Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master II: Fabrice Rastello, Advanced Compilers, 12 hours, ENS Lyon
Master I: Jean-François Méhaut, Operating System Design, 50 hours, Polytech Grenoble
L3: Jean-François Méhaut, Numerical Methods, 50 hours, Polytech Grenoble,
L3: Jean-François Méhaut, Advanced Algorithms, 50 hours, Polytech Grenoble
L3: François Broquedis, Imperative programming using python, 40 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)
L3: François Broquedis, C programming, 80 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)
M1: François Broquedis, Operating systems and concurrent programming, 40 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)
M1: François Broquedis, Operating Systems Development Project - Fundamentals, 20 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)
M1: François Broquedis, Operating Systems Project, 20 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)
Master: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Compilation project, 15 hours, M1 Info & M1 MoSig
Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, C programming, 24 hours, L3, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)
Master: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Algorithmic Problem Solving, 41 hours, M1 MoSIG
Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Algorithms languages and programming, 121 hours, L2 UGA
Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou is responsible of the second year of INF (informatique) and MIN (mathématiques et informatique) students at UGA
Master I: Ylies Falcone Proof Techniques and Logic Reminders, MoSIG, 3 hours
Master I: Ylies Falcone Recaps on Object-Oriented Programming, MoSIG, 3 hours
Master II: Ylies Falcone Introduction to Runtime Verification, MoSIG HECS, 8 hours.
Master I: Ylies Falcone Programming Language Semantics and Compiler Design, MoSIG, 66 hours
License: Ylies Falcone Languages and Automata, UJF, 105 hours
Master: Ylies Falcone is co-responsible of the first year of the International Master of Computer Science (Univ. Grenoble Alpes and INP ENSIMAG)
Fabrice Rastello
PhD defended [3]: Duco van Amstel, Scheduling and optimization for memory locality of dataflow programs on many-core processors, advised by Fabrice Rastello and Benoit Dupont-de-Dinechin
PhD defended [1]: Diogo Sampaio, Profiling Guided Hybrid Compilation, October 8 2013, advised by Fabrice Rastello
PhD defended: Venmugil Elango, Dynamic Analysis for Characterization of Data Locality Potential, advised by Fabrice Rastello and P. Sadayappan.
PhD in progress: François Gindraud, Semantics and compilation for a data-flow model with a global address space and software cache coherency, January 1st 2013, advised by Fabrice Rastello and Albert Cohen.
PhD in progress: Fabian Grüber, Interactive & iterative performance debugging, September 2016, advised by Fabrice Rastello and Ylies Falcone.
PhD in progress: Philippe Virouleau, Improving the performance of task-based runtime systems on large scale NUMA machines, co-advised by Thierry Gautier (Inria/AVALON), Fabrice Rastello, François Broquedis
Jean-François Méhaut
PhD defended (April 2016): Oleg Iegorov, advised by Alexandre Termier (Dream/Irisa), Vincent Leroy (SLIDE/LIG) and Jean-François Méhaut
PhD defended (October 2016): Nassim Halli, CIFRE with Asselta, advised by Henri-Pierre Charles (CEA/DRT List), Jean-François Méhaut
PhD defended [36]: Naweiluo Zhou, advised by Eric Rutten (Inria, CtrlA), Gwenael Delaval (UGA, CtrlA), Jean-François Méhaut
PhD in progress: Thomas Messi Nguelé, advised by Maurice Tchuenté (Yaoundé I, LIRIMA) and Jean-François Méhaut
PhD in progress: Thomas Goncalves, advised by Marc Perache (CEA/DAM), Frédéric Desprez, Jean-François Méhaut
PhD in progress: Luis Felipe Milani, advised by Lucas Schnoor (UFRGS), François Broquedis and Jean-François Méhaut
PhD in progress: Vanessa Vargas, advised by Raoul Velazco (CNRS, TIMA) and Jean-François Méhaut
PhD in progress: Raphaël Jakse, Monitoring and Debugging Component-Based Systems, advised by Jean-François Mehaut and Ylies Falcone.
Frédéric Desprez
PhD defended (October 2016): Jonathan Pastor, advised by Frédéric Desprez, Adrien Lèbre (EMN Nantes, Ascola team)
PhD in progress: Pedro Silva, advised by Frédéric Desprez, C. Perez (Inria, Avalon team)
PhD in progress: Georgios Christodoulis, advised by Frederic Desprez, Olivier Muller (TIMA/SLS) and François Broquedis
PhD in progress: Thomas Goncalves, advised by Marc Perache (CEA/DAM), Frédéric Desprez, Jean-François Méhaut
PhD in progress: Ye Xia, advised by Thierry Coupaye (Orange), Frédéric Desprez, Xavier Etchevers (Orange)
François Broquedis
PhD in progress: Georgios Christodoulis, Adaptation of a heterogeneous runtime system to efficiently exploit FPGA advised by Frederic Desprez, Olivier Muller (TIMA/SLS) and François Broquedis
PhD in progress: Philippe Virouleau, Improving the performance of task-based runtime systems on large scale NUMA machines, co-advised by Thierry Gautier (Inria/AVALON), Fabrice Rastello, François Broquedis
Ylies Falcone
PhD in progress: Hosein Nazarpour, Monitoring Multithreaded and Distributed Component-based Systems, advised by Saddek Bensalem (Vérimag) and Ylies Falcone.
PhD in progress: Antoine El-Hokayem, Decentralised and Distributed Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems, advised by Ylies Falcone.
PhD in progress: Fabian Grüber, Interactive & iterative performance debugging, September 2016, advised by Fabrice Rastello and Ylies Falcone.
PhD in progress: Raphaël Jakse, Monitoring and Debugging Component-Based Systems, advised by Jean-François Mehaut and Ylies Falcone.
Fabrice Rastello
Venmugil Elango, Advisor, Dynamic Analysis for Characterization of Data Locality Potential, PhD of OSU, 06/01/2016
Arjun Suresh, Reviewer, Intercepting Functions for Memoization, PhD of Université de Rennes, 10/04/2016
Duco Van-Amstel, Advisor, Scheduling and optimization for memory locality of dataflow programs on many-core processors, Université Grenoble Alpes, 11/07/2016.
Juan Manuel Martinez Caamano, Reviewer, Fast and Flexible Compilation Techniques for Effective Speculative Polyhedral Parallelization, Université de Strasrbourg, 29/09/2016
Pierre Guillou, Reviewer, Compilation efficace d’applications de traitement d’images pour processeurs manycore, Université de recherche PAris Sciences et Lettres, 30/11/2016
Jean-François Méhaut
Oleg Iegorov, Advisor,Data Mining Approach to Temporal Debugging of Embedded Streaming Applications, PhD of Université Grenoble Alpes, April 2016
Nassim Halli, Advisor, Code Optimizations of High Performance Java Applications, PhD of Université Grenoble Alpes, October 2016
Naweiluo Zhou, Advisor, Autonomic Thread Parallelism and Mapping Control for Software Transactional Memory System, PhD of Université Grenoble Alpes, October 2016
Marc Sergent, Reviewer, Passage à l'échelle d'un support d'exécution à base de tâches pour l'algèbre linéaire creuse, PhD of Université de Bordeaux, October 2016
Jean-Charles Papin, Reviewer, A Scheduling and Partitioning Model for Stencil-based Applications on ManyCore Devices, PhD of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan, July 2016