Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

  • A Handbook of Brain-Computer Interfaces was co-edited by Potioc (F. Lotte), involving the international BCI community [41]


  • Best paper - Honorable mention award (top 5% over 2400 submissions), ACM CHI 2017, HOBIT, D. Furio, S. Fleck, B. Bousquet, J.-P. Guillet, L. Canioni, M. Hachet

  • Best paper - Honorable mention award (top 5% over 2400 submissions), ACM CHI 2017, Inner Garden, J. S. Roo, R. Gervais, J. Frey, M. Hachet

  • Honorable mention award, MUM'17, Bespoke map customization, A. Brock, B. Hecht, B. Signer, J. Schöning

  • Best technnote award, IEEE 3DUI 2017, Hybrid space, J. S. Roo, M. Hachet

  • Best Demo award for Teegi, IHM 17, T. Lainé, J. Frey, M. Hachet

  • PhD thesis award, International PhD award committee from Bordeaux University 2017, C. Jeunet

  • PhD thesis award, IFRATH/KAELIS 2017, C. Jeunet

  • PhD thesis award, SMC Grant Initiative 2017 for the “Best PhD Thesis in Human-Machine Systems”, C. Jeunet

  • 2 Publons top peer reviewer awards in 2017, for the top 1% most peer reviews in both Engineering in Neuroscience, F. Lotte

Best Papers Awards:
D. Furio, S. Fleck, B. Bousquet, J.-P. Guillet, L. Canioni, M. Hachet.

HOBIT: Hybrid Optical Bench for Innovative Teaching, in: CHI'17 - Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Denver, United States, May 2017. [ DOI : 10.1145/3025453.3025789 ]


J. Sol Roo, R. Gervais, J. Frey, M. Hachet.

Inner Garden: Connecting Inner States to a Mixed Reality Sandbox for Mindfulness, in: CHI '17 - International Conference of Human-Computer Interaction, Denver, United States, CHI '17, ACM, May 2017. [ DOI : 10.1145/3025453.3025743 ]


A. Brock, B. Hecht, B. Signer, J. Schöning.

Bespoke Map Customization Behavior and Its Implications for the Design of Multimedia Cartographic Tools, in: MUM 2017 - 16th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia, Stuttgart, Germany, November 2017, pp. 1-11, Honorable Mention Award.


J. S. ROO, M. Hachet.

Towards a Hybrid Space Combining Spatial Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, in: 3DUI - IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces, Los Angeles, United States, 3DUI 17, IEEE, March 2017.
