Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events: Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees

V. Deschaintre is the Web chair of EGSR 2020.

Scientific Events: Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees (PC)

Y. Gryaditskaya was a PC member of Computational Visual Media Conference (CVM) 2020. A. Bousseau was a PC member for SIGGRAPH '19, Eurographics'19 and SMI'19. G. Drettakis was a member of the PC of Pacific Graphics'19 and EGSR'19 and participated in the papers sort for SIGGRAPH'19 in January in Zurich.


Member of the Editorial Boards
  • George Drettakis is an Associate Editor of Computational Visual Media (CVM).

Reviewer - Reviewing Activities

Y. Gryaditskaya was a reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP), T. Stanko for Computer Aided Geometric Design journal, V. Deschaintre for SIGGRAPH Asia, Eurographics papers and STARs, R. Deeb for JOSA A, Optics express and CVIU and T. Thonat for Computer and Graphics.

Invited Talks

  • Y. Gryaditskaya and V. Deschaintre gave invited talks at Ecole Polytechnique in July 2019.

  • V. Deschaintre gave an invited talk at the Materials and Appearance Modelling workshop in Strasbourg in July.

  • J. Philip and G. Drettakis gave an invited talk on multi-view relighting using a geometry-aware network at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena in July 28th, 2019.

  • A. Bousseau gave a Thinkshell Architectural Geometry Lesson, Navier Laboratory (Paris, France), “Interpreting Drawings for 3D Design”.

  • G. Drettakis presented at the French Academy of Sciences days at Sophia-Antipolis (June 21st, 2019) on the topic "Computer Graphics and Machine Learning". Video on the Academy of Sciences site.

  • G. Drettakis presented IBR research at the following companies: Mikros Image in Paris in September and Airbus Systems in Sophia in October.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

G. Drettakis chairs the Eurographics (EG) working group on Rendering, and the steering committee of EG Symposium on Rendering.

Scientific Expertise

G. Drettakis was an evaluator for the French ANR, ERC consolidator grants and Swiss National Research foundation, and is a member of the jury of the Ph.D. thesis award of the IG-RV (https://prixigrv2018.sciencesconf.org/). A. Bousseau was an evaluator for the IdEX University of Strasbourg (postdoc and PhD fellowships) and a member of the Eurographics Ph.D. award committee.

Research Administration

Adrien Bousseau is a member of “comité du centre” and “comité du suivi doctoral”.

Interventions at Conferences

  • J. Delanoy presented her work at the 8th ACM/EG Expressive Symposium, 5-6 May 2019, Genoa, Italy, and at SMI 2019 (Geometry Summit), 17-21 June 2019, Vancouver, Canada.

  • F. Hähnlein presented a talk about "Data-driven sketch segmentation" project at JFIGRV2019 in Marseille, and also attended NeuroSTIC2019 and the UCA Deep Learning Summer School 2019.

  • J. Philip presented his paper "Multi-view relighting using a geometry network" at SIGGRAPH 2019 in Los Angeles in August.

  • V. Deschaintre presented his paper "Flexible SVBRDF Capture with a Multi-Image Deep Network" at EGSR 2019 in Strasbourg in July.

  • Y. Gryaditskaya presented her paper "OpenSketch: A Richly-Annotated Dataset of Product Design Sketches" at SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 in Brisbane in November.