Section: New Software and Platforms


Visualizing, Exploring and Grouping AlertS

Keywords: Security - Visualization - Cybersecurity - Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) - SIEM

Scientific Description

VEGAS explore the hypothesis that is is possible to offer to front-line security operators a visualization tool that allows the to perform a first informed triage of the alerts that were received from IDSes so as to group them and transmit them to security analysts in a relevant way.

Functional Description

VEGAS is a visualization tool that allows to easily identify, explore and group alerts generated by an IDS. This tool allows security operators to easily dispatch similar alerts to security analyst to help them study them more efficiently.

  • Participants: Damien Cremilleux, Frédéric Majorczyk and Nicolas Prigent

  • Partner: SUPELEC

  • Contact: Damien Crémilleux