
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1S. Benlamine, M. Chaouachi, S. Villata, E. Cabrio, C. Frasson, F. Gandon.

    Emotions in Argumentation: an Empirical Evaluation, in: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2015, July 2015, pp. 156-163.

  • 2E. Cabrio, S. Villata.

    Natural Language Arguments: A Combined Approach, in: 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2012), Montpellier, France, August 2012.

  • 3E. Cabrio, S. Villata, F. Gandon.

    A Support Framework for Argumentative Discussions Management in the Web, in: ESWC - 10th International Conference on The Semantic Web: Semantics and Big Data, Montpellier, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, May 2013, vol. 7882, pp. 412-426, Best Paper Award.

  • 4O. Corby, R. Dieng-Kuntz, C. Hebert.

    A Conceptual Graph Model for W3C Resource Description Framework, in: Conceptual Structures: Theory, Tools and Applications, Proc. of the 8th Int. Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS'2000), Darmstadt, Allemagne, B. Ganter, G. W. Mineau (editors), Springer-Verlag, LNAI n. 1867, August 13 -17 2000, pp. 468-482.
  • 5O. Corby, C. Faron-Zucker, F. Gandon.

    A Generic RDF Transformation Software and its Application to an Online Translation Service for Common Languages of Linked Data, in: Proc. 14th International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, October 2015.
  • 6L. Costabello, S. Villata, F. Gandon.

    Context-Aware Access Control for RDF Graph Stores, in: ECAI - 20th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence - 2012, Montpellier, France, August 2012.

  • 7C. Da Costa Pereira, A. G. B. Tettamanzi.

    A Syntactic Possibilistic Belief Change Operator: Theory and empirical study, in: Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An International Journal, 2014, vol. 12, no 2, pp. 155-169. [ DOI : 10.3233/WIA-140290 ]

  • 8F. Gandon, C. Faron-Zucker, O. Corby.

    Web sémantique: comment lier données et schémas sur le Web ?, Dunod, May 2012, ISBN: 978-2-10-057294-6.
  • 9G. Governatori, A. Rotolo, S. Villata, F. Gandon.

    One License to Compose Them All - A Deontic Logic Approach to Data Licensing on the Web of Data, in: ISWC - 12th International Semantic Web Conference - 2013, Sydney, Australia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, October 2013, vol. 8218, pp. 151-166.

  • 10S. Villata, L. Costabello, N. Delaforge, F. Gandon.

    A Social Semantic Web Access Control Model, in: Journal on Data Semantics, March 2013, vol. 2, no 1, pp. 21-36.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 11P. F. Diallo.

    Sociocultural and Temporal Aspects in Ontologies for Virtual Communities, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis [UNS] ; Université Gaston Berger - Saint-Louis, September 2016.

  • 12Z. Meng.

    Temporal and semantic analysis of richly typed social networks from user-generated content sites on the Web, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis [UNS], November 2016.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 13E. Cabrio, S. Villata, A. Palmero Aprosio.

    A RADAR for Information Reconciliation in Question Answering Systems over Linked Data, in: Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 2016.

  • 14P. F. Diallo, O. Corby, I. Mirbel, M. Lo, S. M. Ndiaye.

    Ontologies-Based Platform for Sociocultural Knowledge Management, in: Journal on Data Semantics, June 2016, 23 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/s13740-016-0065-4 ]

  • 15H. Halpin, A. Monnin.

    The Decentralization of Knowledge: How Carnap and Heidegger influenced the Web, in: First Monday, December 2016, vol. 21, no 12.

  • 16D. Landivar, A. Monnin, E. Ramillien.

    Cartographier l’ontologie d’un territoire sur le web : Le cas de la Bolivie, in: NETCOM : Réseaux, communication et territoires, May 2016, vol. 29, no 3/4, pp. 297-324.

  • 17M. Thimm, S. Villata, F. Cerutti, N. Oren, H. Strass, M. Vallati.

    Summary Report of The First International Competition on Computational Models of Argumentation, in: AI magazine, 2016, vol. 37, no 1, pp. 102-104.


Articles in National Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 18O. Corby, C. Faron-Zucker.

    Un language et un serveur de transformation de graphes pour le Web de données, in: Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information - Série RIA : Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle, 2016.

  • 19F. Gandon, R. Boyer, A. Monnin.

