Publications of the year
Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals
1F. Adelantado, X. Vilajosana, P. Tuset, B. Martinez, J. MELIA-SEGUI, T. Watteyne.
Understanding the Limits of LoRaWAN, in: IEEE Communications Magazine, June 2017. -
2T. Chang, T. Watteyne, X. Vilajosana, Q. Wang.
CCR: Cost-Aware Cell Relocation in 6TiSCH Networks, in: Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, October 2017. -
3P. H. Gomes, T. Watteyne, B. Krishnamachari.
MABO-TSCH: Multi-hop And Blacklist-based Optimized Time Synchronized Channel Hopping, in: Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies, October 2017. -
4K. M. Joseph, T. Watteyne, B. Kerkez.
Awa: Using Water Distribution Systems to Transmit Data, in: Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies, October 2017. -
5S. Malek, F. Avanzi, K. Brun-Laguna, T. Maurer, C. Oroza, P. Hartsough, T. Watteyne, S. D. Glaser.
Real-time Alpine Measurement System Using Wireless Sensor Networks, in: Sensors, December 2017, vol. 17, no 11, pp. 1-30. [ DOI : 10.3390/s17112583 ] -
6C. Oroza, Z. Zhang, T. Watteyne, S. D. Glaser.
A Machine-Learning Based Connectivity Model for Complex Terrain Large-Scale Low-Power Wireless Deployments, in: IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, November 2017. -
7X. Vilajosana, B. Martinez, T. Watteyne, I. Vilajosana.
On the Suitability of 6TiSCH for Wireless Seismic Data Streaming, in: Wiley Internet Technology Letters, December 2017. -
8X. Vilajosana, K. Pister, T. Watteyne.
Minimal IPv6 over the TSCH Mode of IEEE 802.15.4e (6TiSCH) Configuration, in: Internet Engineering Task Force RFC series, May 2017, no RFC8180. -
9M. Vucinic, T. Watteyne, X. Vilajosana.
Broadcasting Strategies in 6TiSCH Networks, in: Internet Technology Letters, December 2017. -
10M. Vučinić, M. Król, †. Baptiste Jonglez, T. Coladon, B. Tourancheau.
Trickle-D: High Fairness and Low Transmission Load with Dynamic Redundancy, in: IEEE internet of things journal, October 2017. -
11T. Watteyne, P. Tuset, X. Vilajosana, S. Pollin, B. Krishnamachari.
Teaching Communication Technologies and Standards for the Industrial IoT? Use 6TiSCH!, in: IEEE Communications Magazine, September 2017, vol. 55, no 5, pp. 132-137. [ DOI : 10.1109/MCOM.2017.1700013 ]
International Conferences with Proceedings
12K. Avrachenkov, P. Jacquet, J. K. Sreedharan.
Hamiltonian System Approach to Distributed Spectral Decomposition in Networks, in: nDS 2017 - 10th International Workshop on Multidimensional (nD) Systems, Zielona Gora, Poland, September 2017. -
13Y. Bouchaala, P. Muhlethaler, N. Achir.
Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 EDCF scheme for broadcast traffic: Application for VANETs, in: 2017 Wireless Days, Porto, Portugal, IEEE, March 2017, pp. 252 - 257. [ DOI : 10.1109/WD.2017.7918156 ] -
14Y. Bouchaala, P. Muhlethaler, O. Shagdar, N. Achir.
Optimized Spatial CSMA for VANETs: A Comparative Study using a Simple Stochastic Model and Simulation Results, in: CCNC 2017. 8-11 january 2017. Las Vegas, Las Vegas, United States, Proceedings of CCNC 2017, January 2017. -
15N. Boufares, P. Minet, I. Khoufi †, L. Saidane.
Covering a 3D flat surface with autonomous and mobile wireless sensor nodes, in: IWCMC 2017 - the 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 2017. -
16M. Hadded, P. Muhlethaler, A. Laouiti, L. Azouz Saidane.
TDMA-aware Routing Protocol for Multi-hop Communications in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, in: WCNC 2017 - IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, San Francisco , United States, March 2017. -
17H. Jiang, Z. Brodard, T. Chang, A. BOUABDALLAH, N. MONTAVONT, G. TEXIER, P. Thubert, T. Watteyne, G. Papadopoulos.
Competition: Controlled Replication for Higher Reliability and Predictability in Industrial IoT Networks, in: International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Uppsala, Sweden, February 2017. -
18H. Jiang, Z. Brodard, T. Chang, A. Bouabdallah, N. Montavont, G. Texier, P. Thubert, T. Watteyne, G. Papadopoulos.
Dependability Competition: Controlled Replication for Higher Reliability and Predictability in Industrial IoT Networks, in: EWSN 2017 : International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks, Uppsala, Sweden, ACM, February 2017, pp. 282 - 283. -
19P. Keeler, B. Błaszczyszyn, P. Mühlethaler.
