Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Doctorat: C. Schmid, Tutorial on action recognition at the Winter School in Computer Vision, Jerusalem, January 2017.
Doctorat: J. Mairal, Lecturer at the summer school MAESTRA, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Master : C. Schmid, “Object recognition and computer vision”, 9H eqTD, M2, ENS Cachan, France.
Master : J. Verbeek and C. Schmid. “Machine Learning & Category Representation”, 27H eqTD, M2, Univ. Grenoble.
Master : J. Verbeek and J. Mairal, “Kernel Methods for Statistical Learning”, 27H eqTD, M2, ENSIMAG, Grenoble.
Master: J. Mairal, “Kernel methods for statistical learning”, 27H eqTD, M2, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Cachan.
Master: J. Mairal, “Introduction to sparse estimation”, 6H eq-TD, M2, PSL-ITI, France.
Master: K. Alahari, “Introduction to Discrete Optimization”, Ecole Centrale Paris, 27H eq-TD, M1, Paris, France.
Master: K. Alahari, “Understanding Big Visual Data”, Grenoble INP, 13.5H eq-TD, M2, Grenoble, France.
Licence: P. Weinzaepfel, “Introduction à UNIX et à la programmation en langage C”, 67.5H TD, L1, DLST Grenoble.
PhD: P. Weinzaepfel, Motion in action : optical flow estimation and action localization in videos, supervision 50% C. Schmid and 50% Z. Harchaoui, September 2016.
PhD: Y. Hua, Towards robust visual object tracking : proposal selection and occlusion reasoning, supervision 50% C. Schmid and 50% K. Alahari, June 2016.
PhD: A. Mishra, Understanding Text in Scene Images, supervision 50% K. Alahari and 50% Prof. C. V. Jawahar, November 2016.
PhD: P. Bojanowski, Learning to annotate dynamic video scenes, supervision 20% with J. Ponce, I. Laptev and J. Sivic, June 2016.
PhD: S. Saxena, Learning representations for visual recognition, supervision 95% J. Verbeek and 5% C. Schmid, December 2016.
C. Schmid: Pedro Oliveira Pinheiro, January 2017, rapporteur, these, EPFL.
C. Schmid: Makarand Tapaswi, June 2016, rapporteur, these, KIT Karlsruhe.
C. Schmid: Natalia Neverova, avril 2016, president, these, INSA Lyon.
K. Alahari: Guillaume Seguin, 2016, examinateur, these, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France.
G. Rogez. Marta Salas, 2016, rapporteur, these, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain.
G. Rogez. Tu-Hoa Pham, December 2016, examinateur, these, Univ. Montpellier.
J. Verbeek. Amir Ghodrati, October 2016, rapporteur, these, Univ. Leuven.
J. Verbeek. Binod Bhattarai, December 2016, rapporteur, these, Univ. Caen.