    DBpédia.fr : retour sur la publication de données de la culture française, in: I2D – Information, données & documents, July 2016, vol. 53, no 2016/2, 84 p.

  • 20A. Monnin, J. Denis, N. Delaforge.

    Re-Source, une archive en temps réel pour la publication et la production, in: I2D – Information, données & documents, July 2016, vol. 53, no 2, 84 p.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 21F. Barbieri, V. Basile, D. Croce, M. Nissim, N. Novielli, V. Patti.

    Overview of the Evalita 2016 SENTIment POLarity Classification Task, in: Proceedings of Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016), Naples, Italy, December 2016.

  • 22V. Basile.

    A Repository of Frame Instance Lexicalizations for Generation, in: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Natural Language Generation and the Semantic Web, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, September 2016.

  • 23P. Basile, V. Basile, E. Cabrio, S. Villata.

    Argument Mining on Italian News Blogs, in: Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2016) & Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop (EVALITA 2016), Naples, Italy, December 2016.

  • 24V. Basile, E. Cabrio, F. Gandon.

    Building a General Knowledge Base of Physical Objects for Robots, in: 13th International Conference, ESWC 2016, Helaklion, Greece, The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains, May 2016, Poster paper.

  • 25V. Basile, E. Cabrio, C. Schon.

    KNEWS: Using Logical and Lexical Semantics to Extract Knowledge from Natural Language, in: Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 2016 conference, The Hague, Netherlands, August 2016.

  • 26V. Basile, E. Cabrio, S. Villata, C. Frasson, F. Gandon.

    A Pragma-Semantic Analysis of the Emotion/Sentiment Relation in Debates, in: 4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, New York, United States, Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition, July 2016.

  • 27V. Basile, S. Jebbara, E. Cabrio, P. Cimiano.

    Populating a Knowledge Base with Object-Location Relations Using Distributional Semantics, in: 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW 2016), Bologna, Italy, November 2016, pp. 34 - 50. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-49004-5_3 ]

  • 28A. Ben Othmane, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, S. Villata, M. Buffa, N. Le Thanh.

    A Multi-context Framework for Modeling an Agent-Based Recommender System, in: 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2016), Rome, Italy, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2016), February 2016.

  • 29A. Ben Othmane, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, S. Villata, N. Le Thanh.

    A Multi-context BDI Recommender System: from Theory to Simulation, in: Web Intelligence, Omaha, United States, 2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence, October 2016.

  • 30T. Bosc, E. Cabrio, S. Villata.

    DART: a Dataset of Arguments and their Relations on Twitter, in: Proceedings of the 10th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, May 2016, pp. 1258-1263.

  • 31T. Bosc, E. Cabrio, S. Villata.

    Tweeties Squabbling: Positive and Negative Results in Applying Argument Mining on Social Media, in: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computational Models of Argument, Potsdam, Germany, September 2016.

  • 32M. Buffa, C. Faron Zucker, T. Bergeron, H. Aouzal.

    Semantic Web Technologies for improving remote visits of museums, using a mobile robot, in: Proceedings of the ISWC 2016 Posters & Demonstrations Track co-located with 15th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2016), Kobé, Japan, CEUR, October 2016.

  • 33E. Cabrio, S. Villata.

    Abstract Dialectical Frameworks for Text Exploration, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2016), Rome, Italy, February 2016.

  • 34O. Corby, C. Faron Zucker, R. Gazzotti.

    Validating Ontologies against OWL 2 Profiles with the SPARQL Template Transformation Language, in: 10th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR 2016), Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, September 2016, vol. 9898.

  • 35M. Dragoni, C. da Costa Pereira, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, S. Villata.

    SMACk: An Argumentation Framework for Opinion Mining, in: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), New York, NY, United States, S. Kambhampati (editor), Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI 2016, New York, NY, USA, 9–15 July 2016, IJCAI/AAAI Press, July 2016, pp. 4242-4243.

  • 36M. Dragoni, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, C. da Costa Pereira.

    DRANZIERA: An Evaluation Protocol For Multi-Domain Opinion Mining, in: Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia, N. Calzolari, K. Choukri, T. Declerck, M. Grobelnik, B. Maegaard, J. Mariani, A. Moreno, J. Odijk, S. Piperidis (editors), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), European Language Resources Association (ELRA), May 2016, pp. 267-272.

