Section: New Results

Intrusion Detection

Intrusion Detection in Distributed Systems

Alert Correlation: In large systems, multiple (host and network) Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) and many sensors are usually deployed. They continuously and independently generate notifications (event’s observations, warnings and alerts). To cope with this amount of collected data, alert correlation systems have to be designed. An alert correlation system aims at exploiting the known relationships between some elements that appear in the flow of low level notifications to generate high semantic meta-alerts. The main goal is to reduce the number of alerts returned to the security administrator and to allow a higher level analysis of the situation. However, producing correlation rules is a highly difficult operation, as it requires both the knowledge of an attacker, and the knowledge of the functionalities of all IDSes involved in the detection process. In the context of the PhD of Erwan Godefroy [1], we focus on the transformation process that allows to translate the description of a complex attack scenario into correlation rules and its assessment. We show that, once a human expert has provided an action tree derived from an attack tree, a fully automated transformation process can generate exhaustive correlation rules that would be tedious and error prone to enumerate by hand.

Long lived attack campaigns known as Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) have emerged as a serious security risk. These attack campaigns are customised for their target and performed step by step during months on end. The major difficulty in detecting an APT is keeping track of the different steps logged over months of monitoring and linking them. In [11], we describe TerminAPTor, an APT detector which highlights links between the traces left by attackers in the monitored system during the different stages of an attack campaign. TerminAPTor tackles this challenge by resorting to Information Flow Tracking (IFT). Our main contribution is showing that IFT can be used to highlight APTs. Additionally, we describe a generic representation of APTs and validate our IFT-based APT detector.

Inferring the normal behavior of an application: In [29], [6], [41], we propose an approach to detect intrusions that affect the behavior of distributed applications. To determine whether an observed behavior is normal or not (occurence of an attack), we rely on a model of normal behavior. This model has been built during an initial training phase (machine learning approach). During this preliminary phase, the application is executed several times in a safe environment. The gathered traces (sequences of actions) are used to generate an automaton that characterizes all these acceptable behaviors. To reduce the size of the automaton and to be able to accept more general behaviors that are close to the observed traces, the automaton is transformed. These transformations may lead to introduce unacceptable behaviors. Our current work aims at identifying the possible errors tolerated by the compacted automaton.

This approach is particularly appealing to detect intrusions in industrial control systems since these systems exhibit well-defined behaviors at different levels: network level (network communication patterns, protocol specifications, etc.), control level (continue and discrete process control laws), or even the state of the local resources (memory or CPU). Industrial control systems (ICS) can be subject to highly sophisticated attacks which may lead the process towards critical states. Due to the particular context of ICS, protection mechanisms are not always practical, nor sufficient. On the other hand, developing a process-aware intrusion detection solution with satisfactory alert characterization remains an open problem. In [20], we focus on process-aware attacks detection in sequential control systems. We build on results from runtime verification and specification mining to automatically infer and monitor process specifications. Such specifications are represented by sets of temporal safety properties over states and events corresponding to sensors and actuators. The properties are then synthesized as monitors which report violations on execution traces. We develop an efficient specification mining algorithm and use filtering rules to handle the large number of mined properties. Furthermore, we introduce the notion of activity and discuss its relevance to both specification mining and attack detection in the context of sequential control systems. The proposed approach is evaluated in a hardware-in-the-loop setting subject to targeted process-aware attacks. Overall, due to the explicit handling of process variables, the solution provides a better characterization of the alerts and a more meaningful understanding of false positives.

Illegal Information Flow Detection

Our research work on intrusion detection based on information flow has been initiated in 2002. This research work has resulted in Blare, a framework for Intrusion Detection Systems  (http://www.blare-ids.org), including KBlare, an implementation as a Linux Security Module (LSM), JBlare, an implementation for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and AndroBlare, for Android applications.

Illegal Information Flow in Web-browser: In the context of the CominLabs SECCLOUD project, we were interested in implementing our approach to detect illegal information flow in web-browser. We have proposed a new secure information flow control model specifically designed for JavaScript [28]. In our approach, we augment the standard symbol table with a mechanism that replaces the reference address for secret values based on the current execution stack. This mechanism also ensures that the secret is stored in a dedicated memory location thereby protecting the secret from any unintended leakage or modification by a malicious JavaScript. This work on detection of illegal information flow in JavaScript has received the best paper award at the 9th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN 2016) [28].

Later Deepak Subramanian has improved this approach and optimized the computation time required to determine the legacy of information flows. An approach which begins with a learning phase allows to increase the accuracy of the proposed solution. Information about the modified variables are kept in memory to perform a more accurate analysis of the indirect information flows. This self-correcting information flow control model for a web-browser is described in [27].

Information Leaks: Qualitative information flow aims at detecting information leaks, whereas the emerging quantitative techniques target the estimation of information leaks. Quantifying information flow in the presence of low inputs is challenging, since the traditional techniques of approximating and counting the reachable states of a program no longer suffice. In [32], we propose an automated quantitative information flow analysis for imperative deterministic programs with low inputs. The approach relies on a novel abstract domain, the cardinal abstraction, in order to compute a precise upper-bound over the maximum leakage of batch-job programs. We prove the soundness of the cardinal abstract domain by relying on the framework of abstract interpretation. We also prove its precision with respect to a flow-sensitive type system for the two-point security lattice.

More generally, for his research activities during his PhD thesis, Mounir Assaf has received the 2016 thesis prize awarded by the GDR GPL (Engineering Programming and Software).

