Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Conferences and Presentations
We organized a high-profile conference in May 2016 at the Institut Henri Poincaré on “Networks: learning, information and complexity” (see: which gathered leading scientists in computer science, maths and statistical physics.
We organized in January 2016 a workshop at the Turing building involving top executives of LVMH and Inria researchers to exchange on innovation opportunities for LVMH notably around advertising with online social networks, data visualization, and computer vision.
We gave several invited talks at: Stochastic Networks Conference, UCSD; CIRM workshop on random matrices; Institut Henri Poincaré’s “Nexus” of Information and Computation Theories; EPFL workshop for birthdays of Shannon, Urbanke and Telatar (see: ; LINCS scientific advisory board.
RIOT Summit
We successfully organized in July 2016 the first RIOT Summit in Berlin. The RIOT Summit 2016 gathered 100+ enthusiastic industrial participants, makers and academics involved in RIOT. Relevant partners such as Cisco, Samsung, Siemens, Nordic Semiconductors, as well as a number of SMEs and startups from various places in Europe gave talks on aspects of IoT communication, use cases IoT hardware, IoT open source community aspects and concepts for future IoT software and networks, as well as hands-on sessions and tutorials. See:
Opening of the IoT-LAB experimental platform at the site Saclay
The project Equipex FIT deploys experimental facilities on several sites. In 2016, at the site of Saclay, the opening of the FIT IoT-LAB site followed the move from its previous location at Rocquencourt.
The platform of Saclay is an Internet-of-Things testbed and includes more than 300 nodes (175 A8-M3, 12 M3 and 120 WSN430), deployed in large experimentation rooms and space. All A8 nodes are equipped with GPS.
More information about the topology and the resources of this new site is available here:
The team members have received a number of awards:
M1 intern Davi Castro de Silva received best internship prize of LIX for his work on modifying spectral methods for community detection to increase their robustness.
- Best Poster Award
[26] O. Hahm, C. Adjih, E. Baccelli, T. C. Schmidt, M. Waehlisch.
ICN over TSCH: Potentials for Link-Layer Adaptation in the IoT, September 2016, pp. 195-196, ACM-ICN '16 Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking , Poster. [DOI:10.1145/2984356.2985226]
- Best Demo Award
[18] H. Petersen, C. Adjih, O. Hahm, E. Baccelli.
Demo: IoT Meets Robotics - First Steps, RIOT Car, and Perspectives, in: ACM International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Graz, Austria, February 2016.
Best Paper Award:
[15]A Bayesian Model for Mobility Prediction in Wireless Sensor Networks, in: 5th IFIP International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks (PEMWN 2016), Paris, France, November 2016.