Major publications by the team in recent years
1J.-C. Boisson, L. Jourdan, E.-G. Talbi.
Metaheuristics based de novo protein sequencing: A new approach, in: Applied Soft Computing, 2011, vol. 11, no 2, pp. 2271-2278. -
2C. Dhaenens, J. Lemesre, E.-G. Talbi.
K-PPM: A new exact method to solve multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, vol. 200, no 1, pp. 45-53. -
3J. Figueira, A. Liefooghe, E.-G. Talbi, A. P. Wierzbicki.
A parallel multiple reference point approach for multi-objective optimization, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, vol. 205, no 2, pp. 390 - 400. -
4N. Jozefowiez, F. Semet, E.-G. Talbi.
Target Aiming Pareto Search and its application to the vehicle routing problem with route balancing, in: Journal of Heuristics, 2007, vol. 13, pp. 455-469. -
5A. Khanafer, F. Clautiaux, E.-G. Talbi.
New lower bounds for bin packing problems with conflicts, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2010, vol. 2, no 206. -
6A. Liefooghe, L. Jourdan, E.-G. Talbi.
A software framework based on a conceptual unified model for evolutionary multiobjective optimization: ParadisEO-MOEO, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2010. -
7A. Liefooghe, L. Paquete, J. Figueira.
On local search for bi-objective knapsack problems, in: Evolutionary Computation, 2013, vol. 21, no 1, pp. 179-196. [ DOI : 10.1162/EVCO_a_00074 ] -
8T. V. Luong, N. Melab, E.-G. Talbi.
GPU Computing for Parallel Local Search Metaheuristics, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2013, vol. 62, no 1, pp. 173-185. -
9M.-É. Marmion, L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens.
Fitness Landscape Analysis and Metaheuristics Efficiency, in: Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms in Operations Research, 2013, vol. 12, no 1, pp. 3-26. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10852-012-9177-5 ] -
10E.-G. Talbi.
Metaheuristics: From Design to Implementation, Wiley, 2009.
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
11E. Alekseeva, M. Mezmaz, D. Tuyttens, N. Melab.
Parallel multi-core hyper-heuristic GRASP to solve permutation flow-shop problem: Hyper-heuristique GRASP parallèle multi-coeur pour la résolution du flow-shop de permutation, in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, April 2016. [ DOI : 10.1002/cpe.3835 ] -
12D. C. Cattaruzza, N. Absi, D. Feillet.
Vehicle routing problems with multiple trips, in: 4OR: A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 2016, forthcoming. -
13F. Daolio, A. Liefooghe, S. Verel, H. Aguirre, K. Tanaka.
Problem Features vs. Algorithm Performance on Rugged Multi-objective Combinatorial Fitness Landscapes, in: Evolutionary Computation, 2016. [ DOI : 10.1162/EVCO_a_00193 ] -
14F. Dufossé, B. Uçar.
Notes on Birkhoff-von Neumann decomposition of doubly stochastic matrices, in: Linear Algebra and its Applications, February 2016, vol. 497, pp. 108–115. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.laa.2016.02.023 ] -
15J. Gmys, R. Leroy, M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, D. Tuyttens.
Work Stealing with Private Integer-Vector-Matrix Data Structure for Multi-core Branch-and-Bound Algorithms, in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2016. [ DOI : 10.1002/cpe.3771 ] -
16J. Gmys, M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, D. Tuyttens.
A GPU-based Branch-and-Bound algorithm using Integer-Vector-Matrix data structure, in: Parallel Computing, 2016. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.parco.2016.01.008 ] -
17J. Gmys, M. Mezmaz, N. Melab, D. Tuyttens.
IVM-based parallel branch-and-bound using hierarchical work stealing on multi-GPU systems, in: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, October 2016. [ DOI : 10.1002/cpe.4019 ] -
18M. Gérard, F. Clautiaux, R. Sadykov, M. Gerard.
Column generation based approaches for a tour scheduling problem with a multi-skill heterogeneous workforce, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2016. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.ejor.2016.01.036 ] -
19S. Jacquin, L. JOURDAN, E.-G. Talbi.
A multi-objective dynamic programming-based metaheuristic to solve a bi-objective unit commitment problem using a multi-objective decoder, in: International Journal of Metaheuristics, 2016, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 3-30. [ DOI : 10.1504/IJMHEUR.2016.079104 ] -
20N. Melab, J. Gmys, M. Mezmaz, D. Tuyttens.
