CORSE - 2016
Research Program
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Research Program
Application Domains
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

General Chair, Scientific Chair
  • Ylies Falcone: 1st international summer school on Runtime Verification; 3rd international Competition on Runtime Verification

  • Frédéric Desprez: EuroPAR 2016 (co-chair and workshop chair)

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Fabrice Rastello: Program Committee ACM/IEEE CGO 2015; Steering Committee Journées française de la compilation; Steering Committee ACM/IEEE CGO

Scientific Events Selection

Chair of Conference Program Committees
  • Fabrice Rastello: Program Chair ACM/IEEE CGO 2016; Program Chair “Journées française de la compilation”, Aussois, 2016

  • Ylies Falcone: Program Chair RV 2016

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Fabrice Rastello: ACM CC 2016, ACM SRC SC 2016, ACM/IEEE SRC SC 2016

  • Alain Ketterlin: ACM/IEEE CGO 2016

  • Ylies Falcone: CARI 2016, SSS 2016, RV 2016, Pre-Post’16, SAC-SVT’16

  • Frédéric Desprez: Closer 2016, CCGrid 2016, HPC 2016, EuroPAR 2016, CloudCom 2016


Reviewer - Reviewing activities
  • Fabrice Rastello: ACM TACO

  • Ylies Falcone: Formal Aspects of Computing, ACM Transactions on Automatic and Control, Acta Informatica, Formal Methods in System Design, International Journal of Information and Computer Security, Science of Computer Programming, Software Tools for Technology Transfer, Journal of Systems and Software, NFM 2016

Invited talks

  • Fabrice Rastello: UCDenver: “Toward Automatic Characterisation of the Data Access Complexity of Programs”

  • Ylies Falcone: American University of Beirut: “On the Runtime Enforcement of Timed Properties”

  • Ylies Falcone: LAAS Toulouse: “On the Runtime Enforcement of Timed Properties”

  • Frédéric Desprez: Inria Alumni: “Internet des objets, Où sont les ruptures? Activités à l'Inria”

  • Frédéric Desprez: SUCCES Workshop: “CIMENT, GRICAD, Grid'5000: La synergie grenobloise”

  • Frédéric Desprez: CCDSC Workshop: “BOAST: Performance Portability Using Meta-Programming and Auto-Tuning”

  • Frédéric Desprez: Eurecom Seminar 2016: “Challenges and Issues of Next Cloud Computing Platforms”

  • Frédéric Desprez: European Commission, Brussels: “Research Issues for Future Cloud Infrastructures”

  • Frédéric Desprez: CIRM, CEMRACS 2016 summer school: “OpenCL Introduction”

  • François Broquedis: CIRM, CEMRACS 2016 summer school: “A Gentle Introduction to OpenMP Programming”

  • Jean-François Méhaut: CEMRACS 2016 summer school: “Overview of architectures and programming language for parallel computing”

Scientific expertise

  • Frédéric Desprez: European project in the FP7 framework

  • Frédéric Desprez: Comité d’orientation stratégique de CIRRUS (COMUE Paris)

  • Frédéric Desprez: Groupe Technique GENCI

  • Frédéric Desprez: Conseil Scientifique GIS France Grille

  • Frédéric Desprez: GENCI, expert for grants of computing resources (CT6)

  • Ylies Falcone: Representative of France in the COST Action ARVI

  • Ylies Falcone: COST Action ARVI, co-leader of Working Group on Core Runtime Verification

  • Jean-François Mehaut: Eurolab-4-HPC, expert for cross site mobility research grants

  • Jean-François Mehaut: GENCI, expert for grants of computing resources (CT6)

Research administration

  • Frédéric Desprez: Deputy Scientific Director at Inria

  • Frédéric Desprez: Director of the GIS GRID5000

  • Frédéric Desprez: Conseil Scientifique ESIEE Paris