
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1F. Chaumette, S. Hutchinson.

    Visual servoing and visual tracking, in: Handbook of Robotics, B. Siciliano, O. Khatib (editors), Springer, 2008, chap. 24, pp. 563-583.

  • 2A. Comport, E. Marchand, M. Pressigout, F. Chaumette.

    Real-time markerless tracking for augmented reality: the virtual visual servoing framework, in: IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, July 2006, vol. 12, no 4, pp. 615–628.

  • 3A. Dame, E. Marchand.

    Second order optimization of mutual information for real-time image registration, in: IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 2012, vol. 21, no 9, pp. 4190-4203.

  • 4A. Diosi, S. Segvic, A. Remazeilles, F. Chaumette.

    Experimental Evaluation of Autonomous Driving Based on Visual Memory and Image Based Visual Servoing, in: IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, September 2011, vol. 12, no 3, pp. 870–883.

  • 5E. Marchand, F. Spindler, F. Chaumette.

    ViSP for visual servoing: a generic software platform with a wide class of robot control skills, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, December 2005, vol. 12, no 4, pp. 40-52.

  • 6R. Mebarki, A. Krupa, F. Chaumette.

    2D ultrasound probe complete guidance by visual servoing using image moments, in: IEEE Trans. on Robotics, April 2010, vol. 26, no 2, pp. 296-306.

  • 7M. Meilland, A. Comport, P. Rives.

    Dense omnidirectional RGB-D mapping of large scale outdoor environments for real-time localisation and autonomous navigation, in: Journal of Field Robotics, Special Issue on Ground Robots Operating in dynamic, unstructured and large-scale outdoor environments, June 2015, vol. 32, no 4, pp. 474-503.

  • 8C. Nadeau, A. Krupa.

    Intensity-based ultrasound visual servoing: modeling and validation with 2D and 3D probes, in: IEEE. Trans. on Robotics, August 2013, vol. 29, no 4, pp. 1003-1015. [ DOI : 10.1109/TRO.2013.2256690 ]

  • 9R. Spica, P. Robuffo Giordano, F. Chaumette.

    Active Structure from Motion: Application to Point, Sphere and Cylinder, in: IEEE Trans. on Robotics, December 2015, vol. 30, no 6, pp. 1499-1513.

  • 10D. Zelazo, A. Franchi, H. H. Bülthoff, P. Robuffo Giordano.

    Decentralized rigidity maintenance control with range measurements for multi-robot systems, in: The Int. Journal of Robotics Research, January 2015, vol. 34, no 1, pp. 105-128.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 13D. J. Agravante, G. Claudio, F. Spindler, F. Chaumette.

    Visual servoing in an optimization framework for the whole-body control of humanoid robots, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, April 2017, vol. 2, no 2, pp. 608-615.

  • 14G. Antonelli, E. Cataldi, F. Arrichiello, P. Robuffo Giordano, S. Chiaverini, A. Franchi.

    Adaptive Trajectory Tracking for Quadrotor MAVs in Presence of Parameter Uncertainties and External Disturbances, in: IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, January 2018, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 248-254. [ DOI : 10.1109/TCST.2017.2650679 ]

  • 15Q. Bateux, E. Marchand.

    Histograms-based Visual Servoing, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, January 2017, vol. 2, no 1, pp. 80-87.

  • 16S. Briot, F. Chaumette, P. Martinet.

    Revisiting the determination of the singularity cases in the visual servoing of image points through the concept of hidden robot, in: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, January 2017, vol. 33, no 2.

  • 17S. Briot, P. Martinet, F. Chaumette.

    Determining the Singularities for the Observation of Three Image Lines, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, April 2017, vol. 2, no 2, pp. 412-419.

  • 18J. Bruneau, J. Pettré.

    EACS: Effective Avoidance Combination Strategy, in: Computer Graphics Forum, December 2017, vol. 36, no 8, pp. 108-122. [ DOI : 10.1111/cgf.13066 ]

  • 19P. Chatelain, A. Krupa, N. Navab.

    Confidence-Driven Control of an Ultrasound Probe, in: IEEE Transactions on Robotics, December 2017, vol. 33, no 6, pp. 1410-1424.

  • 20F. Chinello, C. Pacchierotti, M. Malvezzi, D. Prattichizzo.

    A Three Revolute-Revolute-Spherical wearable fingertip cutaneous device for stiffness rendering, in: IEEE Transactions on Haptics (ToH), 2017. [ DOI : 10.1109/TOH.2017.2755015 ]

  • 21T. B. Dutra, R. Marques, J. B. B. Cavalcante-Neto, C. A. Vidal, J. Pettré.

