Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Research Program

Statistics and algorithms for computational microscopy

Fluorescence microscopy limitations are due to the optical aberrations, the resolution of the microscopy system, and the photon budget available for the biological specimen. Hence, new concepts have been defined to address challenging image restoration and molecule detection problems while preserving the integrity of samples. Accordingly, the main stream regarding denoising, deconvolution, registration and detection algorithms advocates appropriate signal processing framework to improve spatial resolution, while at the same time pushing the illumination to extreme low levels in order to limit photo-damages and phototoxicity [7], [6]. As a consequence, the question of adapting cutting-edge signal denoising and deconvolution, object detection, and image registration methods to 3D fluorescence microscopy imaging has retained the attention of several teams over the world.

In this area, the Serpico team has developed a strong expertise in key topics in computational imaging including image denoising and deconvolution, object detection and multimodal image registration. Several algorithms proposed by the team outperformed the state-of-the-art results, and some developments are compatible with “high-throughput microscopy” and the processing of several hundreds of cells. We especially promoted non local, non-parametric and patch-based methods to solve well-known inverse problems or more original reconstruction problems. A recent research direction consists in adapting the deep learning concept to solve challenging detection and reconstruction problems in microscopy. We have investigated convolution neural networks to detect small macromolecules in 3D noisy electron images with promising results. The next step consists in proposing smart paradigms and architectures to save memory and computations.

More generally, many inverse problems and image processing become intractable with modern 3D microscopy, because very large temporal series of volumes (200 to 1000 images per second for one 3D stack) are acquired for several hours. Novel strategies are needed for 3D image denoising, deconvolution and reconstruction since computation is extremely heavy. Accordingly, we will adapt the estimator aggregation approach developed for optical flow computation to meet the requirements of 3D image processing. We plan to investigate regularization-based aggregation energy over super-voxels to reduce complexity, combined to modern optimization algorithms. Finally, we will design parallelized algorithms that fast process 3D images, perform energy minimization in few seconds per image, and run on low-cost graphics processor boards (GPU).