2016 Project-Team Activity Report
Dependability Interoperability and perfOrmance aNalYsiS Of networkS
Research centre:
Rennes - Bretagne-Atlantique
In partnership with: Université Rennes 1
In collaboration with: Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires (IRISA)
In collaboration with: Institut de recherche en informatique et systèmes aléatoires (IRISA)
Computer Science and Digital Science:
- 1.1.6. - Cloud
- 1.1.7. - Peer to peer
- 1.1.13. - Virtualization
- 1.2.3. - Routing
- 1.2.4. - QoS, performance evaluation
- 1.2.5. - Internet of things
- 1.3. - Distributed Systems
- 3.4.1. - Supervised learning
- 3.4.2. - Unsupervised learning
- 3.4.3. - Reinforcement learning
- 3.4.6. - Neural networks
- 3.4.8. - Deep learning
- 6.1.1. - Continuous Modeling (PDE, ODE)
- 6.2.2. - Numerical probability
- 6.2.3. - Probabilistic methods
- 6.2.6. - Optimization
- 7.2. - Discrete mathematics, combinatorics
- 7.14. - Game Theory
Other Research Topics and Application Domains:
- 1.3.1. - Understanding and simulation of the brain and the nervous system
- 2.2. - Physiology and diseases
- 6.2.1. - Wired technologies
- 6.2.2. - Radio technology
- 6.2.4. - Optic technology
- 6.3.2. - Network protocols
- 6.4. - Internet of things