
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 3A. Arnold, M. Baleani, A. Ferrari, M. Marazza, V. Senni, A. Legay, J. Quilbeuf, C. Etzien.

    An Application of SMC to continuous validation of heterogeneous systems, in: EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems, February 2017, vol. 4, no 10, pp. 1-19. [ DOI : 10.4108/eai.1-2-2017.152154 ]

  • 4F. Biondi, S. Josse, A. Legay, T. Sirvent.

    Effectiveness of Synthesis in Concolic Deobfuscation, in: Computers and Security, September 2017, vol. 70, pp. 500-515. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cose.2017.07.006 ]

  • 5Y. Cheherazed, J.-L. Lanet, M. Mezghiche, K. Tamine.

    Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Sensitive Patterns to Fault Attack in the Java Card Application, in: Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2017, forthcoming.

  • 6X. Devroey, G. Perrouin, M. Cordy, H. Samih, A. Legay, P.-Y. Schobbens, P. Heymans.

    Statistical Prioritization for Software Product Line Testing: an Experience Report, in: Software and Systems Modeling, February 2017.

  • 7F. Dold, C. Grothoff.

    Byzantine set-union consensus using efficient set reconciliation, in: EURASIP Journal on Information Security, December 2017, vol. 2017, no 1, pp. 1-18. [ DOI : 10.1186/s13635-017-0066-3 ]

  • 8J. Duchêne, C. Le Guernic, E. Alata, V. Nicomette, M. Kaâniche.

    State of the art of network protocol reverse engineering tools, in: Journal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, 2017, 27 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/s11416-016-0289-8 ]

  • 9N. El Mrabet, A. Mrabet, R. Lashermes, J.-B. Rigaud, B. Bouallegue, S. Mesnager, M. Machhout.

    A scalable and systolic architectures of montgomery modular multiplication for public key cryptosystems based on dsps, in: Journal Hardware and Systems Security, 2017.

  • 10A. Heuser, S. Picek, S. Guilley, N. Mentens.

    Lightweight Ciphers and their Side-channel Resilience, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, August 2017, pp. 1-16. [ DOI : 10.1109/TC.2017.2757921 ]

  • 11J.-L. Lanet, H. Le Bouder, M. Benattou, A. Legay.

    When time meets test, in: International Journal of Information Security, 2017. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10207-017-0371-3 ]

  • 12J.-L. Lanet, A. Mesbah, M. Mezghiche.

    Reverse engineering a Java Card memory management algorithm, in: Computers & Security, May 2017, vol. 66, pp. 97 - 114. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.cose.2017.01.005 ]

  • 13R. Lounas, J.-L. Lanet, M. Mezghiche.

    A Formal Verification of Dynamic Updating in a Java-based embedded System, in: International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems, 2017, forthcoming.

  • 14B. Nicolas, C. Carlet, S. Guilley, A. Heuser, E. Prouff, O. Rioul.

    Stochastic Collision Attack, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, April 2017, vol. 12, no 9, pp. 2090 - 2104. [ DOI : 10.1109/TIFS.2017.2697401 ]

  • 15B. Nicolas, S. Guilley, A. Heuser, M. Damien, O. Rioul.

    Optimal side-channel attacks for multivariate leakages and multiple models, in: Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, August 2017, vol. 7, no 4, pp. 331–341. [ DOI : 10.1007/s13389-017-0170-9 ]

  • 16S. Picek, A. Heuser, S. Guilley.

    Template attack versus Bayes classifier, in: Journal of Cryptographic Engineering, September 2017, vol. 7, no 4, pp. 343–351. [ DOI : 10.1007/s13389-017-0172-7 ]

  • 17È. de Chèrisey, S. Guilley, A. Heuser, O. Rioul.

    On the optimality and practicability of mutual information analysis in some scenarios, in: Cryptography and Communications - Discrete Structures, Boolean Functions and Sequences , June 2017.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 18F. Biondi, M. Chadli, T. Given-Wilson, A. Legay.

    Information Leakage as a Scheduling Resource, in: International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems and Automated Verification of Critical Systems, Turin, Italy, September 2017.

  • 19F. Biondi, F. Déchelle, A. Legay.

