Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Laurent Bougrain has co-supervised and co-written a two-volume book for anyone who uses Brain-Computer Interfaces, in English [17], [18] and for the first time in French [19], [20]. The multidisciplinary work has involved around fifty authors from various backgrounds, who write about their particular area of expertise in a way that makes it accessible to a wider audience. That includes healthcare professionals, video game developers, researchers and students, as well as a much wider audience, curious to explore the philosophical and ethical aspects of this subject. The book also has a practical side, with tutorials illustrating the use of BCI and the OpenViBE software platform (see 6.6 and http://openvibe.inria.fr). Laurent Bougrain contributed to several chapters about the state of the art, medical applications and OpenViBE [15], [10], [12], [13] (French version: [16], [9], [11], [14]).

  • We stepped up our collaboration with the department of neurology of the university hospital in Nancy (Louise Tyvaert, Louis Maillard, Laurent Koessler) leading to i) a project PEPS JCJC on modeling and simulation of the oscillatory activity of the memory system during sleep and under general anesthesia (see section 9.2) a PhD thesis started in October 2016 (Amélie Aussel), funded by UL and co-supervised by Laure Buhry (Loria-Neurosys) and Radu Ranta (CRAN). This thesis will make use of SEEG recordings made in epileptic patients and will use preliminary results on hippocampal modelling obtained thanks to the project PEPS JCJC.