MODAL - 2016
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

L'impact de l'évolution de l'état émotionnel et cognitif ressenti sur la reprise de l'activité de femmes atteintes d'un cancer du sein (Protocole FACEBROK)

Participant : Sophie Dabo.

  • Partners: LAPCOS (EA 7278), UMR 9193 SCALab, LEM UMR 9221 LEM, Modal-Inria, EA CRDP

Main partners of bilille

Participant : Guillemette Marot.

bilille, the bioinformatics platform of Lille officially gathers from Nov. 2015 a few bioinformaticians, biostatisticians and bioanalysts from the following teams:

  • EA2694 (Univ. Lille 2, CHRU, Inria)

  • FRABIO, FR3688 (Univ. Lille 1,CNRS)

  • CBP / GFS (Univ. Lille 2, CHRU)

  • TAG (Univ. Lille 2, CNRS, INSERM, Institut Pasteur de Lille)

  • U1167 (Univ. Lille 2, CHRU, INSERM et Institut Pasteur de Lille)

  • U1011 (Univ. Lille 2, INSERM)

  • UMR8198 (Univ. Lille 1, CNRS)

  • LIGAN PM (Univ. Lille 2, CNRS)

  • BONSAI (Inria, Univ. Lille 1, CNRS)

Those teams are thus the main partners of MODAL concerning biostatistics for bioinformatics. Guillemette Marot is the leader of the platform and works in close collaboration with the following people for the leadership of the scientific strategy related to the platform:

  • H. Touzet, BONSAI (deputy head of bilille)

  • P. Touzet, UMR8198 (deputy head of bilille)

  • V. Chouraki, U1167

  • M. Figeac, CBP / GFS

  • D. Hot, TAG

  • V. Leclère, Insitut Charles Viollette

  • M. Lensink, UGSF

New collaborations of the year linked to bilille, the bioinformatics and bioanalysis platform

Participants : Guillemette Marot, Samuel Blanck.

Guillemette Marot has supervised the data analysis part or support in biostatistics tools testing for the following research projects involving Samuel Blanck or engineers from bilille (only the names of the principal investigators of the project are given even if several partners are sometimes involved in the project):

  • U 1011, H. Duez, circadiomics project

  • CIIL, J.C. Sirard, Flagnew project

  • JPARC, M.H. David, biostatistics related to DNAse-seq

Collaboration linked to SIRIC Oncolille

Participants : Sophie Dabo, Guillemette Marot.

During the ’Plan Cancer 2’ period, eight SIRICs (’Site de Recherche Intégrée sur le Cancer’) were created in France, including the SIRIC ONCOLille (Link). More recently, the SFR Cancer has been created and Sophie Dabo-Niang is a member of the board that aims to create an Interdisciplinary Cancer Research Institute in Lille, based on ONCOLille. Guillemette Marot is still involved in several collaborations linked to cancer, through the projects analysed by the bilille platform.