GALEN - 2016
Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives

Section: New Results

Graph-based change detection and classification in satellite image pairs

Paticipants: Maria Vakalopoulou, Nikos Paragios

We proposed a scalable, modular, metric-free, single-shot change detection/registration method for remote sensing image pairs [11]. The framework exploits a decomposed interconnected graphical model formulation where in the presence of changes the iconic similarity constraints are relaxed. We employ a discretized, grid-based deformation space. State-of-the-art linear programming and duality principles have been used to optimize the joint solution space where local consistency is imposed on the deformation and the detection space. The proposed framework is working both in a unsupervised and supervised manner depending on the application. The developed method has been validated through large scale experiments on several multi-temporal very high resolution optical satellite datasets. Also a novel generic framework has been designed, developed and validated for addressing simultaneously the tasks of image registration, segmentation and change detection from multisensor, multiresolution, multitemporal satellite image pairs [30]. Our approach models the inter-dependencies of variables through a higher order graph. A patch-based deep learning strategy has been employed and used for segmentation likelihoods. The evaluation of the developed framework was performed on the ’2016 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest’ dataset and indicate very promising results for all three different tasks.