  • 37M. Dragoni, S. Villata, S. Tonelli, E. Cabrio.

    Enriching a Small Artwork Collection through Semantic Linking, in: The Semantic Web. Latest Advances and New Domains - 13th International Conference ESWC 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 2016.

  • 38C. Faron-Zucker, I. Pajón Leyra, K. Poulida, A. G. B. Tettamanzi.

    Semantic Categorization of Segments of Ancient and Mediaeval Zoological Texts, in: Second International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage (SW4SH 2016), Heraklion, Greece, I. Draelants, C. Faron-Zucker, A. Monnin, A. Zucker (editors), SWASH 2016. Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage, co-located with 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), Heraklion, Greece, May 30th, 2016, Sun SITE Central Europe (CEUR), May 2016, vol. 1595, pp. 59-68.

  • 39V. Ingalalli, D. Ienco, P. Poncelet, S. Villata.

    Querying RDF Data Using A Multigraph-based Approach, in: EDBT: Extending Database Technology, Bordeaux, France, March 2016, 12 p.

  • 40C. Koné, C. Belleudy, N. Le Thanh.

    Energy Modeling and Architecture Exploration for Emotion Detection Systems, in: Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD), Limassol, Cyprus, Advanced Systems in Healthcare, Wellness and Personal Assistance Track, August 2016.

  • 41B. Liao, N. Oren, L. Van Der Torre, S. Villata.

    Prioritized Norms and Defaults in Formal Argumentation, in: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Deontic logic and Normative Systems (DEON 2016), Bayreuth, Germany, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Deontic logic and Normative Systems (DEON 2016), College Publications, July 2016.

  • 42S. Lopez, A. Revel, D. Lingrand, F. Precioso, V. Dusaucy, A. Giboin.

    Catching Relevance in One Glimpse: Food or Not Food?, in: ACM Advances in Visual Interfaces (AVI), Bari, Italy, June 2016, pp. 324-325. [ DOI : 10.1145/2909132.2926078 ]

  • 43F. Michel, C. Faron-Zucker, J. Montagnat.

    A Generic Mapping-Based Query Translation from SPARQL to Various Target Database Query Languages, in: 12th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST'16), Roma, Italy, Proceeding of the WEBIST'16 Conference, April 2016.

  • 44F. Michel, C. Faron-Zucker, J. Montagnat.

    A Mapping-based Method to Query MongoDB Documents with SPARQL, in: 27th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA 2016), Porto, Portugal, Proceedings of the DEXA 2016 Conference, September 2016.

  • 45T.-H.-H. Nguyen, N. Le Thanh.

    Ensuring the Correctness of Business Workflows at the Syntactic Level: An Ontological Approach, in: 8th Asian Conference - ACIIDS 2016, Da nang, Vietnam, N. T. Nguyen, B. Trawiński, H. Fujita, T.-P. Hong (editors), Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Springer, March 2016, vol. 9622, pp. 533-543. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-662-49390-8_52 ]

  • 46F. Nooralahzadeh, C. Lopez, E. Cabrio, F. Gandon, F. Segond.

    Adapting Semantic Spreading Activation to Entity Linking in text, in: Proceedings of NLDB 2016 - 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Manchester, United Kingdom, June 2016.

  • 47T. A. Pham, N. Le Thanh.

    A Ontology-based Approach for Business Process Compliance Checking, in: IMCOM '16 - the 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication, Da Nang, Vietnam, ACM SIGAPP, January 2016, pp. 1 - 6. [ DOI : 10.1145/2857546.2857603 ]

  • 48T. A. Pham, N. Le Thanh.

    Checking the Compliance of Business Process in Business Process Life Cycle, in: 10th International Web Rule Symposium (RuleML 2016), New York, United States, RuleML 2016 Supplementary Proceedings, CEUR, July 2016, vol. 1620, no urn:nbn:de:0074-1620-6.

  • 49O. Rodríguez Rocha, C. Faron Zucker.

    A Formalization Of Standard Knowledge And Skills For The French Elementary School Curricula, in: Second International Workshop on Educational Knowledge Management (EKM 2016), Bologne, Italy, November 2016.

  • 50I. Vagliano, C. Figueroa, O. Rodríguez Rocha, M. Torchiano, C. Faron-Zucker, M. Morisio.

