Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence : G. James, Introduction to Dynamical Systems in UE MAP201, 18 hETD, L1, Université Grenoble Alpes.

  • Licence : G. James, Normed Vector Spaces, 25 hETD, L2, Prépa INP, Grenoble.

  • Master : G. James, Numerical Methods, 94 hETD, M1, Grenoble INP - Ensimag (1st year).

  • Master : G. James, Dynamical Systems, 45 hETD, M1, Grenoble INP - Ensimag (2nd year).

  • Master : Vincent Acary, 17H éq TD Systèmes dynamiques, ENSIMAG 2A.

  • Master : Vincent Acary, 12H éq TD Systèmes dynamiques, Master ACSYON. Université de Limoges.


  • Rami Sayoub, Influence of vibrations on multibody systems, September 2018, V. Acary and B. Brogliato.

  • Charlélie Bertrand, Mechanical model fro cable vibrations, October 2018, V. Acary and C.H. Lamarque.

  • Christelle Kozaily. Structural analysis for multi-mode DAE systems, Octobre 2018, V. Acary and B. Caillaud.

  • Alexandre Vieira. Commande optimale de systèmes linéaires de complémentarité, université Grenoble Alpes, 24 septembre 2018, B. Brogliato and C. Prieur.


  • Vincent Acary, president of Ph.D. Thesis committee of Thomas Catterou (22 October 2018), Universite Aix–Marseille.

  • Bernard Brogliato, examinateur of Ph.D. thesis of C. Beneux (12 July 2018), Université Lorraine.