    Gradient-based steering for vision-based crowd simulation algorithms, in: Computer Graphics Forum, May 2017, vol. 36, no 2, pp. 337 - 348. [ DOI : 10.1111/cgf.13130 ]

  • 22J. L. Forshaw, G. S. Aglietti, T. Salmon, I. Retat, M. Roe, C. Burgess, T. Chabot, A. Pisseloup, A. Phipps, C. Bernal, F. Chaumette, A. Pollini, W. H. Steyn.

    Final payload test results for the RemoveDebris active debris removal mission, in: Acta Astronautica, September 2017, vol. 138, pp. 326 - 342. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.actaastro.2017.06.003 ]

  • 23A. Franchi, P. Robuffo Giordano.

    Online Leader Selection for Improved Collective Tracking and Formation Maintenance, in: IEEE transactions on control of network systems, 2017. [ DOI : 10.1109/TCNS.2016.2567222 ]

  • 24M. Maisto, C. Pacchierotti, F. Chinello, G. Salvietti, A. De Luca, D. Prattichizzo.

    Evaluation of wearable haptic systems for the fingers in Augmented Reality applications, in: IEEE Transactions on Haptics (ToH), 2017. [ DOI : 10.1109/TOH.2017.2691328 ]

  • 25L. Meli, C. Pacchierotti, D. Prattichizzo.

    Experimental evaluation of magnified haptic feedback for robot-assisted needle insertion and palpation, in: The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, December 2017, vol. 13, no 4, pp. 1-14. [ DOI : 10.1002/rcs.1809 ]

  • 26T. Nestmeyer, P. Robuffo Giordano, H. H. Bülthoff, A. Franchi.

    Decentralized Simultaneous Multi-target Exploration using a Connected Network of Multiple Robots, in: Autonomous Robots, April 2017, vol. 41, no 4, pp. 989-1011. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10514-016-9578-9 ]

  • 27A.-H. Olivier, J. Bruneau, R. Kulpa, J. Pettré.

    Walking with virtual people: Evaluation of locomotion interfaces in dynamic environments, in: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2017. [ DOI : 10.1109/TVCG.2017.2714665 ]

  • 28C. Pacchierotti, F. Ongaro, F. Van Den Brink, C. Yoon, D. Prattichizzo, D. H. Gracias, S. Misra.

    Steering and Control of Miniaturized Untethered Soft Magnetic Grippers With Haptic Assistance, in: IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2017, pp. 1 - 17. [ DOI : 10.1109/TASE.2016.2635106 ]

  • 29C. Pacchierotti, S. Sinclair, M. Solazzi, A. Frisoli, V. Hayward, D. Prattichizzo.

    Wearable Haptic Systems for the Fingertip and the Hand: Taxonomy, Review, and Perspectives, in: IEEE Transactions on Haptics (ToH), 2017. [ DOI : 10.1109/TOH.2017.2689006 ]

  • 30P. Papadakis, P. Rives.

    Binding human spatial interactions with mapping for enhanced mobility in dynamic environments, in: Autonomous Robots, May 2017, vol. 41, no 5, pp. 1047-1059. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10514-016-9581-1 ]

  • 31A. Perez-Yus, E. Fernandez-Moral, G. Lopez-Nicolas, J. J. Guerrero, P. Rives.

    Extrinsic Calibration of Multiple RGB-D Cameras From Line Observations, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2018, vol. 3, no 1, pp. 273 - 280. [ DOI : 10.1109/LRA.2017.2739104 ]

  • 32Z. Ren, P. Charalambous, J. Bruneau, Q. Peng, J. Pettré.

    Group Modeling: A Unified Velocity-Based Approach, in: Computer Graphics Forum, December 2017, vol. 36, no 8, pp. 45-56. [ DOI : 10.1111/cgf.12993 ]

  • 33L. Royer, A. Krupa, G. DARDENNE, A. Le Bras, E. Marchand, M. Marchal.

    Real-time Target Tracking of Soft Tissues in 3D Ultrasound Images Based on Robust Visual Information and Mechanical Simulation, in: Medical Image Analysis, January 2017, vol. 35, pp. 582 - 598. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.media.2016.09.004 ]

  • 34P. Salaris, N. Abe, J.-P. Laumond.

    Robot Choreography: The Use of the Kinetography Laban System to Notate Robot Action and Motion, in: IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, September 2017, vol. 24, no 3, pp. 30 - 40. [ DOI : 10.1109/MRA.2016.2636361 ]

  • 35R. Spica, P. Robuffo Giordano, F. Chaumette.

