Section: Dissemination
Amine Boumaza is a member of the editorial board of “Interstice”.
Vincent Thomas gave proposed tutorials on “physics simulation” and “reinforcement learning” during “journées ISN-EPI” (24th of Mars 2016).
Vincent Thomas participated in the preparation of “Computer Science Exporoute” (conducted by Inria Nancy Grand-Est) planned for 2017.
Jean-Baptiste Mouret wrote an article for “Interstices” (“ Des robots qui s’adaptent aux dommages en seulement quelques minutes”).
Jean-Baptiste Mouret helped Pierre Vandeginste (journalist) to write an article about his work in “La Recherche” (Dec. 2016); he also appeared in Science et Avenir, Arte Future Mag, Socialter, Telerama.
Serena Ivaldi appeared in the following articles / gave the following interviews:
07/2016: Humanité Dimanche, Homme/robot. Le trouble au rendez-vous.
06/2016: Inriality, Robots humanoides : une inquiétante étrangeté.
06/2016: Les Inrockuptibles, n.1070, Comment les robots ont conquis nos coeurs.
03/2016: Interstices, Des robots au service de l’homme.
03/2016: La semaine, Têtes chercheuses.
03/2016: Pour la science, Quels obstacles à l'insertion des robots en société ?