    ReDyAl: A Dynamic Recommendation Algorithm based on Linked Data, in: 3rd Workshop on New Trends in Content-Based Recommender Systems co-located with ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2016), Boston, United States, New Trends in Content-Based Recommender Systems, CEUR, September 2016, vol. 1673.

  • 51Y. Wautelet, S. Heng, M. Kolp, I. Mirbel, P. Stephan.

    Building a Rationale Diagram for Evaluating User Story Sets, in: IEEE Tenth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, Grenoble, France, June 2016.

  • 52J. Young, V. Basile, L. Kunze, E. Cabrio, N. Hawes.

    Towards Lifelong Object Learning by Integrating Situated Robot Perception and Semantic Web Mining, in: Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI) 2016 conference, THe Hague, Netherlands, August 2016. [ DOI : 10.3233/978-1-61499-672-9-1458 ]

  • 53C. d'Amato, S. Staab, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, M. Tran Duc, F. Gandon.

    Ontology Enrichment by Discovering Multi-Relational Association Rules from Ontological Knowledge Bases, in: SAC '16 - 31st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Pisa, Italy, Proceedings of the 31st ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2016), ACM, April 2016, pp. 333-338. [ DOI : 10.1145/2851613.2851842 ]

  • 54C. d'Amato, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, M. Tran Duc.

    Evolutionary Discovery of Multi-Relational Association Rules from Ontological Knowledge Bases, in: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, Bologna, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, November 2016, vol. 10024, pp. 113-128. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-49004-5_8 ]

  • 55C. da Costa Pereira, M. Dragoni, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, S. Villata.

    Fuzzy Labeling for Abstract Argumentation: An Empirical Evaluation, in: Tenth International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management (SUM 2016), Nice, France, S. Schockaert, P. Senellart (editors), Scalable Uncertainty Management - 10th International Conference, SUM 2016, Nice, France, September 21–23, 2016, Proceedings, Springer, September 2016, no 9858, pp. 126 - 139. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-45856-4_9 ]

  • 56C. da Costa Pereira, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, S. Villata.

    A Belief-Based Approach to Measuring Message Acceptability, in: Scalable Uncertainty Management, Nice, France, S. Schockaert, P. Senellart (editors), Scalable Uncertainty Management - 10th International Conference, SUM 2016, Nice, France, September 21–23, 2016, Proceedings, Springer, September 2016, no 9858, pp. 140-154. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-45856-4_10 ]


National Conferences with Proceedings

  • 57C. Lopez, F. Nooralahzadeh, E. Cabrio, F. Segond, F. Gandon.

    ProVoc : une ontologie pour décrire des produits sur le Web, in: IC2016 : 27es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, Montpellier, France, June 2016.

  • 58C. Lopez, M. Osmuk, D. Popovici, F. Nooralahzadeh, D. Rabarijaona, F. Gandon, E. Cabrio, F. Segond.

    Du TALN au LOD : Extraction d'entités, liage, et visualisation, in: IC2016 : 27es Journees francophones d'Ingenierie des Connaissances (demo paper), Montpellier, France, June 2016.

  • 59A. Macina, J. Montagnat, O. Corby.

    A SPARQL distributed query processing engine addressing both vertical and horizontal data partitions, in: BDA 2016 - 32ème Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - Principes, Technologies et Applications, Poitiers, France, November 2016.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 60F. Gandon, R. Boyer, O. Corby, A. Monnin.

    Materializing the editing history of Wikipedia as linked data in DBpedia, in: ISWC 2016 - 15th International Semantic Web Conference, Kobe, Japan, October 2016.

  • 61F. Gandon, R. Boyer, O. Corby, A. Monnin.

    Wikipedia editing history in DBpedia: extracting and publishing the encyclopedia editing activity as linked data, in: IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence (WI' 16), Omaha, United States, October 2016.

  • 62Z. Meng, F. Gandon, C. Faron Zucker.

    Joint model of topics, expertises, activities and trends for question answering Web applications, in: 2016 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), Oct 2016, USA, Omaha, United States, October 2016.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 63F. Michel, L. Djimenou, C. Faron-Zucker, J. Montagnat.

    Translation of Heterogeneous Databases into RDF, and Application to the Construction of a SKOS Taxonomical Reference, in: Web Information Systems and Technologies: 11th International Conference, WEBIST 2015, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Springer, 2016, vol. 246, pp. 275-296. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-30995-5_14 ]

  • 64A. Monnin.

