Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : J. Ponce, "Introduction to computer vision", M1, Ecole normale superieure, 36h.

  • Master : I. Laptev, J. Ponce and J. Sivic (together with C. Schmid, Inria Grenoble), "Object recognition and computer vision", M2, Ecole normale superieure, and MVA, Ecole normale superieure de Cachan, 36h.

  • Master : I. Laptev, J. Ponce and J. Sivic, Cours PSL-ITI - Informatique, mathematiques appliques pour le traitement du signal et l'imagerie, 20h.


  • PhD : Piotr Bojanowski, "Learning to annotate dynamic video scenes", graduated in 2016, I. Laptev, J. Ponce, C. Schmid and J. Sivic.

  • PhD : Guillaume Seguin, "Person analysis in stereoscopic movies", graduated in 2016, I. Laptev and J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Ignacio Rocco, “Estimating correspondence between images via convolutional neural networks”, started in Jan 2017, J. Sivic, R. Arandjelovic (Google DeepMind).

  • PhD in progress : Antoine Miech, “Understanding long-term temporal structure of videos Phd thesis proposal", started in Oct 2016, I. Laptev, J. Sivic, P. Bojanowski (Facebook AI Research).

  • PhD in progress : Gul Varol, “Deep learning methods for video interpretation”, started in Oct 2015, I. Laptev, C. Schmid.

  • PhD in progress : Julia Peyre, “Learning to reason about scenes from images and language", started in Oct 2015, C. Schmid, I. Laptev, J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, "Structured learning from video and natural language", started in 2014, I. Laptev, J. Sivic and S. Lacoste-Julien (Inria SIERRA / U. Montreal).

  • PhD in progress : Rafael Sampaio de Rezende, started in 2013, J.Ponce.

  • PhD in progress : Guilhem Cheron, "Structured modeling and recognition of human actions in video", started in 2014, I. Laptev and C. Schmid.

  • PhD in progress : Theophile Dalens, "Learning to analyze and reconstruct architectural scenes", starting in Jan 2015, M. Aubry and J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Vadim Kantorov, "Large-scale video mining and recognition", started in 2012, I. Laptev.

  • PhD in progress : Maxime Oquab, "Learning to annotate dynamic scenes with convolutional neural networks", started in Jan 2014, L. Bottou (Facebook AI Research), I. Laptev and J. Sivic.

  • PhD in progress : Matthew Trager, "Projective geometric models in vision", started in 2014, J. Ponce and M. Hebert (CMU).

  • PhD in progress : Tuang Hung VU, "Learning functional description of dynamic scenes", started in 2013, I. Laptev.


  • PhD thesis committee:

    • Stavros Tsogkas, Ecole Centrale, France, 2016 (J. Sivic, examinateur).

    • Sesh Karri, Ecole Normale Superieure, France, 2016 (J. Sivic, examinateur).

    • Elliot Crowley, University of Oxford, UK, 2016, (J. Sivic, external examiner)

    • Olivier Frigo, Universite Paris Descartes, France, 2016 (J. Sivic, rapporteur).

    • Mattis Paulin, Inria Grenoble, France, 2017 (J. Sivic, rapporteur).

    • Francesco Massa, ENPC, France 2017 (J. Sivic, examinateur).

    • Philippe Weinzaepfel, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France, 2015 (I. Laptev, rapporteur).

    • Guillaume Seguin, Ecole Normale Superieure, France, 2016 (I. Laptev, J.Ponce, J. Sivic, examinateurs).

    • Piotr Bojanowski, Ecole Normale Superieure, France, 2016 (I. Laptev, J.Ponce, J. Sivic, examinateurs).

    • Ala Aboudib, Télécom Bretagne, France, 2016 (J. Ponce).

    • Philippe Weinzaepfel, Universite Grenoble Alpes, France, 2016 (J. Ponce).