Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
- Charles Kervrann is head of the organizing committee of the “Quantitative BioImaging” (qbi ’2019) conference (Rennes, January 2019).
- Patrick Bouthemy was co-organizer of the BioImage Computing (bic ) workshop in conjunction with iccv '2017 (Venice, Italy).
Scientific Events Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
- Charles Kervrann: senior PC (Program Committee) of “BioImage Informatics 2017” conference, member of the scientific committee of the “Imaging the Cell 2017” conference (Rennes), member of the scientific committee of rfiap '2018 (Marne-la-Vallée), Associated Editor for the isbi '2018 conference, member of the scientific committee of the jionc workshop (GdR Ondes, since 2014).
- Patrick Bouthemy: Associate Editor for the isbi '2017 conference, member of the program committee of the ipta '2017 conference.
Member of the Editorial Boards
- Charles Kervrann is Associate Editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Letters journal.
- Patrick Bouthemy is co-editor in chief of the open access journal Frontiers in ICT, specialty Computer Image Analysis.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
- Charles Kervrann: BMC Bioinformatics, Int. J. Computer Vision, SIAM J. on Imaging Sciences, Machine Vision and Applications.
Invited Talks
- Charles Kervrann: Invited talk at II SLAS “HCS – High Contents Screening” conference (Madrid, Spain), “Connecting The Dots – Intelligent Trackers” workshop (LAL-Orsay), and GdR ImaBio (with V. Briane, University of Montpellier; with E. Moebel, Inria Rennes); Invited seminars at IDIAP (Martigny, Switzerland).
- Patrick Bouthemy: Invited speaker at 5ème colloque de la Société Française des Microscopies (Bordeaux).
- Frédéric Lavancier: Invited talks at GdR ImaBio-FBI “BioImage Informatics” (Rennes).
Leadership within the Scientific Community
- Charles Kervrann is member of the IEEE BISP “Biomedical Image and Signal Processing” ( committee (expert committee for ISBI, ICASSP and ICIP conferences). He is member of the executive board of the GdR MIV/ImaBio (2588 - Microscopie Fonctionnelle du Vivant) CNRS. He is member of the scientific committee of the Interdisciplinary MiFoBio School CNRS (
- Patrick Bouthemy is member of the board of AFRIF (Association Française pour la Reconnaissance et l'Interprétation des Formes).
Scientific Expertise
- Charles Kervrann was expert for the international project evaluation in the framework of Luxembourg NRF (National Research Fund – RESCOM program). He was expert for the national project evaluation in the framework of DIM ELICIT Institut Pasteur - Région Ile-de-France in 2017. He was member of the selection committee for a Professor position at the University of Bordeaux (Section CNU 26, Mathematics) in 2017.
- Patrick Bouthemy was member of the evaluation committee of the ANR-DGA MALIN Challenge, member of the HCERES visiting committee of the DI-ENS (Département d'Informatique - Ecole Nationale supérieure Paris) (November 2017). He is member of the Research Committee of IMT Atlantique. He was member of the committee for professor promotion at IMT Atlantique in 2017.
Research Administration
- Charles Kervrann is member of the executive board of the project committee of the Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique centre since 2010. He is Co-head of the “BioImage Informatics” node (ANR France-BioImaging project, National Infrastructure en Biologie et Santé) since 2011.
- Patrick Bouthemy has been head of Excellence Lab (Labex) CominLabs ( since April 2014. He is deputy member of the board of directors and member of the selection and validation committee of the Images & Réseaux competitivity cluster ( He is deputy member of the board of directors of IRT (Technological Research Institute) bcom ( He is the Inria representative in the steering committee of the DGA-Inria collaboration.
- Frédéric Lavancier is an elected member of CNU section 26.