Section: Highlights of the Year
Highlights of the Year
Veronica Munoz Ramirez supervised by F. Forbes, J. Arbel (mistis ) and M. Dojat (Grenoble Institute of neuroscience) was granted a PhD grant from the Idex NeuroCoG project. The PhD project is part of a work package, dedicated to Parkinson's Disease (PD), which aims at identifying multidimensional cognitive and neurophysiological biomarkers for early diagnosis, outcome prediction and novel neurorehabilitation methods for de novo PD patients.
In the context of another Idex project named Grenoble Data Institute, two 2-years multi-disciplinary projects were granted in November 2017 to Mistis in collaboration respectively with Team Necs from Inria and Gipsa-lab (DATASAFE project: understanding Data Accidents for TrAffic SAFEty) and with IPAG and Univ. Paris Sud Orsay (Regression techniques for Massive Mars hyperspectral image analysis from physical model inversion).