STARS - 2017
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

Maintaining the engagement of older adults with dementia while interacting with serious game

Participants : Minh Khue Phan Tran, Philippe Robert, François Brémond.

keywords: Older adults, Dementia, Engagement, Serious game,

The contribution of Phan-Tran's thesis [23] is to provide an approach that can help older adults with dementia while playing serious games. The approach proposes a set of interaction strategies to solve a difficult situation by suitable interactions. A strategy is a rule which defines a set of interactions to transfer from a situation to another one. A situation is defined and recognized by the perception on the users characteristics (position, posture, gesture, game performance). Once an interaction strategy is chosen, the approach helps the user throughout a 3D animated avatar 34. 11 strategies are defined as well as 21 situations and 13 interactions.

Figure 34. A serious game with avatar's assistance

Three experiments have been performed with the older participants with dementia. The results shown positive impacts on the participants engagement:

  • the participants can finish the game session;

  • their performance while playing with the avatar's helps is similar that the one while playing with a therapist.

The proposed approach can be improved because the types of situations defined and recognized during 3 experiments are not quite so much and the difficulty level of games used in the experiment is still low. The ongoing work aims to apply the proposed approach to a more difficult game and to explore new situations.