    Coupling Active Depth Estimation and Visual Servoing via a Large Projection Operator, in: International Journal of Robotics Research, 2017, vol. 36, no 11, pp. 1177-1194.

  • 36C. Vassallo, A.-H. Olivier, P. Souères, A. Crétual, O. Stasse, J. Pettré.

    How do walkers avoid a mobile robot crossing their way?, in: Gait and Posture, January 2017, vol. 51, pp. 97-103, https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.07955. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.gaitpost.2016.09.022 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 37F. Abi-Farraj, T. Osa, N. Pedemonte, J. Peters, G. Neumann, P. Robuffo Giordano.

    A Learning-based Shared Control Architecture for Interactive Task Execution, in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'17, Singapore, Singapore, May 2017.

  • 38D. J. Agravante, F. Chaumette.

    Active vision for pose estimation applied to singularity avoidance in visual servoing, in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'17, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 2947-2952.

  • 39N. Battilani, R. Spica, P. Robuffo Giordano, C. Secchi.

    An Assisted Bilateral Control Strategy for 3D Pose Estimation of Visual Features, in: IROS 2017 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 2580-2586.

  • 40J. Bimbo, C. Pacchierotti, M. Aggravi, N. Tsagarakis, D. Prattichizzo.

    Teleoperation in cluttered environments using wearable haptic feedback, in: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'17, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 3401-3408.

  • 41N. Cazy, P.-B. Wieber, P. Robuffo Giordano, F. Chaumette.

    Visual Servoing Using Model Predictive Control to Assist Multiple Trajectory Tracking, in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'17, Singapore, Singapore, May 2017.

  • 42G. Cortes, E. Marchand, J. Ardouin, A. Lécuyer.

    An Optical Tracking System based on Hybrid Stereo/Single-View Registration and Controlled Cameras, in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'17, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 6185-6190.

  • 43G. Cortes, E. Marchand, J. Ardouin, A. Lécuyer.

    Increasing Optical Tracking Workspace of VR Applications using Controlled Cameras, in: IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 3DUI 2017, Los Angeles, United States, March 2017, pp. 22-25. [ DOI : 10.1109/3DUI.2017.7893313 ]

  • 44L. Devigne, M. Babel, F. Nouviale, V. K. Narayanan, F. Pasteau, P. Gallien.

    Design of an immersive simulator for assisted power wheelchair driving, in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR'17, London, United Kingdom, July 2017.

  • 45C. Ezeh, P. Trautman, L. Devigne, V. Bureau, M. Babel, T. Carlson.

    Probabilistic vs Linear Blending Approaches to Shared Control for Wheelchair Driving, in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Rehabilitation Robotics, ICORR'17, London, United Kingdom, July 2017.

  • 46E. Fernandez-Moral, R. Martins, D. Wolf, P. Rives.

    A new metric for evaluating semantic segmentation: leveraging global and contour accuracy, in: Workshop on Planning, Perception and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles, PPNIV17, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017.

  • 47J. L. Forshaw, G. S. Aglietti, T. Salmon, I. Retat, C. Burgess, T. Chabot, A. Pisseloup, A. Phipps, C. Bernal, A. Pollini, W. H. Steyn, F. Chaumette.

    The RemoveDebris ADR Mission: Preparing for an International Space Station Launch, in: 7th European Conference on Space Debris, Darmstadt, Germany, April 2017.

  • 48A. M. Ghalamzan, F. Abi-Farraj, P. Robuffo Giordano, R. Stolkin.

    Human-in-the-loop optimisation: mixed initiative grasping for optimally facilitating post-grasp manipulative actions, in: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'17, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 3386-3393.

  • 49I.-F. Kenmogne, V. Drevelle, E. Marchand.

    Image-based UAV localization using Interval Methods, in: IROS 2017 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 5285-5291.

  • 50I.-F. Kenmogne, V. Drevelle, E. Marchand.

    Vision based Pose domain characterization of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle using Interval Analysis, in: 10th Workshop on Interval Methods, Manchester, United Kingdom, June 2017.

  • 51E. Marchand, F. Chaumette.

    Visual Servoing through mirror reflection, in: ICRA'17 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, Singapore, May 2017.

  • 52E. Marchand, B. Fasquelle.

    Visual Servoing from lines using a planar catadioptric system, in: IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'17, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 2935-2940.

  • 53R. Martins, E. Fernandez-Moral, P. Rives.

    An Efficient Rotation and Translation Decoupled Initialization from Large Field of View Depth Images, in: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS'17, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 5750-5755.

  • 54L. Meerhoff, J. Pettré, R. Kulpa, S. Lynch, A. Crétual, A.-H. Olivier.