    MASSE: Modular Automated Syntactic Signature Extraction, in: ISSRE 2017 - The 28th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering - IEEE, Toulouse, France, IEEE, October 2017, pp. 1-2.

  • 20F. Biondi, Y. Kawamoto, A. Legay, L.-M. Traonouez.

    HyLeak: Hybrid Analysis Tool for Information Leakage, in: ATVA 2017 - Fifteenth International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis, Pune, India, October 2017, 14 p.

  • 21A. Bkakria, M. Graa, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens, J.-L. Lanet.

    Real-time detection and reaction to Activity hijacking attacks in Android smartphones, in: PST 2017, Privacy, Security, and Trust - 15th International Conference, Calgary, Canada, August 2017.

  • 22Q. Cappart, C. Limbrée, P. Schaus, J. Quilbeuf, L.-M. Traonouez, A. Legay.

    Verification of Interlocking Systems Using Statistical Model Checking, in: 18th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE), Singapore, Singapore, 18th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE), January 2017, pp. 61 - 68. [ DOI : 10.1109/HASE.2017.10 ]

  • 23C. Carlet, A. Heuser, S. Picek.

    Trade-Offs for S-Boxes: Cryptographic Properties and Side-Channel Resilience, in: ACNS 2017 - International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Kanazawa, Japan, LNCS, Springer, July 2017, vol. 10355, pp. 393-414. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-61204-1_20 ]

  • 24M. Contini, G. Di Natale, A. Heuser, T. Poppelmann, N. Mentens.

    Do we need a holistic approach for the design of secure IoT systems?, in: Computing Frontiers Conference, Siena, Italy, May 2017.

  • 25X. Devroey, G. Perrouin, M. Papadakis, A. Legay, P.-Y. Schobbens, P. Heymans.

    Automata Language Equivalence vs. Simulations for Model-based Mutant Equivalence: An Empirical Evaluation, in: ICST 2017 - International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation, tokyo, Japan, March 2017.

  • 26T. Given-Wilson, N. JAFRI, J.-L. Lanet, A. Legay.

    An Automated Formal Process for Detecting Fault Injection Vulnerabilities in Binaries and Case Study on PRESENT, in: 2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS, Sydney, Australia, August 2017, pp. 293 - 300. [ DOI : 10.1109/Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS.2017.250 ]

  • 27T. Given-Wilson, A. Legay, S. Sedwards.

    Information Security, Privacy, and Trust in Social Robotic Assistants for Older Adults, in: HAS 2017 - International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy, and Trust, Vancouver, Canada, T. Tryfonas (editor), LNCS, Springer, July 2017, vol. 10292, pp. 90-109. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-58460-7_7 ]

  • 28P. Gjøl Jensen, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, D. B. Poulsen.

    Quantitative Evaluation of Attack Defense Trees using Stochastic Timed Automata, in: GraMSec 2017 - The Fourth International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security, Santa Barbara , United States, August 2017.

  • 29M. Graa, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, F. Cuppens, J.-L. Lanet, R. Moussaileb.

    Detection of Side Channel Attacks Based on Data Tainting in Android Systems, in: SEC 2017 - 32th IFIP International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, Rome, Italy, S. D. C. di Vimercati, F. Martinelli (editors), ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, Springer International Publishing, May 2017, vol. AICT-502, pp. 205-218, Part 4: Operating System and Firmware Security. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-58469-0_14 ]

  • 30S. Guilley, A. Heuser, O. Rioul.

    Codes for Side-Channel Attacks and Protections, in: C2SI 2017 - International Conference on Codes, Cryptology, and Information Security, Rabat, Morocco, LNCS, April 2017, vol. 10194, pp. 35-55. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-55589-8_3 ]

  • 31B. Kevin, R. Lashermes, J.-L. Lanet, H. Le Bouder, A. Legay.

    How TrustZone could be bypassed: Side-Channel Attacks on a modern System-on-Chip, in: Wistp'17, International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice, Heraklion, Greece, September 2017.

  • 32A. Kunnappilly, A. Legay, T. Margaria, C. Seceleanu, B. Steffen, L.-M. Traonouez.

