GALEN - 2016
Overall Objectives
Overall Objectives

Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year


  • Wacha Bounliphone and Eugène Belilovsky received the Université Paris-Saclay STIC Doctoral School Best Scientific Contribution Award

  • Eugène Belilovsky received the MITACS-Inria Globalink Award

  • Prof. Iasonas Kokkinos was invited as keynote speaker in Astronomical Data Analysis Summer School, Chania, Greece, May 2016

  • Prof. Iasonas Kokkinos was invited as keynote speaker in Local features workshop, held in conjunction with ECCV, October 2016

  • Dr. Evangelia Zacharaki was appointed as guest associate editor for the Medical Physics journal

  • 2nd place at the 2016 IEEE GRSS Data Fusion Contest for the paper: Simultaneous Registration, Segmentation and Change Detection from Multisensor, Multitemporal Satellite Image Pairs [30].

  • Finalists (not-awarded) of the Best Papers award at the IEEE conference ICIP'16 for the paper: A Block Parallel Majorize-Minimize Memory Gradient Algorithm [16].

  • Oral presentation in the Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2016 conference of the paper: Testing for Differences in Gaussian Graphical Models: Applications to Brain Connectivity [15] (oral presentations: only 1% of more than 2000 submitted papers).

  • Oral presentation in the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), 2016, of the paper: Efficient Learning for Discriminative Segmentation with Supermodular Losses [33] (oral presentations: 7% of submitted papers).

  • Oral presentation in the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2016, of the paper: A Convex Surrogate Operator for General Non-Modular Loss Functions [32] (oral presentations:  11% of submitted papers).


  • Acceptance of the project entitled «Predicteurs performants de l’efficacite des agents anticancereux par apprentissage profond (deep learning) de donnees radiomiques et genomiques» as part of the program Imagerie Médicale Computationnelle. PI: Dr. Charles Ferte, Gustave Roussy, 94805 Villejuif.