Section: Dissemination
Internal or external Inria responsibilities
M. Olivi is responsible for Scientific Mediation and president of the Committee MASTIC (Commission d'Animation et de Médiation Scientifique) Her main contributions related with this mission were:
submit applications to get founding for 2019: “cordées de la réussite” (accepted) et “APOCS région”.
co-organize 10 robotic sessions for 2 classes of middle school students (device “MEDITES”, founded by ANRU, the “Agence Nationale de Rénovation Urbaine”),
co-organize the “stage MathC2+”, a four-day internship for 50 high school students (“secondes”, about 16 years old) organized by the Committee MASTIC and its partners (June 19-22),
co-organize Inria participation to the event “Le Village des Sciences et de l'Innovation” in Antibes (October 20-21, 10000 people), and the event “Mouans-Sartoux fête les sciences du quotidien”
co-organize about 10 “cafés scientifiques” (c@fé-in's and cafés Techno, 30 to 80 participants each)
M. Olivi animated a half-day workshop session “activités débranchées” at “l'ESPE de Nice” for primary school students (April 10).
National events: M. Olivi participated to the event “Le Village des Sciences et de l'Innovation” in Antibes (October 20-21, 8000 people) and to the event “Mouans-Sartoux fête les sciences du quotidien” (October 13, 1000 people).
In educational institutions: M. Olivi participated to the event “bilan Medium's” at the “collège Émile Roux, Le Cannet”.
Welcoming of schoolchildren or the general public in an Inria center: M. Olivi animated a workshop session during the “stage MathC2+”, a four-day internship for high-school students organized by the Committee MASTIC and its partners (June 19-22).
Internal action
M. Olivi presented the scientific objects produced during the year at the CaféIn of the Research Center,, February.
J. Leblond together with members of the SED gave a communication at the CaféIn of the Research Center,, October.
Creation of media or tools for science outreach
M. Olivi participated in the creation of the web pages