    Analyzing Ambient Assisted Living Solutions: A Research Perspective, in: 12th International Conference on Desig &Technology of Integrated Systems In Nanoscale Era (DTIS), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 12th International Conference on Desig &Technology of Integrated Systems In Nanoscale Era (DTIS), April 2017, pp. 1 - 7. [ DOI : 10.1109/DTIS.2017.7930168 ]

  • 33J.-L. Lanet.

    Experimenting similarity-based hijacking attacks detection and response in Android Systems, in: ICISS, International Conference on Information Systems Security, Bombay, India, December 2017.

  • 34J.-L. Lanet, A. Palisse.

    When data reveals ransomware activity, in: 4th International Conference on Operational Planning, Technological Innovations and Mathematical Applications,, Athen, Greece, May 2017.

  • 35C. Le Guernic.

    Toward a Sound Analysis of Guarded LTI Loops with Inputs by Abstract Acceleration (extended version), in: Static Analysis Symposium, New York, United States, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, August 2017, vol. 10422.

  • 36G. Li, P. M. Jensen, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, D. B. Poulsen.

    Practical Controller Synthesis for MTL0,, in: International SPIN Symposium on Model Checking of Software, Santa barbara , United States, July 2017.

  • 37G. Perrouin, P. Heymans, A. Legay, X. Devroey, M. Cordy, P.-Y. Schobbens.

    On Featured Transition Systems, in: SOFSEM 2017 - 43rd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, Limerick , Ireland, January 2017.

  • 38S. Picek, A. Heuser, A. Jovic, A. Legay.

    Climbing Down the Hierarchy: Hierarchical Classification for Machine Learning Side-Channel Attacks, in: AFRICACRYPT 2017 - International Conference on Cryptology in Africa, Dakar, Senegal, LNCS, Springer, May 2017, vol. 10239, pp. 61-78. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-57339-7_4 ]


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 39S. Guilley, A. Heuser, M. Tang, O. Rioul.

    Stochastic Side-Channel Leakage Analysis via Orthonormal Decomposition, in: SecITC 2017, Bucharest, Romania, June 2017.

  • 40J.-L. Lanet.

    Formal Methods and the Dark Side of the Force, in: Journée Approches Formelles des Systèmes Embarqués Communicants, Paris, France, June 2017.

  • 41J.-L. Lanet, A. Mesbah.

    The Express Laundry - from black box to white box, in: Workshop InS3PECT: Ingénierie Système de Services Sécurisés Pour objEts ConnecTé, Nice, France, December 2017.

  • 42A. Legay, L.-M. Traonouez.

    Plasma Lab Statistical Model Checker: Architecture, Usage and Extension, in: SOFSEM 2017 - 43rd International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Limerick, Ireland, January 2017.

  • 43A. Mesbah, J.-L. Lanet, M. Mezghiche.

    Reverse Engineering a Code without the Code, in: 1st Reversing and Offensive-oriented Trends Symposium 2017, Vienna, Austria, Sergey Bratus (Dartmouth College), November 2017.

  • 44A. Mesbah, M. Mezghiche, J.-L. Lanet.

    Persistant Fault Injection Attack, From White-box to Black-box, in: The 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering - ICEE 2017, Boumedrès, Algeria, October 2017.

  • 45A. Palisse, A. Durand, H. Le Bouder, C. Le Guernic, J.-L. Lanet.

    Data Aware Defense (DaD): Towards a Generic and Practical Ransomware Countermeasure,, in: NordSec 2017, Tartu, Estonia, November 2017.

  • 46S. Picek, A. Heuser, A. Jovic, S. Ludwig, S. Guilley, D. Jakobović, N. Mentens.

    Side-channel analysis and machine learning: A practical perspective, in: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Anchorage, United States, May 2017.


Books or Proceedings Editing

  • 47M. Duranton, K. De Bosschere, C. Gamrat, J. Maebe, H. Munk, O. Zendra (editors)

    The HiPEAC Vision 2017, HiPEAC network of excellence, January 2017, 138 p.

  • 48F. Oquendo, K. Drira, A. Legay, T. Batista (editors)

    Proceedings of the 1st ACM SAC Conference Track on Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems (SiSoS 2017): 32nd ACM SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing, ACM, Marrakesh, Morocco, April 2017.


Scientific Popularization

Other Publications

  • 50N. Ben Said, T. Abdellatif, M. Bozga, S. Ben Salem, A. Legay.

