations, in: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), March 2015.

  • 5J.-M. Jézéquel, B. Combemale, S. Derrien, C. Guy, S. Rajopadhye.

    Bridging the Chasm Between MDE and the World of Compilation, in: Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), October 2012, vol. 11, no 4, pp. 581-597. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10270-012-0266-8 ]

  • 6B. Le Gal, E. Casseau, S. Huet.

    Dynamic Memory Access Management for High-Performance DSP Applications Using High-Level Synthesis, in: IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems, 2008, vol. 16, no 11, pp. 1454-1464.
  • 7K. Martin, C. Wolinski, K. Kuchcinski, A. Floch, F. Charot.

    Constraint Programming Approach to Reconfigurable Processor Extension Generation and Application Compilation, in: ACM transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems (TRETS), June 2012, vol. 5, no 2, pp. 1-38.

  • 8D. Menard, D. Chillet, F. Charot, O. Sentieys.

    Automatic Floating-point to Fixed-point Conversion for DSP Code Generation, in: Proc. ACM/IEEE CASES, October 2002.
  • 9D. Menard, O. Sentieys.

    Automatic Evaluation of the Accuracy of Fixed-point Algorithms, in: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE-02), Paris, March 2002.
  • 10S. Pillement, O. Sentieys, R. David.

    DART: A Functional-Level Reconfigurable Architecture for High Energy Efficiency, in: EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems (JES), 2008, pp. 1-13.
  • 11R. Rocher, D. Ménard, O. Sentieys, P. Scalart.

    Analytical Approach for Numerical Accuracy Estimation of Fixed-Point Systems Based on Smooth Operations, in: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. Part I, Regular Papers, October 2012, vol. 59, no 10, pp. 2326 - 2339. [ DOI : 10.1109/TCSI.2012.2188938 ]

  • 12C. Wolinski, M. Gokhale, K. McCabe.

    A polymorphous computing fabric, in: IEEE Micro, 2002, vol. 22, no 5, pp. 56–68.
  • 13C. Wolinski, K. Kuchcinski, E. Raffin.

    Automatic Design of Application-Specific Reconfigurable Processor Extensions with UPaK Synthesis Kernel, in: ACM Trans. on Design Automation of Elect. Syst., 2009, vol. 15, no 1, pp. 1–36.

  • 14S. Wuliang, B. Combemale, S. Derrien, R. France.

    Using Model Types to Support Contract-Aware Model Substitutability, in: 9th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA), Montpellier, France, P. Van Gorp, T. Ritter, L. Rose (editors), LNCS, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, vol. 7949, pp. 118-133. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-39013-5_9 ]

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 19M. M. Alam, E. Ben Hamida, O. Berder, O. Sentieys, D. Menard.

    A Heuristic Self-Adaptive Medium Access Control for Resource-Constrained WBAN Systems, in: IEEE Access, April 2016, vol. 4, pp. 1287-1300.

  • 20F. Berthier, E. Beigne, F. HEITZMANN, O. Debicki, J.-F. Christmann, A. Valentian, O. Billoint, E. Amat, D. Morche, S. Chairat, O. Sentieys.

    UTBB FDSOI suitability for IoT applications: Investigations at device, design and architectural levels, in: Solid-State Electronics, 2016, vol. 125, pp. 14 - 24. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.sse.2016.09.003 ]

  • 21K. Bigou, A. Tisserand.

    Binary-Ternary Plus-Minus Modular Inversion in RNS, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, November 2016, vol. 65, no 11, pp. 3495-3501. [ DOI : 10.1109/TC.2016.2529625 ]

  • 22R. Bonamy, S. Bilavarn, D. Chillet, O. Sentieys.

    Power Modeling and Exploration of Dynamic and Partially Reconfigurable Systems, in: Journal of Low Power Electronics, September 2016, no September.

  • 23M. Fyrbiak, S. Rokicki, N. Bissantz, R. Tessier, C. Paar.

    Hybrid Obfuscation to Protect against Disclosure Attacks on Embedded Microprocessors, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2017.

