Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Remarkable results: research and third-party funding
Regarding scientific results, the team has produced a number of outstanding results on Fog/Edge architectures, notably on how to leverage renewable energy in this context [29], [9], [8], [33]. In the software engineering domain, particularly notable contributions have been made on software adaptability [4], [11].
Concerning third-party funding, 2017 has seen the acceptance of the large industrial/academic Hydda project as well as the start of two individual projects, the Kerdata and ConnectTalent projects, both of which issue of highly-competitive calls.
The future: the Gallinette and Stack teams
After a 10-year adventure, the research path of the Ascola team finishes at the end of 2017 after having given rise to two new teams in 2017: the Gallinette team in April and the Stack team in November. These new teams pursue and diversify Ascola's main research domains, respectively formal methods for programming languages and distributed software systems. Note that because of the rather early split of the Gallinette team, we have not included the corresponding results in this year's Ascola report.
In 2017 members of the team have been awarded three research-related awards: two personal awards and a best paper award:
Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine 2017:
Shadi Ibrahim was one of the 12 researchers selected for the “Programme Jeunes Talents France Chine” award (12 out of 54 applicants).
ICA3PP-2017 Outstanding Leadership Award:
Shadi Ibrahim received an Outstanding Leadership Award as program chair of the ICA3PP-2017.
Best Paper Award:
[27]Towards a generic autonomic model to manage Cloud Services, in: The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER 2017), Porto, Portugal, April 2017.