Characterizing Android Malwares: Android has become the world’s most popular mobile operating system, and consequently the most popular target for unscrupulous developers. These developers seek to make money by taking advantage of Android users who customise their devices with various applications, which are the main malware infection vector. Indeed, the most likely way a user executes a repackaged application is by downloading a seemingly harmless application from a store and executing it. Such an application may have been modified by an attacker in order to add malicious pieces of code.

To fight repackaged applications containing malicious code, most official application marketplaces have implemented security analysis tools that try to detect and remove malware. Countermeasures adopted by the attackers to bypass these new controls can be divided into two main approaches: avoiding static analysis and avoiding dynamic analysis [39]. A static analysis of an application consists of analysing its code and its resources without executing it. Conversely, dynamic analysis stands for any kind of analysis that requires executing the application in order to observe its actions.

The Kharon project [19] goes a step further from classical dynamic analysis of malware (http://kharon.gforge.inria.fr). Funded by the Labex CominLabs and involving partners of CentraleSupélec, Inria and INSA Centre Val de Loire, this project aims to capture a compact and comprehensive representation of malware. To achieve such a goal we have developed tools to monitor operating systems’ information flows induced by the execution of a marked application. We support the idea that the best way to understand malware impact is to observe it in its normal execution environment i.e., a real smartphone. Additionally, the main challenge is to be able to trigger malicious behaviours even if the malware tries to escape dynamic analysis.

In this context, we have developed an original solution that mainly consists of ‘helping the malware to execute’. In other words we slightly modify the bytecode of the infected application in order to defeat the protection against dynamic analysis and we execute the suspicious code in its most favourable execution conditions. Thus, our software helps us understand malware's objectives and the consequences on the health of a user's device. In particular, we use a global control flow graph (CFG) to exhibit an execution path to reach specific parts of code [42].

To achieve stealthiness when attacking a mobile device, an effective approach is the use of a covert channel built by two colluding applications to locally exchange data. Since this process is tightly coupled with the used hiding method, its detection is a challenging task, also worsened by the very low transmission rates. Using general indicators such as the energy consumed by the device, we propose in [5] an approach to detect the hidden data exchange between colluding applications and show its feasibility and effectiveness through different experimental results.

Our main research direction and challenge is to develop new and original protections against malicious applications that try to defeat classical dynamic analysis.

Intrusion Detection in Low-Level Software Components

In order to protect the IDS itself, we have initiated different research activities in the domain of hardware security. Our goal is to use co-design software/hardware approaches against traditional software attacks. In a bilateral research project with HP Inc Research Labs, we investigate how dedicated hardware could be used to monitor the whole software stack (from the firmware to the user-mode applications). In the CominLabs HardBlare project, we study the use of a dedicated co-processor to enforce Dynamic Information Flow Control on the main CPU. Finally, in the context of the PhD thesis of Thomas Lethan (ANSSI), we investigate the use of formal methods to evaluate the security guarantees provided by hardware platforms, which combine different CPUs, chipsets and memories. Over time, hardware designs have constantly grown in complexity and modern platforms involve multiple interconnected hardware components. During the last decade, several vulnerability disclosures have proven that trust in hardware can be misplaced. In [21], [37], we give a formal definition of Hardware-based Security Enforcement (HSE) mechanisms, a class of security enforcement mechanisms such that a software component relies on the underlying hardware platform to enforce a security policy. We then model a subset of a x86-based hardware platform specifications and we prove the soundness of a realistic HSE mechanism within this model using Coq, a proof assistant system.

The HardBlare project proposes a software/hardware co-design methodology to ensure that security properties are preserved all along the execution of the system but also during files storage. It is based on the Dynamic Information Flow Tracking (DIFT) that generally consists in attaching tags to denote the type of information that are saved or generated within the system. These tags are then propagated when the system evolves and information flow control is performed in order to guarantee the safe execution and storage within the system monitored by security policies [43].

In [30] we introduce an efficient approach for DIFT (Dynamic Information Flow Tracking) implementations on reconfigurable chips. Existing solutions are either hardly portable or bring unsatisfactory time overheads. This work presents an innovative implementation for DIFT on reconfigurable SoCs such as Xilinx Zynq devices.

In [7], we detail a hardware-assisted approach for information flow tracking implemented on reconfigurable chips. Current solutions are either time-consuming or hardly portable (modifications of both software/hardware layers). This work takes benefits from debug components included in ARMv7 processors to retrieve details on instructions committed by the CPU. First results in terms of silicon area and time overheads are also given.


The large quantities of alerts generated by intrusion detection systems (IDS) make very difficult to distinguish on a network real threats from noise. To help solving this problem, we propose VEGAS [12], an alerts visualization and classification tool that allows first line security operators to group alerts visually based on their principal component analysis (PCA) representation. VEGAS is included in a workflow in such a way that once a set of similar alerts has been collected and diagnosed, a filter is generated that redirects forthcoming similar alerts to other security analysts that are specifically in charge of this set of alerts, in effect reducing the flow of raw undiagnosed alerts.

Our research on visualization of security events has lead to two proofs-of-concept (See ELVIS and VEGAS softwares). We are currently pursuing business opportunities on this topic. Indeed SplitSec is a soon to be founded startup developing tools to help security experts to better manage and understand security data. Scalable analysis solutions and data visualisations adapted for security are combined into powerful tools for incident response. Christopher Humphries is a technology transfer engineer employed by Inria to build these tools based on promising research prototypes.