Publications of the year
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
1J. Anselmi, F. Dufour, T. Prieto-Rumeau.
Computable approximations for continuous-time Markov decision processes on Borel spaces based on empirical measures, in: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2016, vol. 443, no 2, pp. 1323 - 1361. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.jmaa.2016.05.055 ] -
2J. Anselmi, N. S. Walton.
Decentralized Proportional Load Balancing, in: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2016, vol. 76, no 1, pp. 391-410. [ DOI : 10.1137/140969361 ] -
3O. Costa, F. Dufour, A. B. Piunovskiy.
Constrained and Unconstrained Optimal Discounted Control of Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes, in: SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2016, vol. 54, no 3, pp. 1444 - 1474. [ DOI : 10.1137/140996380 ] -
4B. De Saporta, E. Costa.
Approximate Kalman-Bucy filter for continuous-time semi-Markov jump linear systems, in: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2016, vol. 61, no 8, pp. 2035 - 2048. [ DOI : 10.1109/TAC.2015.2495578 ] -
5B. De Saporta, F. Dufour, A. Geeraert.
Optimal strategies for impulse control of piecewise deterministic Markov processes, in: Automatica, 2017. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.automatica.2016.11.039 ] -
6B. De Saporta, F. Dufour, C. Nivot.
Partially observed optimal stopping problem for discrete-time Markov processes, in: 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 2017. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10288-016-0337-8 ] -
7P. Del Moral, R. Kohn, F. Patras.
On particle Gibbs samplers, in: Annales de l'IHP - Probabilités et Statistiques, 2016. -
8B. Delyon, B. De Saporta, N. Krell, L. Robert.
Investigation of asymmetry in E. coli growth rate, in: CSBIGS (Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics, 2016, forthcoming. -
9F. Dufour, A. B. Piunovskiy.
Impulsive Control for Continuous-Time Markov Decision Processes: A Linear Programming Approach, in: Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2016, vol. 74, no 1, pp. 129 - 161. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00245-015-9310-8 ] -
10F. Dufour, T. Prieto-Rumeau.
Conditions for the Solvability of the Linear Programming Formulation for Constrained Discounted Markov Decision Processes, in: Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 2016, vol. 74, no 1, pp. 27 - 51. [ DOI : 10.1007/s00245-015-9307-3 ] -
11M. Ellies-Oury, G. Cantalapiedra-Hijar, D. Durand, D. Gruffat, A. Listrat, D. Micol, I. Ortigues-Marty, J. Hocquette, M. Chavent, J. Saracco, B. Picard.
An innovative approach combining Animal Performances, nutritional value and sensory quality of meat, in: Meat Science, 2016, vol. 122, pp. 163 - 172. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.meatsci.2016.08.004 ] -
12A. Genadot.
Spatio-temporal averaging for a class of hybrid systems and application to conductance-based neuron models, in: Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, November 2016, vol. 22, pp. 176-190. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.nahs.2016.03.003 ] -
13B. Liquet, J. Saracco.
BIG-SIR: a Sliced Inverse Regression approach for massive data, in: Statistics and its interfaces, 2016, vol. 9, no 4, pp. 509-520. -
14Y. Martinez, E. Naredo, L. Trujillo, P. Legrand, U. Lopez.
A comparison of fitness-case sampling methods for genetic programming, in: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2017. -
15Y. Martinez, L. Trujillo, P. Legrand, E. Galvan-Lopez.
Prediction of Expected Performance for a Genetic Programming Classifier, in: Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 2016, vol. 17, no 4, pp. 409–449. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10710-016-9265-9 ] -
16E. Naredo, L. Trujillo, P. Legrand, S. Silva, L. Munoz.
Evolving Genetic Programming Classifiers with Novelty Search, in: Information Sciences, November 2016, vol. 369, pp. 347–367. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.ins.2016.06.044 ] -
17E. Z-Flores, L. Trujillo, A. Sotelo, P. Legrand, L. Coria.
Regularity and Matching Pursuit Feature Extraction for the Detection of Epileptic Seizures, in: Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2016.
Invited Conferences
18M. Chavent.
Multivariate analysis of mixed data: The PCAmixdata R package, in: 9th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2016), Seville, Spain, December 2016. -
19A. Geeraert, B. De Saporta, F. Dufour.
Impulse control of piecewise deterministic processes, in: 28th European Conference on Operational Research, Poznan, Poland, 2016. -
20J. Saracco, I. Jlassi.
Variable importance assessment in sliced inverse regression for variable selection, in: 9th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (CMStatistics 2016), Séville, Spain, December 2016.
International Conferences with Proceedings
21E. Costa, B. De Saporta.
