Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Neo members are involved in the
Inria-Nokia Bell Labs joint laboratory: the joint laboratory consists of six ADRs (Action de Recherche/Research Action) in its second phase (starting October 2012). Neo members participate in one ADR (see §8.1.1);
Inria-Alstom joint laboratory: the joint laboratory consists of four projects. Neo members participated in project P11.
ADR “Network Science” (June 2013 – March 2017)
Participants : Konstantin Avrachenkov [coordinator] , Giovanni Neglia.
Contractor: Nokia Bell Labs (
Collaborators: Philippe Jacquet (coordinator), Alonso Silva.
“Network Science” aims at understanding the structural properties and the dynamics of various kind of large scale, possibly dynamic, networks in telecommunication (e.g., the Internet, the web graph, peer-to-peer networks), social science (e.g., community of interest, advertisement, recommendation systems), bibliometrics (e.g., citations, co-authors), biology (e.g., spread of an epidemic, protein-protein interactions), and physics. The complex networks encountered in these areas share common properties such as power law degree distribution, small average distances, community structure, etc. Many general questions/applications (e.g., community detection, epidemic spreading, search, anomaly detection) are common in various disciplines and are being analyzed in this ADR “Network Science”. In particular, in the framework of this ADR we were interested in efficient network sampling.Related publication: [20]