CORSE - 2017
Research Program
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Research Program
Application Domains
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master II: Fabrice Rastello, Advanced Compilers, 12 hours, ENS Lyon

  • Master I: Jean-François Méhaut, Operating System Design, 50 hours, Polytech Grenoble

  • L3: Jean-François Méhaut, Numerical Methods, 50 hours, Polytech Grenoble,

  • L3: Jean-François Méhaut, Advanced Algorithms, 50 hours, Polytech Grenoble

  • Master I: Jean-François Méhaut, Parallel Algorithms and Programming, 10 hours (M1 Informatique), UFR IM2AG, Université Grenoble Alpes

  • L3: François Broquedis, Imperative programming using python, 40 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • L3: François Broquedis, C programming, 80 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • M1: François Broquedis, Operating systems and concurrent programming, 40 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • M1: François Broquedis, Operating Systems Development Project - Fundamentals, 20 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • M1: François Broquedis, Operating Systems Project, 20 hours, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Master: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Compilation project, 20 hours, M1 Info & M1 MoSIG

  • Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, C programming, 20 hours, L3, Grenoble Institute of Technology (Ensimag)

  • Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Introduction to Programming, 24 hours, L1 UGA

  • Master: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Algorithmic Problem Solving, 41 hours, M1 MoSIG

  • Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou, Algorithms languages and programming, 111 hours, L2 UGA

  • Licence: Florent Bouchez Tichadou is responsible of the second year of INF (informatique) and MIN (mathématiques et informatique) students at UGA

  • Master I: Yliès Falcone Proof Techniques and Logic Reminders, MoSIG, 3 hours

  • Master I: Yliès Falcone Recaps on Object-Oriented Programming, MoSIG, 3 hours

  • Master I: Yliès Falcone Programming Language Semantics and Compiler Design, MoSIG and Master informatique, 96 hours

  • License: Yliès Falcone Languages and Automata, UJF, 105 hours

  • Master: Yliès Falcone is co-responsible of the first year of the International Master of Computer Science (Univ. Grenoble Alpes and INP ENSIMAG)

  • Master I: Frédéric Desprez, Parallel Algorithms and Programming, 30 hours (MOSIG and Info)


  • PhD defended: Thomas Gonçalves, Contributions à la parallélisation de méthodes de type transport Monte-Carlo, defended on September 28 2017, advised by Marc Perache (CEA/DAM), Frédéric Desprez, and Jean-François Méhaut

  • PhD defended: Vanessa Vargas, Approche logicielle pour améliorer la fiabilité d'applications parallèles implémentées sur des processeurs multi-cœurs et many-cœurs, defended on April 28 2017, advised by Raoul Velazco (CNRS, TIMA), and Jean-François Méhaut

  • PhD defended: Hosein Nazarpour, Monitoring Distributed and Multi-threaded Component-Based Systems, defended on June 26, 2017, advised by Yliès Falcone and Saddek Bensalem (Verimag).

  • PhD defended: Matthieu Renard, Run-Time Enforcement of (Timed) Properties with Uncontrollable Events, defended on December 11, 2017, advised by Yliès Falcone, Antoine Rollet and Mohamed Mosbah (University of Bordeaux).

  • PhD defended: Pedro Silva, On the mapping of distributed applications on multiple clouds, defended on December 11 2017, advised by Frederic Desprez, C. Perez (Inria , Avalon team)

  • PhD in progress: François Gindraud, Semantics and compilation for a data-flow model with a global address space and software cache coherency, January 1st 2013, advised by Fabrice Rastello and Albert Cohen.

  • PhD in progress: Antoine El-Hokayem, Decentralised and Distributed Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems, October 2017, advised by Yliès Falcone.

  • PhD in progress: Fabian Grüber, Interactive & iterative performance debugging, September 2016, advised by Fabrice Rastello and Yliès Falcone.

  • PhD in progress: Georgios Christodoulis, Adaptation of a heterogeneous run-time system to efficiently exploit FPGA, October 2015, advised by Frederic Desprez, Olivier Muller (TIMA/SLS), and François Broquedis

  • PhD in progress: Luis Felipe Millani, Auto-tuning for optimizations of performance and power consumption, November 2015, advised by Lucas Schnoor (UFRGS) and Jean-François Méhaut

  • PhD in progress: Philippe Virouleau, Improving the performance of task-based run-time systems on large scale NUMA machines, March 2015, advised by Thierry Gautier (Inria /AVALON), Fabrice Rastello, and François Broquedis

  • PhD in progress: Raphaël Jakse, Monitoring and Debugging Component-Based Systems, October 2016, advised by Jean-François Méhaut and Yliès Falcone.

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Messi Nguelé, Domain Specific Languages for Social Networks Analysis on Multi-Core Architectures, October 2014, advised by Maurice Tchuenté (Yaoundé I, LIRIMA) and Jean-François Méhaut

  • PhD in progress: Ye Xia, Scaling and placement for autonomic management of elasticity of applications in a widely distributed cloud, November 2015, advised by Thierry Coupaye (Orange), Frédéric Desprez, and Xavier Etchevers (Orange)

  • PhD in progress: Pedro Henrique Penna, Towards an Operating System for Manycore Platforms, October 2017, advised by Marcio Castro (UFSC), François Broquedis, Henrique Cota de Freitas (PUC Minas) and Jean-François Méhaut


Frédéric Desprez
  • Nelson Lossing, reviewer, Compilation pour machines à mémoire réparties: une approche multipasse, PhD, Université de recherche Paris Science, April 3 2017

  • Luis Pineda, reviewer, Efficient Support for Data-Intensive Workflows on Geo-Distributed Clouds, Université de Rennes, May 24 2017

  • Adrien Lebre, member of the committee, Contributions to Large-scale Distributed Systems The infrastructure Viewpoint, Nantes, September 1 2017

  • Thomas Gonçalves, Advisor with Jean-François Méhaut and Marc Pérache (CEA DAM), Contributions à la parallélisation de méthodes de type transport Monte-Carlo, PhD Université de Grenoble Alpes, September 28 2017

  • Pierre Ramet, reviewer, Heterogeneous architectures, Hybrid methods, Hierarchical matrices for Sparse Linear Solvers, Université de Bordeaux, November 27 2017

  • Pedro Silva, advisor with Christian Perez (Avalon), On the mapping of distributed applications onto multiple Clouds, ENS Lyon, December 11 2017

  • Millian Poquet, chair, Approche par la simulation pour la gestion de ressources, Université de Grenoble Alpes, December 19 2017

Jean-François Méhaut
  • Soraya Zertal, Reviewer, Contributions to data storage systems: modelling, simulation and evaluation tools, HDR Université de Versailles, November 2017

  • Abdou Guermouche, Reviewer, Towards Efficient Sparse Direct Solvers for Modern High-Performance Architectures, HDR Université de Bordeaux, December 2017

  • Vanessa Vargas, Advisor with Raoul Velzco (TIMA), Approche logicielle pour améliorer la fiabilité d'applications parallèles implémentées sur des processeurs multi-cœurs et many-cœurs, PhD Université de Grenoble Alpes, April 2017

  • Thomas Gonçalves, Advisor with Marc Pérache (CEA DAM) and Frédéric Desprez, Contributions à la parallélisation de méthodes de type transport Monte-Carlo, PhD Université de Grenoble Alpes, September 2017

  • Krishna Singh, Advisor with Stéphane Redon (LJK, Nano-D), Algorithmes pour la dynamique moléculaire restreinte de manière adaptative, PhD Université de Grenoble Alpes, November 2017