Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Eric Marchand and Fabien Spindler co-authored with Prof. Hideaki Uchiyama (Kyushu Univ., Japan) a survey on pose estimation for augmented reality published in IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics [33].

  • The second edition of the Springer Handbook of Robotics has been released this year. It contains an extended version of the chapter on visual servoing co-authored by François Chaumette, Prof. Seth Hutchinson (UIUC, Illinois) and Prof. Peter Corke (QUT, Brisbane, Australia) [77].


  • The ANR project ENTRACTE, of which Julien Pettré is partner, has received the “ANR Grand Prix du Numérique 2016”. The project is about anthropomorphic action planning and understanding: http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/?Project=ANR-13-CORD-0002 (see also Section 9.2.3).

  • Paper [71] has been selected has one of the five finalists for the ICARCV'2016 Best Paper Award.

  • Lagadic is a member of the five finalist teams for the KUKA Innovation Award (https://www.kuka.com/en-de/press/events/kuka-innovation-award), together with the RIS group at LAAS (coordinator), the University of Siena, Italy, and the Seoul National University, South Korea. The goal is to address search and rescue operations in regions which are difficult to access or dangerous following disasters. For this, the team will explore the collaboration between a quadrotor UAV and a KUKA lightweight arm for cooperative transportation and manipulation of rigid objects (e.g., long bards), with a final peg-in-hole task to be demonstrated live at the Hannover fair during spring 2017.