Precomputable Kalman-based filter for Markov Jump Linear Systems, in: 3rd International Conference on Control and Fault-Tolerant Systems, Barcelone, Spain, 2016, pp. 387-392. -
22J. E. Hernandez-Beltran, V. H. Díaz-Ramírez, L. Trujillo, P. Legrand.
Restoration of degraded images using genetic programming, in: Optics and photonics for information processing X, San Diego, United States, August 2016, vol. 9970. -
23V. R. López-López, L. Trujillo, P. Legrand, G. Olague.
Genetic Programming: From design to improved implementation, in: Gecco 2016, Denver, United States, June 2016.
Conferences without Proceedings
24V. Sautron, M. Chavent, N. Viguerie, N. Villa-Vialaneix.
Multiway-SIR for longitudinal multi-table data integration, in: 22nd International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT), Oviedo, Spain, August 2016.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
25S. Girard, J. Saracco.
Supervised and unsupervised classification using mixture models, in: Statistics for Astrophysics: Clustering and Classification, D. Fraix-Burnet, S. Girard (editors), EAS Publications Series, EDP Sciences, May 2016, vol. 77, pp. 69-90. -
26T. Leonardo, E. Z-Flores, P. S. Juarez Smith, P. Legrand, S. Silva, M. Castelli, L. Vanneschi, O. Schütze, L. Munoz.
Local Search is Underused in Genetic Programming, in: Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XIV, A. Arbor (editor), Springer, 2017. -
27J. Saracco, M. Chavent.
Clustering of Variables for Mixed Data, in: Statistics for Astrophysics: Clustering and Classification, EAS Publications Series, EDP Sciences, 2016, vol. 77, pp. 91-119.
Books or Proceedings Editing
28S. Bonnevay, P. Legrand, N. Monmarché, E. Lutton, M. Schoenauer (editors)
Artificial Evolution 2015, LNCS - Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Lyon, France, 2016, vol. 9554. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-31471-6 ] -
29O. Schuetze, L. Trujillo, P. Legrand, Y. Maldonado (editors)
NEO 2015 - Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization: Results of the Numerical and Evolutionary Optimization Workshop NEO 2015 held at September 23-25 2015 in Tijuana, Mexico, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Tijuana, Mexico, 2016.
Other Publications
30R. Azaïs, A. Genadot, B. Henry.
Inference for conditioned Galton-Watson trees from their Harris path, September 2016, working paper or preprint. -
31L. Chaari, S. Badillo, T. Vincent, G. Dehaene-Lambertz, F. Forbes, P. Ciuciu.
Subject-level Joint Parcellation-Detection-Estimation in fMRI, January 2016, working paper or preprint. -
32I. Charlier, D. Paindaveine, J. Saracco.
Multiple-output quantile regression through optimal quantization, 2016, working paper or preprint. -
33M. Chavent, R. Genuer, J. Saracco.
Combining clustering of variables and feature selection using random forests: the CoV/VSURF procedure, July 2016, working paper or preprint. -
34P. Del Moral, A. Kurtzmann, J. Tugaut.
On the stability and the exponential concentration of Extended Kalman-Bucy filters, June 2016, working paper or preprint. -
35P. Del Moral, A. Kurtzmann, J. Tugaut.
On the stability and the uniform propagation of chaos of Extended Ensemble Kalman-Bucy filters, June 2016, working paper or preprint. -
36M. Ellies-Oury, M. GAGAOUA, J. Saracco, M. Chavent, B. Picard.
Biomarker abundance in two beef muscles depending on animal breeding practices and carcass characteristics, 2016, working paper or preprint. -
37A. Genadot.
Averaging for some simple constrained Markov processes, September 2016, working paper or preprint. -
38I. Jlassi, J. Saracco.
A Smooth Nonparametric Estimator of a Conditional Quantile, 2016, working paper or preprint. -
39I. Jlassi, J. Saracco.
Variable importance assessment in sliced inverse regression for variable selection, 2016, working paper or preprint. -
40C. Nivot, B. De Saporta, F. Dufour, D. Bérard-Bergery, C. Elegbede.
Optimization of a launcher integration process: a Markov decision process approach *, 2016, working paper or preprint. -
41A. Todeschini, F. Caron.
Exchangeable Random Measures for Sparse and Modular Graphs with Overlapping Communities, February 2016, working paper or preprint.
42N. Duan, K.-C. Li.
Slicing regression: a link-free regression method, in: Ann. Statist., 1991, vol. 19, no 2, pp. 505–530. -
43R. Duda, P. Hart, D. Stork.
Pattern Classification, John Wiley, 2001. -
44K.-C. Li.
Sliced inverse regression for dimension reduction, in: J. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 1991, vol. 86, no 414, pp. 316–342, With discussion and a rejoinder by the author.