Multi-core versus Many-core Computing for Many-task Branch-and-Bound applied to Big Optimization Problems, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, December 2016, 20 p, Accepted with minor revision. -
21E.-G. Talbi.
Combining metaheuristics with mathematical programming, constraint programming and machine learning, in: Annals of Operations Research, 2016, vol. 240, no 1, pp. 171-215. -
22T.-T. Vu, B. Derbel.
Parallel Branch-and-Bound in Multi-core Multi-CPU Multi-GPU Heterogeneous Environments, in: Future Generation Computer Systems, March 2016, vol. 56, pp. 95–109. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.future.2015.10.009 ]
International Conferences with Proceedings
23O. Bahri, E.-G. Talbi, N. Benamor.
Robust routes fort he fuzzy multi-objective vehicle routing problem, in: MIM‘2016 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling Management and Control, Troyes, France, 2016. -
24O. Bahri, E.-G. Talbi, N. Benamor.
β-Robustness approach for fuzzy multi-objective problems, in: IPMU‘2016 16th Int. Conf. On Information Processing and Management on Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, Eindhoeven, Netherlands, 2016. -
25M. Basseur, B. Derbel, A. Goeffon, A. Liefooghe.
Experiments on greedy and local search heuristics for d–dimensional hypervolume subset selection, in: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2016), Denver, United States, 2016. -
26A. Blot, H. Hoos, L. Jourdan, M.-É. Marmion, H. Trautmann.
MO-ParamILS: A Multi-objective Automatic Algorithm Configuration Framework, in: Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Ischia, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, May 2016, vol. 10079, pp. 32-47. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-50349-3_3 ] -
27I. Chakroun, N. Melab.
HB&B@GRID: An heterogeneous grid-enabled Branch and Bound algorithm, in: 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), Innsbruck, Austria, July 2016. [ DOI : 10.1109/HPCSim.2016.7568403 ] -
28B. Derbel, A. Liefooghe, Q. Zhang, H. Aguirre, K. Tanaka.
Multi-objective Local Search Based on Decomposition, in: International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2016), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016, vol. 9921, pp. 431 - 441. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-45823-6_40 ] -
29N. Dupin, E.-G. Talbi.
Dual heuristics and new lower bounds for the challenge EURO/ROADEF, in: Matheuristics‘2016 6th Int. Workshop on Model-based Metaheuristics, Brussels, Belgium, 2016. -
30N. Dupin, E.-G. Talbi.
Matheuristics for the discrete unit committment problem with min-stop ramping constraints, in: Matheuristics‘2016 6th Int. Workshop on Model-based Metaheuristics, Brussels, Belgium, 2016. -
31N. Dupin, E.-G. Talbi.
Robust scheduling of nuclear power plant’s maintenances, in: MIM‘2016 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling Management and Control, Troyes, France, 2016. -
32Z. Garroussi, R. Ellaia, E.-G. Talbi.
Appliance scheduling in a smart home using a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm, in: 4rd IEEE International Renewable and Sustainable Energy Conference (IRSEC), Marrakech, Morocco, 2016. -
33V. Gautier, M. Mezmaz, D. Tuyttens, N. Melab.
Vectorization of local search for solving flow-shop scheduling problem on Xeon Phi™ MIC co-processors, in: 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), Innsbruck, Austria, July 2016. [ DOI : 10.1109/HPCSim.2016.7568407 ] -
34S. Jacquin, E. Allart, F. Dufossé, L. JOURDAN.
Evolutionary Algorithm for bi-objective Just-in-Time Job-shop, in: 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2016), Athens, Greece, December 2016. -
35C. Jankee, S. Verel, B. Derbel, C. Fonlupt.
A Fitness Cloud Model for Adaptive Metaheuristic Selection Methods, in: 14th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN2016), Edinburgh, United Kingdom, J. Handl, E. Hart, P. R. Lewis, M. López-Ibáñez, G. Ochoa, B. Paechter (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, September 2016, vol. 9921, pp. 80-90. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-45823-6_8 ] -
36M.-É. Kessaci-Marmion, H. Aguirre, C. Dhaenens, L. Jourdan, K. Tanaka.