Optimizing spatial throughput in device-to-device networks, in: WIOPT/SPASWIN 2017 - Workshop on Spatial Stochastic Models for Wireless Networks, Paris, France, IEEE, May 2017, 5 p, - 6 pages, 4 figures. Submitted. -
20I. Khoufi, P. Minet, B. Rmili.
Scheduling transmissions with latency constraints in an IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH network, in: VTC 2017 - IEEE 86th Vehicular Technology Conference, Toronto, Canada, September 2017. -
21P. Minet, I. Khoufi, A. Laouiti.
Increasing Reliability of a TSCH Network for the Industry 4.0, in: 16th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA 2017), Boston, United States, November 2017. -
22P. Minet, P. Muhlethaler, I. Khoufi.
Collision Avoidance on Shared Slots in a Wireless Slotted Network: Models and Simulations, in: PEMWN 2017 - 6th IFIP International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks, Paris, France, November 2017. -
23P. Muhlethaler, Y. Bouchaala, S. †. Oyunchimeg, N. Achir.
Evaluating the Gain of Directional Antennas in Linear VANETs using Stochastic Geometry, in: PEMWN 2017 - 6th IFIP International Conference on Performance Evaluation and Modeling in Wired and Wireless Networks, Paris , France, November 2017, pp. 1-7. -
24G. Papadopoulos, T. Matsui, P. Thubert, G. Texier, T. Watteyne, N. MONTAVONT.
Leapfrog Collaboration: Toward Deterministic and Predictable in Industrial-IoT Applications, in: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Paris, France, May 2017. -
25C. Schindler, T. Watteyne, X. Vilajosana, K. Pister.
Implementation and Characterization of a Multi-hop 6TiSCH Network for Experimental Feedback Control of an Inverted Pendulum, in: WiOpt 2017 - 15th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Paris, France, IEEE (editor), IEEE, May 2017. [ DOI : 10.23919/WIOPT.2017.7959925 ]
Conferences without Proceedings
26M. Hadded, P. Muhlethaler, A. Laouiti.
Performance evaluation of a TDMA-based multi-hop communication scheme for reliable delivery of warning messages in vehicular networks, in: IWCMC 2017 - 13th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, Valencia , Spain, June 2017, pp. 1029 - 1034. [ DOI : 10.1109/IWCMC.2017.7986427 ] -
27M. T. Hammi, E. Livolant, P. Bellot, A. Serhrouchni, P. Minet.
A Lightweight IoT Security Protocol, in: 1st Cyber Security in Networking Conference (CSNet2017), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2017. -
28M. T. Hammi, E. Livolant, P. Bellot, A. Serhrouchni, P. Minet.
A Lightweight Mutual Authentication Protocol for the IoT, in: ICMWT 2017 - iCatse International Conference on Mobile and Wireless Technology, Kuala Lumpur, Thailand, June 2017. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-981-10-5281-1 ] -
29N. B. Hassine, R. Milocco, P. Minet.
ARMA based Popularity Prediction for Caching in Content Delivery Networks, in: IFIP Wireless Days 2017, Porto, Portugal, March 2017. -
30N. B. Hassine, P. Minet, M.-A. Koulali, M. Erradi, D. Marinca, D. Barth.
Coalition Game for Video Content Clustering in Content Delivery Networks, in: the 14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2017, Las Vegas, United States, January 2017. -
31I. Khoufi, P. Minet, B. Rmili.
Beacon Advertising in an IEEE 802.15.4e TSCH Network for Space Launch Vehicles, in: EUCASS 2017 - 7th European Conference for Aeronautics and Aerospace Sciences, Milano, Italy, July 2017.
Books or Proceedings Editing
32N. Mitton, H. Chaouchi, T. Noel, T. Watteyne, A. Gabillon, P. Capolsini (editors)
Interoperability, safety and security in IoT : second international conference, InterIoT 2016 and third international conference, SaSeIoT 2016, LNICST, Springer, 2017, vol. 190, 139 p.
Other Publications
33T. Chang, T. Watteyne, Q. Wang, X. Vilajosana.
Demo: Scheduling Function Zero on a 6TiSCH Network, February 2017, International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Poster. -
34P. Jacquet, D. Popescu, B. Mans.
Information Dissemination in Vehicular Networks in an Urban Hyperfractal Topology, December 2017, - KEYWORDS: DTN; Wireless Networks; Broadcast; Fractal; Vehicular Networks; Urban networks. -
35T. Matsui, G. Papadopoulos, P. Thubert, T. Watteyne, N. MONTAVONT.
Poster: 4th Industrial Revolution: Toward Deterministic Wireless Industrial Networks, February 2017, International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks (EWSN), Poster.