  • 24V. Kelefouras, A. Kritikakou, I. Mporas, V. Kolonias.

    A high performance Matrix-Matrix Multiplication Methodology for CPU and GPU architectures, in: Journal of Supercomputing, 2016, pp. 1-41. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11227-015-1613-7 ]

  • 25A. Kritikakou, F. Catthoor, V. Kelefouras, C. Goutis.

    Array Size Computation under Uniform Overlapping and Irregular Accesses, in: ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES), 2016.

  • 26P. A. M. Oliveira, R. J. Cintra, F. M. Bayer, S. Kulasekera, A. Madanayake.

    Low-complexity Image and Video Coding Based on an Approximate Discrete Tchebichef Transform, in: IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, January 2016. [ DOI : 10.1109/TCSVT.2016.2515378 ]

  • 27L.-Q.-V. Tran, A. Didioui, C. Bernier, G. Vaumourin, F. Broekaert, A. Fritch.

    Co-Simulating Complex Energy Harvesting WSN Applications: An In-Tunnel Wind Powered Monitoring Example, in: International Journal of Sensor Networks, 2016.

  • 28S. Wang, C. Xiao, W. Liu, E. Casseau.

    A comparison of heuristic algorithms for custom instruction selection, in: Microprocessors and Microsystems: Embedded Hardware Design (MICPRO), August 2016, vol. 45, no A, 11 p.


Invited Conferences

  • 29O. Sentieys, J. Sepúlveda, S. Le Beux, J. Luo, C. Killian, D. Chillet, I. O 'connor, H. Li.

    Design Space Exploration of Optical Interfaces for Silicon Photonic Interconnects, in: 2th International Workshop on Optical/Photonic Interconnects for Computing Systems (OPTICS Workshop), co-located with IEEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE’16), Dresden, Germany, March 2016.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 30B. Barrois, K. Parashar, O. Sentieys.

    Leveraging Power Spectral Density for Scalable System-Level Accuracy Evaluation, in: IEEE/ACM Conference on Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Dresden, Germany, March 2016, 6 p.

  • 31B. Barrois, O. Sentieys, D. Menard.

    The Hidden Cost of Functional Approximation Against Careful Data Sizing – A Case Study, in: EEE/ACM Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Lausanne, France, 2017.

  • 32K. Bigou, A. Tisserand.

    Hybrid Position-Residues Number System, in: ARITH: 23rd Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, Santa Clara, CA, United States, J. Hormigo, S. Oberman, N. Revol (editors), IEEE, July 2016.

  • 33G. Deest, N. Estibals, T. Yuki, S. Derrien, S. Rajopadhye.

    Towards Scalable and Efficient FPGA Stencil Accelerators, in: 6th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques (IMPACT'16), held with HIPEAC'16, Prague, Czech Republic, Proceedings of the IMPACT series, http://impact.gforge.inria.fr/, January 2016.

  • 34A. H. EL MOUSSAWI, S. Derrien.

    Superword Level Parallelism aware Word Length Optimization, in: DATE - Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, Lausanne, Switzerland, D. Atienza, G. D. Natale (editors), IEEE, March 2017.

  • 35N. Estibals, G. Deest, A. El-Moussawi, S. Derrien.

    System level synthesis for virtual memory enabled hardware threads, in: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition, Dresden, France, March 2016.

  • 36A. Gammoudi, A. Benzina, M. Khalgui, D. Chillet.

    New Reconfigurable Middleware for Adaptive RTOS in Ubiquitous Devices, in: 10th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, Venise, Italy, October 2016.

  • 37A. Gammoudi, A. Benzina, M. Khalgui, D. Chillet.

    Real-Time Scheduling of Reconfigurable Battery-Powered Multi-Core Platforms, in: 28th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, San Jose, United States, November 2016.

  • 38A. Gammoudi, A. Benzina, M. Khalgui, D. Chillet, A. Goubaa.

    Reconf-Pack: A Simulator for Reconfigurable Battery-Powered Real-Time Systems, in: 30th European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Las Palmas, Spain, October 2016.

