Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Christophe Alias, Compiler optimizations for embedded applications, CM+TD, 27h, 4A, INSA Centre Val de Loire.
Laure Gonnord, Compilation and Program Analysis, CM, 10h, TP 8h, M1, ENS de Lyon.
Laure Gonnord, Compilation and program transformations, CM+TD+TP, 35h, M1, UCBL.
Laure Gonnord, Graphs, Complexity, Algorithmics, M1 MEEF (CAPES Maths, prepa), CM+TD+TP+oral training, 18h, UCBL.
Laure Gonnord, Algorithmics, Systems M1 MEEF (CAPES NSI, prepa), CM+TD, 15h, UCBL.
Laure Gonnord, Algorithmics, Architecture, Systems, DIU EIL, CM+TD+TP, 60h, UCBL.
Matthieu Moy, Software Engineering, CM+TD+TP, 25h, M1, UCBL.
Matthieu Moy, Compilation and Program Analysis, TP, 16h, M1, ENS de Lyon.
Matthieu Moy, Compilation and program transformations, TD+TP, 25h, M1, UCBL.
Ludovic Henrio, Compilation and Program Analysis, CM, 10h; TP, 6h, M1, ENS de Lyon.
Ludovic Henrio, Distributed Systems: an algorithmic approach, CM+TD, 3h, M2 Specialite IFI (Ingénierie et Fondements de l'Informatique), parcours CSSR, and UBINET, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis.
PhD in progress: Gabriel Busnot, “Accélération SystemC pour la co-simulation multi-physique et la simulation de modèles hétérogènes en complexité”, Univ. Lyon 1, started in october 2017, supervised by Matthieu Moy (LIP) and Tanguy Sassolas (CEA-LIST).
PhD: Tristan Delizy, “Dynamic Memory Management For Embedded Non-Volatile Memory”, INSA Lyon, started in October 2016, supervised by Guillaume Salagnac (CITI), Tanguy Risset (CITI), Kevin Marquet (CITI) and Matthieu Moy (LIP).
PhD in progress (from Sept. 2018): Paul Iannetta “Complex data structures scheduling for optimizing compilers”, supervised by Lionel Morel (CITI/CEA) and Laure Gonnord (LIP).
PhD in progress (from Sept. 2018): Julien Braine “Horn Clauses as an Efficient Intermediate Representation for Data Structure Verification”, supervised by David Monniaux (CNRS/Verimag) and Laure Gonnord (LIP).
PhD in progress: Pierre Leca, “Distributed BSP: Active Objects for BSPlib programs”, CIFRE Huawei/UNS, started in August 2017, supervised by Gaëtan Hains (Huawei), Wijnand Suijlen (Huawei), Françoise Baude (UNS./I3S), Ludovic Henrio (LIP).
PhD in progress: Amaury Maillé, “Programming model to assemble compute kernels safely and efficiently: Future- based synchronization for arrays and matrices”, ENS Lyon, supervised by Matthieu Moy and Ludovic Henrio. Started in October 2019, supervised by Gaëtan Hains (Huawei), Wijnand Suijlen (Huawei), Françoise Baude (UNS./I3S), Ludovic Henrio (LIP).
Laure Gonnord was external jury member for the PhD of Yohan Uguen, “High-level synthesis and arithmetic optimizations” (INSA de Lyon).
Ludovic Henrio was part of the reading commitee of Keyvan Azadbakht (Universiteit Leiden).
Christophe Alias was a reviewer and member of the PhD committee of Hang YU (Université Grenoble-Alpes).
Christophe Alias was correcteur and jury member for concours d'admission X/ENS.
Laure Gonnord was jury member for the Concours d'admission de l'Agrégation de Sciences Industrielles, spécialité Informatique Industrielle, in June 2019.
Matthieu Moy was reviewer for the Ph.D of Hamza Deroui, “Étude et implantation d'algorithmes pour l'ordonnancement d'applications dataflow” (INSA Rennes).