Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • Laurent Bougrain is one of the three members of the committee, with Laurent Koessler and Stéphanie Caharel, that has successfully valued and amplified Neuroscience in Lorraine building a network of research in neuroscience at university of Lorraine. Neuroscience is currently being developed in different laboratories at the university of Lorraine in different institutes such as Inria, CNRS, INSERM, INRA and the university hospital of Nancy. The network will bring together more than 80 researchers in neuroscience to propose common researchers and to give national and international visibilities to neuroscience in Lorraine.

  • Neurosys is the leader of the Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) for stroke platform in the Inria Project Lab BCI LIFT (see section 8.2). We developed Grasp'it, an innovative Brain-Computer Interface designed to enhance the motor rehabilitation of stroke patients with Stéphanie Fleck from Perseus lab at university of Lorraine [7], [11], [14]. Our system records users' cerebral activity during the kinesthetic motor imageries (KMI) execution using an electroencephalographic system and gives patients some visual feedback according to the accuracy of the performed imagined task. The graspIT platform was ranked second in the IHM2017 conference demonstrations and first in terms of utility. Grasp'it tends to become a serious game, whose aim is to support the learning and the practice of the KMI tasks in playful and motivating conditions. A French national (ANR) project has been submitted with two other Inria teams (Hybrid and Camin), three rehabilitation centers and an industrial partner, OpenEdge.