  • 39C. Huriaux, O. Sentieys, R. Tessier.

    Effects of I/O Routing through Column Interfaces in Embedded FPGA Fabrics, in: FPL - 26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, Lausanne, Switzerland, IEEE, August 2016.

  • 40J. Luo, A. Elantably, D. D. Pham, C. Killian, D. Chillet, S. Le Beux, O. Sentieys, I. O 'connor.

    Performance and Energy Aware Wavelength Allocation on Ring-Based WDM 3D Optical NoC, in: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) 2017, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2017.

  • 41T.-H. Nguyen, P. Scalart, M. Gay, L. Bramerie, C. Peucheret, T. Nguyen-Ti, M. Gautier, O. Sentieys, J.-C. Simon, M. Joindot.

    Blind Adaptive Transmitter IQ Imbalance Compensation in M-QAM Optical Coherent Systems, in: 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communication (ICC 2016), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Communications (ICC), 2016 IEEE International Conference on, May 2016. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICC.2016.7510925 ]

  • 42T. H. Nguyen, P. Scalart, M. Gay, L. Bramerie, C. Peucheret, O. Sentieys, J.-C. Simon, M. Joindot.

    Bi-harmonic decomposition-based maximum loglikelihood estimator for carrier phase estimation of coherent optical M-QAM, in: Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC 2016), Anaheim, CA, United States, Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2016, OSA (ISBN: 978-1-943580-07-1), March 2016, vol. DSP for Coherent Systems (Tu3K), Tu3K.3. [ DOI : 10.1364/OFC.2016.Tu3K.3 ]

  • 43R. Ragavan, B. Barrois, C. Killian, O. Sentieys.

    Pushing the Limits of Voltage Over-Scaling for Error-Resilient Applications, in: Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2017), Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2017.

  • 44R. Ragavan, C. Killian, O. Sentieys.

    Adaptive Overclocking and Error Correction Based on Dynamic Speculation Window, in: ISVLSI, Pittsburgh, United States, 2016 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI), July 2016, pp. 325 - 330. [ DOI : 10.1109/ISVLSI.2016.13 ]

  • 45S. Rokicki, E. Rohou, S. Derrien.

    Hardware-Accelerated Dynamic Binary Translation, in: IEEE/ACM Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2017.

  • 46B. Roux, M. Gautier, O. Sentieys, S. Derrien.

    Communication-Based Power Modelling for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Architecture, in: IEEE 10th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore /Many-core Systems-on-Chip (MCSoC 2016), Lyon, France, September 2016.

  • 47M.-T. Tran, M. Gautier, E. Casseau.

    On the FPGA-based implementation of a flexible waveform from a high-level description: Application to LTE FFT case study, in: EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks (Crowncom16), Grenoble, France, May 2016.


National Conferences with Proceedings

  • 48J. Luo, D. Chillet, C. Killian, S. Le Beux, I. O 'connor, O. Sentieys.

    Crosstalk noise aware wavelength allocation in WDM 3D ONoC, in: Colloque National du GDR SoC-SiP, Nantes, France, June 2016.

  • 49J. Luo, D. Chillet, C. Killian, S. Le Beux, I. O 'connor, O. Sentieys.

    Wavelength spacing optimization to reduce crosstalk in WDM 3D ONoC, in: Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Lorient, France, July 2016.

  • 50V. D. Pham, D. Chillet, C. Killian, S. Le Beux, I. O 'connor, O. Sentieys.

    Gestion de la consommation d'un ONoC intégré dans un MPSoC, in: Colloque National du GDR SoC-SiP, Nantes, France, June 2016.

  • 51V. D. Pham, C. Killian, D. Chillet, S. Le Beux, O. Sentieys, I. O 'connor.

    Gestion de la consommation d'un réseau optique intégré dans un MPSoC, in: Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Lorient, France, July 2016.

  • 52S. Rokicki, E. Rohou, S. Derrien.

