MODAL - 2016
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination


Christophe Biernacki has given about 10 talks during 2016 for institutions (Inria, universities, Ecole des Mines), companies and other related events. He gave also presentations towards students and industrials to the Xperium platform of the University of Lille about “Intelligence des données” (https://modal.lille.inria.fr/xperium/, http://learningcenters.nordpasdecalais.fr/innovation/fr/xperium). About 1,500 people came to this event during two years. He organized also a first short meeting in April 2016 in Lille for obtaining a feedback from company and academic users about the MASSICCC platform developped by the Modal and Select teams (https://massiccc.lille.inria.fr/#/). Here is the link towards this event: https://modal.lille.inria.fr/wikimodal/lib/exe/fetch.php?media=meeting_massiccc_7avril2016.pdf.

Sophie Dabo-Niang participates in the promotion of research among young children around a day of "Girls and Science, a light equation" organized in Lille (October 2016) and Senegal (Dakar, march 2016).

Benjamin Guedj has given a talk to high school students ("Terminale ISN") at Euratechnologies. The talk consisted in an overview of of machine learning impacts our everyday lives and how mathematicians contribute to learning in the big data era.

Vincent Vandewalle has given one presentation towards students to the Xperium platform of the University of Lille about “Intelligence des données” (https://modal.lille.inria.fr/xperium/, http://learningcenters.nordpasdecalais.fr/innovation/fr/xperium). He also has animated a formation on probabilities and statistics for middle School mathematics teachers through the Maison Pour la Science (http://www.maisons-pour-la-science.org/node/10641).