    Wikipedia, une encyclopédie en communs, in: Les Big Data à Découvert, M. Bouzeghoub, R. Mosseri (editors), À découvert, CNRS Editions, 2017, 2 p.


Books or Proceedings Editing

  • 65T. Bouadi, F. Gandon, A. Martin (editors)

    Analyse intelligente des réseaux sociaux, Revue d’intelligence artificielle, Lavoisier, 2016, vol. 30, no 4.

  • 66I. Draelants, C. F. Zucker, A. Monnin, A. Zucker (editors)

    Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage (SW4SH 2016) co-located with the 13th Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC 2016), Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage, Isabelle Draelants, Catherine Faron Zucker, Alexandre Monnin, Arnaud Zucker, Héraklion, Greece, May 2016.

  • 67O. Haemmerlé, C. Faron-Zucker, S. Gem (editors)

    Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the 22th Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2016, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Annecy, France, 2016, vol. 9717. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-40985-6 _z ]


Internal Reports

Scientific Popularization

Other Publications

References in notes
  • 71I. Altman.

    Privacy. A Conceptual Analysis, in: Environment and Behavior, March 1976.
  • 72A. Ben Othmane, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, S. Villata, M. Buffa, N. Le Thanh.

    A Multi-context Framework for Modeling an Agent-Based Recommender System, in: 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2016), Rome, Italy, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART2016), February 2015.

  • 73C. Callou, F. Michel, C. Faron-Zucker, C. Martin, J. Montagnat.

    Towards a Shared Reference Thesaurus for Studies on History of Zoology, Archaeozoology and Conservation Biology, in: Extended Semantic Web Confenrece 2015, workshop Semantic Web For Scientific Heritage (SW4SH), Portoroz, Slovenia, Proceedings of the ESWC'15 workshops, May 2015.

  • 74F. Gandon, M. Buffa, E. Cabrio, O. Corby, C. Faron-Zucker, A. Giboin, N. Le Thanh, I. Mirbel, P. Sander, A. G. B. Tettamanzi, S. Villata.

    Challenges in Bridging Social Semantics and Formal Semantics on the Web, in: 5h International Conference, ICEIS 2013, Angers, France, S. Hammoudi, J. Cordeiro, L. Maciaszek, J. Filipe (editors), Springer, July 2013, vol. 190, pp. 3-15.

  • 75F. Gandon.

    The three 'W' of the World Wide Web call for the three 'M' of a Massively Multidisciplinary Methodology, in: 10th International Conference, WEBIST 2014, Barcelona, Spain, V. Monfort, K.-H. Krempels (editors), Web Information Systems and Technologies, Springer International Publishing, April 2014, vol. 226. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-27030-2 ]

  • 76V. Lopez, V. Uren, M. Sabou, E. Motta.

    Is Question Answering fit for the Semantic Web?: A Survey, in: Semantic Web, 2011, vol. 2(2), pp. 125–155.
  • 77G. Marchionini.

    Exploratory Search: from Finding to Understanding, in: Communications of the ACM, 2006, no 4, pp. 41-46.
  • 78F. Michel, L. Djimenou, C. Faron-Zucker, J. Montagnat.

    Translation of Relational and Non-Relational Databases into RDF with xR2RML, in: 11th International Confenrence on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST'15), Lisbon, Portugal, Proceedings of the WebIST'15 Conference, October 2015, pp. 443-454. [ DOI : 10.5220/0005448304430454 ]

  • 79I. Pajón Leyra, A. Zucker, C. Faron-Zucker.

    Thezoo: un thesaurus de zoologie ancienne et médiévale pour l'annotation de sources de données hétérogènes, in: A.L.M.A., Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi, 2015, vol. 73, pp. 321-342.

  • 80E. Palagi.

    Quelle méthode ergonomique élaborer pour évaluer les moteurs de recherche exploratoire ?, in: COnférence en Recherche d’Information et Applications 2015 (CORIA 2015), Paris, France, March 2015.

  • 81M. Xuetao, J.-P. Sansonnet, F. Bouchet.

    Définition d'un agent conversationnel assistant d'applications Internet à partir d'un corpus de requêtes., in: Technique et Science informatiques, 2010, vol. 29(10), pp. 1123–1154.