    Hybrid-JIT : Compilateur JIT Matériel/Logiciel pour les Processeurs VLIW Embarqués, in: Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système (Compas), Lorient, France, July 2016.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 53G. Deest, N. Estibals, T. Yuki, S. Derrien, S. Rajopadhye.

    Towards Scalable and Efficient FPGA Stencil Accelerators, in: IMPACT'16, Prague, Czech Republic, January 2016.

  • 54A. Kritikakou, T. Marty, C. Pagetti, C. Rochange, M. Lauer, M. Roy.

    Multiplexing Adaptive with Classic AUTOSAR? Adaptive Software Control to Increase Resource Utilization in Mixed-Critical Systems, in: Workshop CARS 2016 - Critical Automotive applications : Robustness & Safety, Göteborg, Sweden, CARS 2016 - Critical Automotive applications : Robustness & Safety, September 2016.



  • 55F. Berthier, E. Beigne, F. HEITZMANN, O. Debicki, O. Sentieys.

    Cœur de processeur asynchrone et microcontrôleur de nœud de capteur communicant comportant un tel cœur de processeur, 2016, no 2016.


Other Publications

  • 56P. Guilloux, A. Tisserand.

    Accurate Modeling of Fault Impact in Arithmetic Circuits, October 2016, DASIP: Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (Demo Night), Poster.

  • 57P. Guilloux, A. Tisserand.

    Plateforme matérielle–logicielle d'émulation de fautes pour des opérateurs arithmétiques, July 2016, 8 p, Compas 2016 : Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système.

  • 58P. Guilloux, A. Tisserand.

    Plateforme matérielle–logicielle à bas coût pour l'émulation de fautes, June 2016, Colloque du GDR SoC-SiP, Poster.

  • 59J. Luo, V. D. Pham, C. Killian, D. Chillet, S. Le Beux, I. O 'connor, O. Sentieys.

    POSTER: Wavelength Allocation for Efficient Communications on Optical Network-on-Chip, October 2016, pp. 1656 - 1658, Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing, Poster. [ DOI : 10.1145/2810103.2810122 ]

  • 60O. Sentieys, D. Menard, K. Parashar, D. Novo.

    Fixed-­point refinement, a guaranteed approach towards energy efficient computing, January 2016, Tutorial.

  • 61A. Tisserand, G. Gallin.

    Hardware and Arithmetic for Hyperelliptic Curves Cryptography, November 2016, CominLabs Days 2016, Poster.

  • 62M.-T. Tran, E. Casseau, M. Gautier.

    Demo abstract : FPGA-based implementation of a flexible FFT dedicated to LTE standard, October 2016, 2 p, Conference on Design and Architectures for Signal and Image Processing (DASIP), Demo Night, Poster.

  • 63Y. Uguen, F. de Dinechin, S. Derrien.

    Arithmetic Optimizations for High-Level Synthesis, September 2016, working paper or preprint.

References in notes
  • 64S. Hauck, A. DeHon (editors)

    Reconfigurable Computing: The Theory and Practice of FPGA-Based Computation, Morgan Kaufmann, 2008.
  • 65V. Baumgarte, G. Ehlers, F. May, A. Nückel, M. Vorbach, M. Weinhardt.

    PACT XPP — A Self-Reconfigurable Data Processing Architecture, in: The Journal of Supercomputing, 2003, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 167–184.
  • 66C. Beckhoff, D. Koch, J. Torresen.

    Portable module relocation and bitstream compression for Xilinx FPGAs, in: 24th Int. Conf. on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), 2014, pp. 1–8.
  • 67C. Bobda.

    Introduction to Reconfigurable Comp.: Architectures Algorithms and Applications, Springer, 2007.
  • 68D. Boggs, G. Brown, N. Tuck, K. Venkatraman.

    Denver: NVIDIA's First 64-bit ARM Processor, in: Micro, 2015.
  • 69S. Borkar, A. A. Chien.

    The Future of Microprocessors, in: Commun. ACM, May 2011, vol. 54, no 5, pp. 67–77.

  • 70J. M. P. Cardoso, P. C. Diniz, M. Weinhardt.

