Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Valeria Loscri, Objets Communicants, 24h (Mineure Habitat Intelligent), Ecole des Mines de Douai, France.
Master : Nathalie Mitton, Wireless sensor networks, 16h eqTD (Master MINT), Université Lille 1 and Telecom Lille 1, France
Bsc: Nathalie Mitton, Contactless technologies, 20h eqTD, Université de Valenciennes, France
Bsc: Farouk Mezghani, Contactless technologies, 20h eqTD, Université de Valenciennes, France
BSC: Riccardo Petrolo, Réseaux Informatique, 36h TP and TD (Licence Info), Université Lille 1, France
BSC: Riccardo Petrolo, Technologies du Web, 36h TP and TD (Licence 1), Université Lille 1, France
Master : Viktor Toldov, Systèmes Numériques (VHDL), 6h eqTD (Formation d'ingénieur), Télécom Lille, France
Licence : Jean Razafimandimby, Algorithms and Programming 1, 32h TP and TD, Université Lille 1, France
Licence : Jean Razafimandimby, Algorithms and Programming 2, 32h TP and TD, Université Lille 1, France
PhD defended on July 26th 2016: Mouna Rekik, geographic multi path routing protocol based on swarm intelligence for wireless sensor and actuator networks in the context of Smart Grids, co-supervision Université Lille 1 and University of Sfax (Tunisia), 2013-2017, Nathalie Mitton and Zied Chtourou
PhD defended on Oct 25th 2016: Riccardo Petrolo, Internet of Things and Smart Cities, Université Lille 1, 2013-2016, Nathalie Mitton and Valeria Loscri
PhD in progress: Viktor Toldov, : Interférence et consommation dans les réseaux de capteurs, Université Lille 1, 2013-2016, Nathalie Mitton and Laurent Clavier
PhD in progress: Jean Razafimandimby, Distributed Cooperation and Communication among Heterogeneous Devices, Université Lille 1, 2014-2017, Nathalie Mitton and Valeria Loscri
PhD in progress: Aziz Mbacke, Smart Deployment of heterogeneous sensors and RFID in a Smart City, Université Lille 1, 2015-2018, Nathalie Mitton and Hervé Rivano (Urbanet)
PhD in progress: Jad Nassar, Ubiquitous networks for smart grids, Université Lille 1, 2015-2018, Nathalie Mitton and Nicolas Gouvy (HEI)
Simon Duquennoy was a member of the PhD defense committee of
Valeria Loscri was a member of the PhD defense committee of Riad Mazloum, University Paris 6, December 2016.
Valeria Loscri was reviewer of the the following PhD thesis: Orazio Briante, Universitá Mediterranea di reggio Calabria, May 2016.
Nathalie Mitton is/was reviewer of the following PhD thesis:
Nathalie Mitton was a member of the HDR defense committee of Nadjib AIT SAADI, University of Paris-Est Creteil Val de Marne (UPEC) 18 july 2016.
Researcher selection committees :
Valeria Loscri was member of the Inria CR2 Lille competition selection committee.
Nathalie Mitton was member of the Inria CR2 Grenoble competition selection committee.
Nathalie Mitton was member of the Inria Research Grant Position selection committee.
Nathalie Mitton was member of the Assistant Professor (MdC) at Universités de Valenciennes, Rennes et de Lorraine, Institut Mines Telecom ParisTech competition selection committees.
Nathalie Mitton is a member of the scientific committee of "Convergences du Droit et du Numérique".
Valeria Loscri is a member of the committe of "Journée Nationale de l’Internet des Objets".