Multi-objective Neutral Neighbors? What could be the definition(s)?, in: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Denver, CO, United States, T. Friedrich, F. Neumann, A. M. Sutton (editors), Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, ACM, 2016, pp. 349–356. [ DOI : 10.1145/2908812.2908902 ] -
37A. Liefooghe, B. Derbel.
A Correlation Analysis of Set Quality Indicator Values in Multiobjective Optimization, in: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2016), Denver, United States, July 2016. -
38J. Puente, C. R. Vela, I. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, E.-G. Talbi.
SimGA : A simulating approach to fuzzy job shop problems , in: META’2016 6th International Conference on Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing, Marrakech, Morocco, 2016. -
39M. Sagawa, H. Aguirre, F. Daolio, A. Liefooghe, B. Derbel, S. Verel, K. Tanaka.
Learning variable importance to guide recombination, in: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multicriteria Decision-Making (IEEE MCDM 2016), Athens, Greece, 2016. -
40C. Tiago, J. Gmys, N. Melab, d. C. J. Francisco Heron, D. Tuyttens.
A GPU-Based Backtracking Algorithm for Permutation Combinatorial Problems, in: 16th International Conference, ICA3PP 2016, Granada, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer International Publishing, December 2016, vol. 10048, 15 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-49583-5_24 ] -
41M. Vandromme, J. Jacques, J. Taillard, L. Jourdan, C. Dhaenens.
A scalable biclustering method for heterogeneous medical data, in: International Workshop on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data, Volterra, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, August 2016, vol. 10122, 12 p.
Conferences without Proceedings
42A.-L. Bedenel, C. Biernacki, L. Jourdan.
Matching of descriptors evolving over time : Application to online insurance comparison , in: 48èmes Journées des Statistiques Française, Montpellier, France, May 2016. -
43S. Dufourny, C. Dhaenens.
Optimization of business game decisions, in: IFAC / IEEE / IFORS / IFIP / INFORMS MIM 2016 Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management, and Control, Troyes, France, June 2016. -
44L. Mousin, L. Jourdan, M.-É. Marmion, C. Dhaenens.
Feature Selection using Tabu Search with Learning Memory: Learning Tabu Search, in: Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN Conference LION 10, Ischia Island (Napoli), Italy, May 2016.
Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)
45C. Dhaenens, L. Jourdan.
Metaheuristics for Big Data, Wiley-ISTE, August 2016, 212 p.
Books or Proceedings Editing
46M.-J. Blesa, C. Blum, A. Cangelosi, V. Cutello, A. Di Nuovo, M. Pavone, E.-G. Talbi (editors)
Hybrid metaheuristics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS No.9668, Springer, 2016.
Other Publications
47D. Brockhoff, T. Tusar, D. Tusar, T. Wagner, N. Hansen, A. Auger.
Biobjective Performance Assessment with the COCO Platform, May 2016, ArXiv e-prints, arXiv:1605.01746. -
48N. Hansen, A. Auger, D. Brockhoff, D. Tusar, T. Tusar.
COCO: Performance Assessment, May 2016, ArXiv e-prints, arXiv:1605.03560. -
49N. Hansen, A. Auger, O. Mersmann, T. Tusar, D. Brockhoff.
COCO: A Platform for Comparing Continuous Optimizers in a Black-Box Setting, July 2016, ArXiv e-prints, arXiv:1603.08785.
50C. A. Coello Coello, D. A. Van Veldhuizen, G. B. Lamont (editors)
Evolutionary algorithms for solving multi-objective problems, Kluwer Academic Press, 2002. -
51M. Basseur.
Design of cooperative algorithms for multi-objective optimization: Application to the Flow-shop scheduling problem, University of Sciences and Technology of Lille, France, June 2005. -
52C. Cotta, E.-G. Talbi, E. Alba.
Parallel hybrid approaches, in: Parallel Metaheuristics, USA, J. Wiley and Sons, 2005, pp. 347–370. -
53K. Deb.
Multi-objective optimization using evolutionary algorithms, John Wiley and sons, 2001. -
54D. E. Goldberg.
Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusett, USA, 1989. -
55A. J. Nebro, F. Luna, E.-G. Talbi, E. Alba.
Parallel multi-objective optimization, in: Parallel Metaheuristics, USA, J. Wiley and Sons, 2005, pp. 371–394. -
56E.-G. Talbi.
A Taxonomy of Hybrid Metaheuristics, in: Journal of Heuristics, 2002, vol. 8, no 5, pp. 541–564.