Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
Member of the Organizing Committees
Laure Gonnord animates the french compilation community since 2010 (
Scientific Events: Selection
Chair of Conference Program Committees
Laure Gonnord was PC chair and organizer of the 8th Numerical and Symbolic Abstract Domain (NSAD, satellites workshop of SAS 2019, FM2019, in Porto.)
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Laure Gonnord is a PC member of CAV 2019 Conference on Computer-Aided Verification. She will be PC member of SBLP'20 (Brazilian Symposium on Programming Languages).
Ludovic Henrio has been a PC member of FASE 2019, ACSD 2019, Coordination 2019, HLPP 2019, AGERE 2019, and iFM 2019
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Ludovic Henrio was reviewer for the HLPP'19 special issue in IJPP. He is also guest editor for the special issues associated to the ICE workshop of the last 4 years.
Invited Talks
Matthieu Moy presented a talk “La génération de code temps réel sur architecture many-coeur” at the annual colloquium of GDR SOC2.