    Orchestration for Secure Multi-party Communications in Web-Services ✩, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 51N. Ben Said, F. Biondi, V. Bontchev, O. Decourbe, T. Given-Wilson, A. Legay, J. Quilbeuf.

    Detection of Mirai by Syntactic and Semantic Analysis, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 52F. Biondi, M. A. Enescu, A. Heuser, A. Legay, K. S. Meel, J. Quilbeuf.

    Scalable Approximation of Quantitative Information Flow in Programs, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 53F. Biondi, T. Given-Wilson, A. Legay.

    Universal Optimality of Apollonian Cell Encoders, October 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 54F. Biondi, Y. Kawamoto, A. Legay, L.-M. Traonouez.

    Hybrid Statistical Estimation of Mutual Information and its Application to Information Flow, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 55M. Chadli, J. H. Kim, K. G. Larsen, A. Legay, S. Naujokat, B. Steffen, L.-M. Traonouez.

    High-level Frameworks for the Specification and Verification of Scheduling Problems, October 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 56T. Given-Wilson, A. Heuser, N. JAFRI, J.-L. Lanet, A. Legay.

    An Automated and Scalable Formal Process for Detecting Fault Injection Vulnerabilities in Binaries, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 57T. Given-Wilson, N. JAFRI, J.-L. Lanet, A. Legay.

    An Automated Formal Process for Detecting Fault Injection Vulnerabilities in Binaries and Case Study on PRESENT – Extended Version, April 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 58T. Given-Wilson, A. Legay, S. Sedwards, O. Zendra.

    Modelling of Machine-Aided Human Group Motion, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 59A. Heuser, S. Picek, A. Jovic, A. Legay.

    On the Relevance of Feature Selection for Profiled Side-channel Attacks, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 60A. Heuser, S. Picek, A. Legay, K. Knezevic.

    Profiled SCA with a New Twist: Semi-supervised Learning, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

  • 61L.-M. Traonouez, A. Legay, D. Nowotka, D. B. Poulsen.

    Statistical Model Checking of LLVM Code, November 2017, working paper or preprint.

References in notes
  • 62M. Chadli, J. H. Kim, A. Legay, L.-M. Traonouez, S. Naujokat, B. Steffen, K. G. Larsen.

    A Model-Based Framework for the Specification and Analysis of Hierarchical Scheduling Systems, in: FMICS-AVoCS, Pise, Italy, Critical Systems: Formal Methods and Automated Verification, Springer, September 2016, vol. 9933, pp. 133 - 141. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-45943-1_9 ]

  • 63Á. García-Recuero, J. Burdges, C. Grothoff.

    Privacy-Preserving Abuse Detection in Future Decentralised Online Social Networks, in: 11th International ESORICS Workshop in Data Privacy Management, DPM 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, G. Livraga, V. Torra, A. Aldini, F. Martinelli, N. Suri (editors), Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, Springer, September 2016, vol. 9963, pp. 78-93. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-47072-6_6 ]

  • 64A. Heuser, S. Picek, S. Guilley, N. Mentens.

    Side-channel Analysis of Lightweight Ciphers: Current Status and Future Directions, October 2016, Lightweight Cryptography Workshop 2016.

  • 65A. Heuser, S. Picek, S. Guilley, N. Mentens.

    Side-channel Analysis of Lightweight Ciphers: Does Lightweight Equal Easy?, in: RFIDSec 2016: 12th Workshop on RFID and IoT Security, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR China, November 2016.

  • 66A. Savary, M. Frappier, M. Leuschel, J. Lanet.

    Model-Based Robustness Testing in Event-B Using Mutation, in: Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 13th International Conference, SEFM 2015, York, UK, September 7-11, 2015. Proceedings, R. Calinescu, B. Rumpe (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2015, vol. 9276, pp. 132–147.

  • 67N. H. Walfield, J. L. Griffin, C. Grothoff.

    A Quantitative Analysis of Cell Tower Trace Data for Understanding Human Mobility and Mobile Networks, in: 6th International Workshop on Mobile Entity Localization, Tracking and Analysis (MELT), San Francisco, United States, October 2016. [ DOI : 10.1145/1235 ]