    Simultaneous and sequential affordances of collision avoidance between multiple pedestrians, in: ICPA 2017 - 19th biannual International Conference on Perception and Action, Séoul, South Korea, July 2017.

  • 55A.-H. Olivier, J. Bruneau, R. Kulpa, J. Pettré.

    Walking with virtual people: Evaluation of locomotion interfaces in dynamic environments, in: IEEE VR 2017 - IEEE Virtual Reality, Los Angeles, United States, IEEE, March 2017, vol. PP, no 99, pp. 1-13. [ DOI : 10.1109/TVCG.2017.2714665 ]

  • 56P. A. Patlan-Rosales, A. Krupa.

    A robotic control framework for 3-D quantitative ultrasound elastography, in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'17, Singapore, Singapore, May 2017.

  • 57P. A. Patlan-Rosales, A. Krupa.

    Strain estimation of moving tissue based on automatic motion compensation by ultrasound visual servoing, in: IROS 2017 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 2941-2946.

  • 58N. Pedemonte, F. Abi-Farraj, P. Robuffo Giordano.

    Visual-Based Shared Control for Remote Telemanipulation with Integral Haptic Feedback, in: IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, ICRA'17, Singapore, Singapore, May 2017.

  • 59B. Penin, R. Spica, P. Robuffo Giordano, F. Chaumette.

    Vision-Based Minimum-Time Trajectory Generation for a Quadrotor UAV, in: IROS 2017 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 6199-6206.

  • 60S. Raj Bista, P. Robuffo Giordano, F. Chaumette.

    Combining Line Segments and Points for Appearance- based Indoor Navigation by Image Based Visual Servoing, in: IROS 2017 - IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, September 2017, pp. 2960-2967.

  • 61P. Salaris, R. Spica, P. Robuffo Giordano, P. Rives.

    Online Optimal Active Sensing Control, in: International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Singapore, Singapore, May 2017.

  • 62F. Schiano, P. Robuffo Giordano.

    Bearing rigidity maintenance for formations of quadrotor UAVs, in: ICRA 2017 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Singapore, Singapore, May 2017, pp. 1467 - 1474. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICRA.2017.7989175 ]


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 63Q. Bateux, E. Marchand, J. Leitner, F. Chaumette, P. Corke.

    Visual Servoing from Deep Neural Networks, in: RSS 2017 - Robotics : Science and Systems, Workshop New Frontiers for Deep Learning in Robotics, Boston, United States, July 2017, pp. 1-6.

  • 64S. Briot, F. Chaumette, P. Martinet.

    Revisiting the determination of the singularity cases in the visual servoing of image points through the concept of hidden robot, in: ICRA 2017 - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Singapour, Singapore, ICRA 2017, May 2017, no 99. [ DOI : 10.1109/TRO.2016.2637912 ]

  • 65S. Briot, P. Martinet, F. Chaumette.

    Singularity Cases in the Visual Servoing of Three Image Lines, in: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), Singapour, Singapore, Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2017), May 2017.

  • 66S. Lynch, J. Pettré, J. Bruneau, R. Kulpa, A. Crétual, A.-H. Olivier.

    Effect of mutual gaze on collision avoidance behavior during human walking, in: AFRV, Rennes, France, October 2017.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 67A. Bera, D. Wolinski, J. Pettré, D. Manocha.

    Realtime Pedestrian Tracking and Prediction in Dense Crowds, in: Group and Crowd Behavior for Computer Vision, Elsevier, April 2017.


Scientific Popularization

Other Publications

  • 69G. Cortes, F. Argelaguet Sanz, E. Marchand, A. Lécuyer.

    Toward Application-Driven VR Systems: Analysis of Head and Hand 3D Motions in a Specific CAVE-based Application, March 2017, IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, 3DUI 2017, poster session, Poster.

  • 70S. Jiddi, P. Robert, E. Marchand.

    Illumination Estimation using Cast Shadows for Realistic Augmented Reality Applications, October 2017, IEEE Int. Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct), Poster.

  • 71S. Lynch, R. Kulpa, L. Meerhoff, J. Pettré, A. Crétual, A.-H. Olivier.

    Effect of local limb cues in the prediction of global motion during collision avoidance, October 2017, ACAPS, Poster.

  • 72P. A. Patlan-Rosales, A. Krupa.

    A general framework for automatic robotic palpation, September 2017, Workshop on Medical Imaging Robotics, IROS'17.

  • 73S. Tonneau, A. D. Prete, J. Pettré, N. Mansard.

    2PAC: Two Point Attractors for Center of Mass Trajectories in Multi Contact Scenarios, September 2017, working paper or preprint.