    Compiling for reconfigurable computing: A survey, in: ACM Comput. Surv., June 2010, vol. 42, 13:1 p.

  • 71K. Compton, S. Hauck.

    Reconfigurable computing: a survey of systems and software, in: ACM Comput. Surv., 2002, vol. 34, no 2, pp. 171–210.

  • 72J. Cong, H. Huang, C. Ma, B. Xiao, P. Zhou.

    A Fully Pipelined and Dynamically Composable Architecture of CGRA, in: IEEE Int. Symp. on Field-Program. Custom Comput. Machines (FCCM), 2014, pp. 9–16.

  • 73G. Constantinides, P. Cheung, W. Luk.

    Wordlength optimization for linear digital signal processing, in: IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, October 2003, vol. 22, no 10, pp. 1432- 1442.
  • 74M. Coors, H. Keding, O. Luthje, H. Meyr.

    Fast Bit-True Simulation, in: Proc. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), Las Vegas, june 2001, pp. 708-713.
  • 75J. C. Dehnert, B. K. Grant, J. P. Banning, R. Johnson, T. Kistler, A. Klaiber, J. Mattson.

    The Transmeta Code Morphing Software: Using Speculation, Recovery, and Adaptive Retranslation to Address Real-Life Challenges, in: International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization: Feedback-Directed and Runtime Optimization, 2003.
  • 76R. H. Dennard, F. H. Gaensslen, V. L. Rideout, E. Bassous, A. R. LeBlanc.

    Design of ion-implanted MOSFET's with very small physical dimensions, in: IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 1974, vol. 9, no 5, pp. 256–268.
  • 77A. Hormati, M. Kudlur, S. Mahlke, D. Bacon, R. Rabbah.

    Optimus: efficient realization of streaming applications on FPGAs, in: Proc. ACM/IEEE CASES, 2008, pp. 41–50.
  • 78H. Kalte, M. Porrmann.

    REPLICA2Pro: Task Relocation by Bitstream Manipulation in Virtex-II/Pro FPGAs, in: 3rd Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF), 2006, pp. 403–412.
  • 79J.-E. Lee, K. Choi, N. D. Dutt.

    Compilation Approach for Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architectures, in: IEEE Design and Test of Computers, 2003, vol. 20, no 1, pp. 26-33.

  • 80H. Lee, D. Nguyen, J.-E. Lee.

    Optimizing Stream Program Performance on CGRA-based Systems, in: 52nd IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference, 2015, pp. 110:1–110:6.

  • 81B. Mei, S. Vernalde, D. Verkest, H. De Man, R. Lauwereins.

    ADRES: An architecture with tightly coupled VLIW processor and coarse-grained reconfigurable matrix, in: Proc. FPL, Springer, 2003, pp. 61–70.
  • 82N. R. Miniskar, S. Kohli, H. Park, D. Yoo.

    Retargetable Automatic Generation of Compound Instructions for CGRA Based Reconfigurable Processor Applications, in: Proc. ACM/IEEE CASES, 2014, pp. 4:1–4:9.

  • 83Y. Park, H. Park, S. Mahlke.

    CGRA express: accelerating execution using dynamic operation fusion, in: Proc. Int. Conf. on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for Embedded Systems, New York, NY, USA, CASES'09, ACM, 2009, pp. 271–280.

  • 84A. Putnam et al..

    A reconfigurable fabric for accelerating large-scale datacenter services, in: ACM/IEEE 41st International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), June 2014, pp. 13-24.

  • 85G. Theodoridis, D. Soudris, S. Vassiliadis.

    2, in: A survey of coarse-grain reconfigurable architectures and CAD tools, Springer Verlag, 2007.
  • 86G. Venkataramani, W. Najjar, F. Kurdahi, N. Bagherzadeh, W. Bohm, J. Hammes.

    Automatic compilation to a coarse-grained reconfigurable system-on-chip, in: ACM Trans. on Emb. Comp. Syst., 2003, vol. 2, no 4, pp. 560–589.
